
Sunday, June 09, 2024

@StrappedPackin9mm @That's the Truth! #ShopAround #HoudiniMagic #Samples? Nooooooooooooooooooooo

W.O.R.D. TATOOED TEAR SHERIFF OFFICER UNPAID firestarter #harryhoudini
Overlaid my hat down right there by the door near the front porch, inside not outside
I was there but I wasn't there for long, just a moment out of the millennia frozen, far side
It came and went like it was never even there in the first place, world is a figment of stones
Crumbled from ejection of absentee father I call, Sun without a day spin of my kin's bones.

Baptism, Confession, Communion, Confirmation, Ordination & Extreme Unction extinction
Born into the mythology that the dead men wrote down on parchment & cyberspace origin
Just the invented imagination of the blown-up molecules full of atomic matter, energy I sing
You know it, I know it, you can't believe it & I'm thinking you'll be surprised at the Ending.

Apes eating whatever grows until it's all gone and they look at one another starved mugshot
Bottoms-up on your final sip of the wine of the past Time's broken records, no god means a lot
All you have is what you've got, lucky to be here for a momentary lapse of the Spring's season
Baseball pastime, broken records Boxing, Batting, Touchdowns & Homeruns for food, common.

Schooled all empty minds with a spongeful of sticks & stones to throw at the King and Queen
The Historical is hysterical if you put the reverence to rest, once and for all, think cave of Man
Empty and dark until the colors were perceived by a mutant from the RNA malfunction dream
Images moving as cinema flashes light through a thin film of chemical reactive cookies & cream.

Still hungry with The Jones of my addiction, bursting the balloon with sheer immortality spins
Around in coracles, wobbling to and fro, one way, one man, one oar, a hit and run bully's sins
Expect nothing & everything comes at you without regard for your attention, you shot the dope
Stoned and shattered by the gangster rat-a-tat boom-boom, regardless, the holy man is the pope.

Inherited nothing from it all, everything was here & will be here forever, except my superego set
Id, Super Ego & little ol' me doin' what can't be done by anyone else, just breathe in & out of it
No other way to belong to the group, it's the only way to be on the narrow path's crossroad debt
Left over the karma your ancestors are responsible for, it's not fair to pay by acting like an idiot.

Thirty or a thousand miles away from the Truth because it's always right there inside your head
Cow's teat milk & honey help to keep empty minds alive for a while, a timeline that's divine fed
By the unknown, that you know, feels like there's one more chance to succeed, to never bleed
Strong forever until the final blow of rotten teeth & bad breath even Listerine couldn't read.

Damn skippy I'm right, on the far left, center or far right, it's a straight line to die on the fly
Honor and respect for the ones who weren't lucky enough to be all too human, like Ma & Pa
Needed the two to tango in order to become the holy roller you are today, it's credit to be high
Soul and body aches gone with a gasp, walked on the lonely road, its was home, I'm The Guy!

Killin' me with pain 'cause I call your name when I know you ain't there, no answer comes
Grind the grounds until the brew is satisfactory and you've gotta go to Hell and get all gone
No freedom to choose this young minds, you gotta go if you came in peace and love, go home
Know & believe this, aliens are an all too humane future's past, simultaneous ape-snake bone.

There's a hot fire in the hole, it's time to beware of the dogs behind the gates of the nether-ice
Everywhere outside of the warm quilts and covers of your down-feather mattress are 2 dice
One is a die & two are dice, it's a straight line between 2 points, if it curves there's hope at all
Atoms fill the universe, named gas at random for no reason, once lost in Space, it's terminal.

Digest the appropriate fuel for the eternal trip, you won't masticate, fornicate or excrete it all
What was is no more, alone without anyone else anywhere sensible by high IQ or ESP, I fall
Down below the threshold of sensation, happiness a memory of a collision Hit, all accidental
Hence, there's no reason for Life of any form to exist on Earth, yet here we are, ain't that Hell?

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, June 9, MMXXIV Anno Domini @1111 AMPST
{ Crafted as the air blew threw my 208 bones while jammin' to @CurtisMayfield #BackToTheWorldAgain #VietNamEraFunk link @ https://youtu.be/g2udbdAmdkc?si=Jx5-tI_n7-acYqL6 }

Saturday, June 08, 2024

#TrippinFools #NoRegrets #TwoFingersTequilla #Pitbull #Luke #SenioritaMargarita? #WellBeGone #MightNotGetTomorrow


Nobody here doin’ as fine as the first & last ones to breathe the dead air of Adam’s Eve
Blood flowed inside until the sanguine love hit the cold and hot air of the pretty Steve
Father of mine, WOKE me up with the rest of the 5 kids sleepin’ in the bunk beds dinks
Full houses and the royal flushes gave us what we gave them, came home with links.

