
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

#NiagraFalls never falls... #YouFeelBetterNow? #Sicily too? #WhatAFoolBelieves #KeepItReal #WhenTheGunsmokeSettles #BeerForMyHorses


Before whatever will become reality once the holy missiles get laid in their respective holes
Hope swelling to avoid being ignored for a flash of the Singularity succubus, all up with trolls
Don’t freak out once you’ve become awake, you & I for what it’s worth, we’ll appear #woke
Confidence man that I am, a conman for short, I trust nobody who can justify twitter pokes.

Immortal only in the concept of spirit or soul, nothing lives forever in memory recollection
You and every other man & woman citizen of the United States join me as a non-Christian
Nothing personal and no axe to grind on the sharp slate yet the kick stand needs greassin’
Read every word on the screen while looking into the eye of the camera, look cool, my son.

From the first clearance of the veil which barely disguised an image, you got thunderstruck
Never again at the altar of the holy of holies, confession, communion, ordained God’s truck
Hurting as the loud sounds emanating from the Bose 901’s blast in & out of my mind’s eye
Millions of naked apes ‘ve become sterile, 150 sun revolutions, 2024-2174 A.D. apes’ extinct.

Parking a flying vehicle isn’t necessary, all vehicles fold like magic into a briefcase-size valise
Odds are never even when you’ve found out that notion before or after the favored status
Confiteor Deo the omnipotent one who directs the cause-and-effect traffic, you’re the Stith
In boots or just for the day barefootin’ in the cold, hard dirt of the commonwealth of filth.

Uncomfortable with the unthinkable, blind faith more than the band of useful idiots’ gang
Keeping the many higher than the mob needs to be, followers of the inciteful Marxist ring
A Robinhood type of life on Earth, content to be stealing from the wealthy to help nobody
Not one poor boy or girl, man or woman or hermaphrodite or castrated male left on a wing.

Uncertainty is a principle that I’ve gleaned from studying philosophers & philosophesses
Several in person at the colleges and universities which entertained my GI Bill presence
Tantamount to the pinnacle of upper progress, tip top underfoot, a long way down under
In arears for delinquent rent, this pot of gold comin’ will take care of a year in advance.

Not the writing of good jokes with hilarious punch lines, or a Pulitzer prize for Prose skits
In fact, an incognito bazooka Joe message at the bottom of the cartoon guffaw in bytes
Truth be told, lie to me and you’ll never know an undisputed One, only one becomes One
Untied knots & straightened out the kinks, cocksure, valid conclusion, I’m a seventh son.

Nevertheless, when it comes time to depart the terrain for the Unknown, it’s all a dream
It must be a live, living walking from point to point, misled by blind faith in fantasy cream
The whole pie is right there on the table, sliced in eight pieces for chosen eight knights/one
Of the Octagon Table, six sides of a deadwood plug, hysterical history of bar-brawl fights.

Winners who sometimes kill the losers in battles of the Wars also rewire the DNA eggs
Pregnancies of the unfortunate girls and their sisters and grandmothers with two legs
Hearing the Truth you’ve called the Lies before your eyes blinked wide-open, all-in awe
Barbequed the butchered flesh and bone, mixed the grains with a magic, witch-potion.

No panic in the calmness of the sea of tranquility, a reminder of a prenatal conception fit
Specifically, generally the substance of the whole shebang will vanish with the last word
Forms of subjects & predicates expressing arguments pro & con for a philosophy sword
Insiders fill the gamer’s board with distractions between the GO PASS, up, up, upward.

Here’s the time for the expression of an overview gleaned through myopic concentration
As you’ve fallen into slumber, before you reawaken the brain’s mind psychic malfunction
A program inserted for download & deletion, as above, so below, it is all One & the same
Supernova, crush of love in a black hole’s Singularity, burnt offering, played it’s a shame.

On any given day of the week or month or year, it’s always a matter of time in Space junk
We left it all to provide our signature of sloppy generation of living things evolution flunk
Nothing anything created can do other than follow the program, clock’s goin’ tick tock too
Older or younger, death will be the answer you’re gonna get when your corpse flips to goo.

