We find nothing at the bottom of the argument for the holes in your premises and invalid inductionsFinish the infinite line on either side of the zero, cloud of the Heaven’s earthly, asymptomatic racisms
Hardy Har Har, for the almost adults, the adolescent boys & girls who will be extinct by two or twenty
Forts built in the middle of a fight’s turf, a territory of stripped, dirty sand above crude, off black oozy.
Who has the nuclear bombs, the nuclear warhead missiles, on ships or underground, ready to come up
From the bottom of humanity’s heart, it’s all ‘bout the species extinction, we can help divinity’s hiccup
How now is the brown cow when it’s a Jersey and not a Holstein, come on man, what’s a Jewish state
Camels and the sheepherders fighting for their sand, Earth’s burnt out solar, black & white trash fate.
Surrender or fight until your last gasp of wind from the maze of miracles, causes & effects of Sunny life
Gamete to mitotic divide of you & I, the twins, triplets, the quads, the quins, all out coitus interruptus
She had no idea it was a once & done, the world changed in a day, it’s on the straight and narrow dicks
Rolled for the snake eyes or the craps, whichever comes first to let me all in and you all out of the mix.
Breathing in and out of the sacs of miraculous secular, sexual feelings deep within the human genome
It’s nothing like a mortal sin to reproduce the species one by one, two by two or in a lab test tube bum
Yes we can conceive without the thing itself but the feeling of the thing conceived is not like the come
From the father, the son an the holy ghosts who rise and shine until they fall and run so quickly home.,
Played the game from the beginning with all of the rules I gleaned from the training of the nested ones
Papa and mama flew up high but got buried six feet down, rewarded infinite bodies without the bones
208 of them missing from head to toes but the consciousness of being able to see cool fictional events
No historical record is true, nobody now alive knows it, sceptics got blind faith, odds are heaven sent.
Jumpin’ jacks, playin’ ball & jacks, what’s up with jack, runnin’ the dozens for minions of the drunks
Hell to pay although there is no Hell, it’s a mythological punishment to keep your ego in a deep dive
Mainline from minus how much money you have in the bank, minus your outstanding debt to skunks
Farming, growing the flowers for the peasants and azure blooded, it’s a pleasure to serve & stay alive.
Blood blue when the sun don’t shine on its flow, on red, deep crimson slit the way to bleed it all out
Meant what I said, mean what I say I’ll say what I mean, that’s a promise, I won’t waver on any doubt
Certainty of the absolute is the only target I see, I am aimed in the center of it’s location, ready to fire
Hammer is cocked, trigger a micrometer from my index phalanges as ready as the Truth told by a liar.
Kind of the fourth one to come in third sliding into second after walking on four balls, tiny 13 strides
In the beginning it’s new and the inexperience of your mothers cause your life to come on free rides
Highest tides rollin in and out with lowest tides which are the liquid of the Earth’s fake rubber souls
All hot to trot, Hoity-Toity has gone Topsy-Turvy & now, Humpty Dumpty is cracked up in deep holes.
Boys round here write words & sing songs, call ‘em bards, females ala males, #Ai genetic mutations
Just random DNA recombinants turning out to be the antithesis of the prolegomena, all mortal sins
In a ruptured yet holy womb, an invader scoffs at legitimate obligation for impregnation, extinction
Just as each living thing must die, each species becomes extinct, one by one, two by two, march on!
Follow me on Twitter at your peril, my father, God rest his soul, my original maker with his ol’ lady
Roads he drove on, backroads and freeways paved with the people’s gold, taxes to block the sea
From spilling over the land’s coasts, eroding the continental shelf back into the bottom of the core
Middle of God, our Earth is our God, the sun is a Star of the Galaxy, just a lucky One off the shore.
Fire burns to keep us warm, stop us from freezing the nervous system & brain, halts a shutdown
Only a hop, a skip & a jump from here to over there where nobody but you can go, your own fate
Without you, there’s no hope of your fate being a fait au complet, complicit with the king’s crown
Chess on boards of 32 squares is just a game, a duel of trickery & hoarding rhetoric’s blinded faith.
Protect the freedom, the jewels of the crown, the thrown & the minions who are cousins of the gods
Never here down on the planet’s dirt with the creation, just commands & theorems for the guidance
Pie in the sky & a 3.14 measurement of that symbolic value, angle of the dangle, angelic fishing rods
Delusional or blind faith in the incredible, unnatural First Cause of our solar system’s planetary rants.
You still with me? Nice follow and there’s gonna be a payoff comin’ up, don’t expect the unexpected
Know this world you see & act as if it is Reality, per se, is indeed the End of Times, we’re already dead
Legally blind illegals are the friends of the Christian Jesus’ followers, paupers, bums who die in homes
Not their own home, a final rest home before the urn or casket, or worse yet, our freedom is Rome’s.
Lunch, dinner, supper or breakfast after 8-12 hours of pretending to be brain-dead, dreaming this here
Every moment created out of nothing at all, a series of sensational stimuli impinging on holy, fake fear
Babies come and grow the whole game of life for their ignorant descendants, now & then, it’s Eureka
Finding the mystery unprotected from evil lives, third eyes morph into an accordion squeeze box bra.
Here’s the payout, the payoff & the whole shebang that will set you free from your imaginary chains
It doesn’t make a prison, you’ve got one chain holding the will to power hostage, spank mortal pains
Here & now, you believe the unproven is unprovable, we have blind faith, that’s the Truth, same thing
Say it loud, respect is earned & easily lost, I respect Self, I’m the gods, I rock & I roll, the gods do sing.
Holy holidays celebrating the past memories, both good & evil, it’s all in the eyes of the beholders
No conclusions which haven’t already been deduced or induced, zero Truth and Knowledge folders
Mark the pencil necks with 208 bones as the minions who follow the leader to the cliff’s edge Ends
Falling off or jumping off, either way you can’t repay the loans or the betting losses, it’s no offense.
Pilots steering in the direction of the destination, north by northwest to east by southwest of It
Core of Earth, imaginary planet roaming in an elliptical orbit about the flaming ball of gas, it’s lit
Until the gas stops fizzing & begins fusing into a black hole’s singularity, what you say? It is done
Bet it sucks to be you but you don’t have any idea that you’re doomed soon, later, God’s drone.
Particular and general compare me to the rest of the perceivable reality I choose to acknowledge
If we don’t honor our eyesight, hearing, olfactory & taste functions, nobody will, in any case at all
Punks delivering your mail, your food, your laws, your requirement to be buried or burned to hell
So, get yo’ mojo together, set & go to the rhythm and rhyme if you can, yo-yo is on a razor’s edge.
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, Blowvember 3rd MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Hysterical @RicoSuave by @Gerardo in a loop link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/o8_f3kJOX_8 }
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, Blowvember 3rd MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Hysterical @RicoSuave by @Gerardo in a loop link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/o8_f3kJOX_8 }
(beatin’ knees!)