Trials & tribulations comin’ out of nowhere, my friends filled other cards with dances
Never forget you only get what you give, it’s all about the retribution and recompense
In harm’s way to make you stronger for the Real Trip you’re here & now to master cool
Under full control of the will to power, mine and not anyone’s outside of my mind, fool.

Pieces of the every atom flyin’ outbound before they collapse to kick your ass back in
Where it belongs, collapsed on the holy water H2O brew, tea and animal milking in sin
Mortals doin’ the deeds, all the Karma is the fallen monkeys, out the tree & cage bars
Never in control of the intention before the case that can or can’t be, love the K-cars.

Jetsons and Flintstones have a reason to live in the state of cartoon, imaginary gods
In the vacuum, clotheslined your mother and impregnated your stepfather’s hot rods
Dead daddy, forlorn mommy all got what they gave, nothing but the momentary lapse
Of Reason’s logic in the mansion of Holy Logic & Nonsense, mind your P’s & Q’s, I raps.

Amigos either three or lost in the spatial neglect between your ears, cranial cracker
To be or to eat the living that died for our sake, dead meat to fortify the toy GI soldier
Multiplied by the division of categories of Substance, forms, shapes, essence of One
At one, in harm’s way, existence as a sole Idea, nothing more at all, alive, I’ll die, Fun!

I have One caveat & that turns into a split-in-two, a dreamer’s disease of immortality
Printed in suspended animation on 8 ½ by 11 bond papier from the petrified tree wood
Books, ink, precise copy printing the best-seller before a word got dropped out the sea
Far out there away from the continental shore drifts, dried up, wet leaf’s dried up seed.

Dropped the dime on your friends and enemies before they knew what hit them, caput
Common numerator for the uncommon denominator, neither one nor none over a zero
Sliver of a piece of woodwork slid into an epidermal layer of brick-a-Barack stink foot
Shouting out loud, silent screaming for the shock wave to come, #Woke, #Died, shoot!

In the middle of the dream, we all got lost and forgot that it was a temporary trance sin
Sentenced to the punishment for disobedience of the creator of the Cosmic Soup kin
Count to ten and then once again, ready or not here I come, daddy & mommy yelled it
A conception in the pitch black darkness, born pain out of pleasure, recycled bull S#it.

I gave it all up for you, you gave it all up for me, we’re here & now because of the climax
What happened after the happening of the Girls here, a Supreme function of ball & Jax
You always win & I always lose only because I’m waiting for the trip to end the schtick
Jesuses came & left before they dug their grave holes in the ground, dig, I’ll get to flick.

Off the charts of the broadest way through the jungle, a twilight zone of chess board
Rollin’ stones for the pawns, knights and bishops within the rooks, queens whored
Bad of evil, good of the live DNA, cold or hot, what’s not there will never be anywhere
Cremated before your parents copulated? Blinded, cancelled, aborted my Light Hair!

Brewed, distilled, pasteurized in as stoned breeze between wet rocks in a boondock
Kissed goodbye, too weak to protest the promise, if you live you’re gonna die, that’s it
Nothing more nor less than everything the world offers, absolute Nothing, deep Space
Look & see, appearance shattered devil fragments of stone, a lost forever Matrix race.

Battle is over, smoke clears and the winning winner lies down prostrated on the ground
Star dirty, famous cookies hardened to keep a superflux of rock in the lost and found
Been there where you are, all’ll be here where I am, it’ll always be weakness, brothers
Alive knowing you’re gonna die like your kinfolk & beloved others from other mothers.

Cried. Laughed at the hoax. Wait with me, here & now for the then & there, Mrs. Jones
I’m hurt but I’m better than I was the last time, mainlined the junk, screwed i-phones
Soul makin’ a Dash, can’t go without leaving a mark, memory of bein’ strapped, as I die
Hangin’ tough, lying about the Truth, Reality is dreaming you came, orgasm, I am Fly!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, June VIIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST

{ Fixated the Hair of the Dog on a One Trick Pony, drafted while jammin’ to #Everlast https://youtu.be/AuZQRvD8RBM }
f i n i s

Friday, June 07, 2024

It was six six yesterday but I got your six today! @Jim_Rome persuasion! #XplatformRockin'


Heavy weight to carry on Earth, nearly weightless once gravity grooves the rest
Nothing remains the same when there’s chaos and order fighting rich & poors
Y’all will get over it in the old school with the mean teachers & aloof professors
All gave some & some gave it all if they could front me, I knew they did the best.

Boots and cowboy hats were for the ranch & the herding of the cows & horses
Been smack down in the middle of that & the barn dancin’ on Saturday nigh
We did what we could to stay normal, drunk-high as a kite, we ended the fights
Been around the blocks a few times, all around the world twice, Nam to Chi.

Bit up by varmints and bugs, they just needing the sweet meat of my holy feet
Been walkin’ and runnin’ wild for seven decades of mercy and words in the red
I’m in the black on the financial side of survival, couch potatoes mashed to eat
It’s a tight, solid pounding on the 16 penny nails head, framed my room & bed.