Monument to your mama & papa who conceived you in the back seat, ’57 Chevy or ’68 Dodge
Salute to you and the Falls of Niagara, feel the water all over your bare skin day & night, man
Pink to ultraviolet blown atoms from photons to quarks, don’t ask for proof, google it for doge
Once you contain your enthusiasm, go back to sleep, dream upon cloud 9 as above, I’m a fan.

Heart and soul is all you have go back to once you awaken from the slumber, it beats blood
Success or failure of your ability to survive as the most fit in your family of humans’ so rude
Some girls know and others know nothing more than their fathers divulged, made of Mud
Beer drank, wine drank, TV watched every move I made, reverse hypnotism in my blood.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Mercredi, July XXIVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Gleaned from the cosmic slop while jammin’ to #AintNothinLikeTheRealThing @GladysKnight & @VinceGill link @ https://youtu.be/0Niou3l6Zcc }


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ahistoric Black Hole of the E, the F & the G-string, the Dog backwards @GladysKnight & @VinceGill

,,,,, x2 – y2 = 0 ,,,,,

In the funky heat of the night, I see the reason why there’s no free will here, now or ever
For the love of the gods of Aristotle and Plato, before Noah’s union junkies struck for 2X2
Who the hell trapped the wild cats, rhinos, hippos & giraffes, where in hell rang hell’s bells
Preachin’ to the choir for donations & tips, I’m not beggin, it’s a gift from the empty shells.

Keep this under your hat if you have one, if not you then who? IMHO, it’s your mama, man
You cannot deny that without your mama, you’re nothing, neither here nor there at any time
Completed mission by gasping one last time before rigor mortis sets, high angel that’s singing
Sunsets only in an empty mind of a perceiver, Earth is wobbling, spinning while star-revolving.

Strong to lift the weight & complete an infinite pace of progress to the final expiration of me
Totally full bone & muscle, minimum of fat for the fist fight with the jealousy, old man & a sea
Deeper than you know if it’s ever been deep at all to your shallow comprehension of the joker
Future creature feature is merely celluloid projections on a blank inner-face, unhooked looker.

Can you do what you’re good at, lie with all of your might when someone asks you to confess
That you robbed the mighty Spades & Whiteys who met you at the crossroads of their finales
It was a matter of survival of the most fit to fight for the inner spunk, gifted from parents’ yin
Yang in balance, control with a being known to the deaf, dumb & blind without wisdom’s sin.

Be here, there, way back when in meta-speculation of the nature of rowing a boat in a dream
Wake up but don’t be woke up from being in a daze since the birth out of mother’s loin seam
Era in the Future will recollect this Present as the Past, they won’t give a hoot for you or me
Nothing personal, it’s like a supernova before the thing itself participates in predication’s fee.

Play and listen to the music, Doobie Brothers or any Vanilla Fudge from any LP, in the grooves
Nothing like the actual studio sound on your Bose speaker 901’s, it’s the scratches & skips too
Sometimes a warped & never-flattering needle jumping/skipping grooves back & forth moves
Which thing itself you’ve accepted as your personal inner self, draw the .45’s All Night proofs.

Support the jock straps that hold the family’s jewels up and out of the kicking, hurting way
You’re skating on thin ice in the lukewarm Springtime, ice cold in Iceland so have a nice day
Goin’ north to south pole & around the equator from the stratosphere to the core’s deep 0
Ask questions as a high grade intellectually unchallenged individual would, hit ‘em high & lo.

Harmony you’ve been blessed with, the fastest woman to run away from the out of shapes
Says that it’s no big thing, DNA of my & your parents are the matter of invitro fertilization
At first, there was only One, then another to show asexual before the sexual reproduction
How the things that are different shapes & forms, some consumed others subsumed apes.

Pork rinds swallowed without the liquid get you choked to death, can’t clog the lung’s skin
Preaching to the choir who already has been dead before, a time or two, maybe more for kin
Myopia is the reason but not the excuse, an inherited involuntary response to a knees’ jerk
Complete isolation of Oneness inside of the egg in a womb, violated by a spermatozoon quirk.