No heaven or hell in my eyes sight, insight or oversight built into the blueprint
DNA ordered RNA for the cellular nuclear fusion to eventually make you squint
Singing and moving to and fro, ridin’ in my sled for a spell out to the county line
Ready to go faster, AM radio blastin’ some Boss & ZZT, smokin’ watermelon rind.

Slowed down by the county mounty doin’ 90 in a 40, but only for a ¼ mile or so
Had the cherry tops poppin’ for mother & father to ban my driver’s license faux
Slim, slick & cool or large, Podunk or tiny, the facts of life have no full disclosure
We the people who pretend to follow a golden rule, regulation of the roar & purr.

Barking and meowing as above it happens without going down below a sleepwalk
Who is the real idiot behind the morons who get a smoking gun of cracker chalk
Hey man, you’ve nothing more than everything the planet left from the big bOng
If you don’t know that, you know nothing at all, person to person, sceptic’s song.

Prayed on knees at the age of reason, to be forgiven for some ancestors’ errors
Dead men & women can’t payback the debt, therefore the edge of night’s terrors
Haunt with spiritual, mentally in error, malfunctioning thinkers of logic & reason
To be or not to be alive is the main function, Live Free or Die in an idiotic season.

Common knowledge is uncommon wisdom, that you know you’re silence is gold
Speak at will, you’re free speech will be held against you whether you jest or not
You are always held to your original sin, the Word is made flesh by a drug cartel
From monkeys & nekid apes who’ve evolved to be all too human, almighty hell!

If the beatniks and the mighty hippies of the 50’s & 60’s didn’t clear the acid trip
Then it’s up to ones who’ve descended from them all, all seven continents adrift
Gods of the dead & gone left the Word, symbolic alphabet soup of a ship’s slip
High or low, above or below the hull, it’s this old man and staying off of the sea.

I played One, nick-nack on my drum, bad boy who brought the light to thunders
Copycats love the rules to break when it’s necessary to follow the hero blunders
Corpus dillecti will seep into the soul of you & magnetized mates of the nonsense
Think that this is thinking, you’d think so but probably means proof of existence.

Sixteen innings & the tie gets broken, the Away team beats Homer, son, oh son
Sift through the chaffe and find the diamond in the rough, it’s serious double-duh
Up for a dunk-jam, got wood on a slider, caught The Pass from Joe, etc., etc., etc.
Pardon your son, fallout father can’t pardon the son, ask God, he’ll let it be done.

Here’s the final precipice, ain’t nothing left behind butt-nekid, drugged ape-elves
Look at yourself in a full mirror reflection, no clothes on the bones, all yourselves
All you are, before you die, it stands up tall up to plus or minus six, shape-souled
Tom Thumb to the Green Giant, atoms to galaxies of treasured rocks that It rolled.

Pro is for and Con is not for, there’s no poll taken that’s accurate, just sayin’ this
Projection of the funk and wagging fingers, all up on the silver screen, smut pizza
Losers win nothing but the release from the pain & suffering, all got holy halos
Not far below the core of Earth, it’s a mental/psychological tool for the Randos.

Insurance has no function in this calculus, it’s not in the function, it’s robbery
Those careful who never file a claim pay for the careless yet justifiable usury
Common wisdom hidden, know occult mortals live as if there’s no tomorrow
You have become a national security risk, yet it is indeed, #TooBigToRig blow.

I can see neither the reason nor the rhyme, yet the irrational moves into mate
Check yourself, your next move could be your last, it appears you’re locked in
Your choices are limited to either one bad move or another causing of a resign
Busted up the whole thing, the cell self-contained the mode of a Braille sign.

Heavy water gone from the moon, the planets, everywhere but the wetland dirt
Earth, mother of animation of matter, Earth, Wind & hot flames of Fire T-shirts
Short or long-sleeved with logo & photo frontside, concert venue itemized rear
Swag heals the problem of maximum charge for LIVE concert seats, Rock clear.

Hey man, just cough up the cash, musicians and poets don’t work, so play ball
Get up to bat for a pinch hit, walk-off grand-slam homerun, gods are the goons
Keeping the human behavior in check, out of control due parental abuse tunes
From Woody Woodpecker to Bugs Bunny & A Road Runner, Gee Zuz loves y’all!

Pretend you don’t know what you’re doing if you’re caught breaking a holy rule
God and the all too human men and women, use logic & reason to devise a mule
One that keeps all the punks in check, creating One thing, too big to rig, the point
From One man to another woman or man, you’re an idiot of science, as I anoint!
r j j stephan, i

c.  Vendredi June VIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMMST

{ Blasted out the Void while listenin’ to the #PulseOfThePulsar @Armstrong_GettyRadio @kste650AM }