Inside information on the bottom line, zero between the negative & the positive, left to right
Bears, lions & wolves all scout for prey to feed the family of thieves, leftovers of a knife fight
Pride, cubs, pups, adolescents eat it if it doesn’t smell bad, if it tastes good, it’s good as gone
Whatever is dead becomes food, sustains or extinguishes every cell in every body’s At one.

Losing the excess weight by the incineration of fat milk of magnesium & horseradish mustard
Gas named after the light coming out of the closest star to Earth’s wind and magic hot water
Excited atoms in the ecosphere, took my breath away from me, forced me to give up a ghost
Animated my feet for the sake of my parents, Puget Sound sacrifice of a northwestern coast.

Flowers grow out of the buried seeds in the stardirt ash of Earth, leftover big bang angel dust
Distress signal performance of S.O.S. from the bridge of the destroyer, Space’s Timing nothing
Answer to the equation’s factoring is built within the rules discovered through trial and erring
Finale, curtain drops with a mic drop to the floor, about face & walk right into a gold earring.

Hiccups ended the silence, too much carbon dioxide invading the hemoglobin, rejected notion
Commands of your living spirit/soul can be observed in the use of rationality and pure reason
We’re all ridin’ dirty on the mount we’ve consigned for the duration of an infinite revolution
If you don’t reincarnate, karma is even with the alpha & omega, for what it’s worth, I’m all in.

Game is never over until the gasping of your shocked monkeys give up the holy ghosts
In the in-crowd but the #Crowdfire is down & out for the count, it gives God the most
Drunk the brew and swill to wash the dead plants and animals, fruits of the rando loons
About face & forward march until I bellow, “Halt One, Two.” then At Ease, all too soon?

If the conditions of the premises to the argument for the exposure of the Truth are false
Then and only then, if I might add, always it’s an illogical, irrational deduction or induction
Respect for the law of the conservancy of Matter and the facts of Life your mother sucks in
Knowledge rather than ignorance, 16 feet down under the high dive, skull & bone broken.

rjj Stephan, I
c.  Lundi, 7-23-2024 Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Crafted while jammin’ to #TheOaklandstroke @TowerOfPower on youtube link @ https://youtu.be/aNd3QE6CIL4?si=X73tXdUxZ9qS_LXE }

Monday, July 22, 2024

Si, ce bon senora, seniorina . . . @JoeAlfano my cousin from another cousin... #HeyNow @CarlosSantana & amigos et amigas! OLE! #TheShadowKnows


You know what you never knew before this moment, a result of arrested attention
Mushroom fungus around your dogs’ legs, swallowing is impossible ala microwave
Too hot to chew or put upon the gums inside your cheeks, it’s a spam flavor of tin
Just like the cavity fillings impacted after the power of the drill deletes the movin’.

Your fault, it’s all your responsibility to not only act but to follow up until the Ends
When you can’t animate your bones any longer, stretched out in death bed bends
Mirage you can’t see, fathom the phantom more than the magic spell’s word salad
Punks drink too much and regurgitate the dead cells of the motherlode, chit’s bad.

Josie knew and she never let on, it’s all about the giraffes and microscopic dopes
Evolved or specially created from Nothing at all, remember the power of popes
Reality or the dreams between It, all One & the same thing, itself a shaped form
Matter matters from byte to byte, subatomic or pregalactic, it’s Nothing after all.

Higher than azure-blue sky before it turns absolutes to black, background matrix
Batteries all dead, no recharge on or off the road to perdition, killin’ all the dicks
Mountain of evidence that you’re finding everywhere you ponder, inner Rambo
Ready to protect the fools who get fooled by their own parents’ blinded credo.

Moms and the pops who generate the enthusiasm for the scuffle, my 3rd stones
Yours as well, whether you see the Truth or not, you’re deceived by the Lights
Sun’s burning the atoms constantly until the End, a singularity in swirling tones
Apes don’t cut them loose; they will annihilate the spiritual spit in a knife fight.

You still got the muscle, and I got the reigns holding terror at bay, what’d I say
Bloody spirit, I got news for you & yours, amnesia is the way to recollect it all
Forget about everything but your hunger and need for rested sleep, dream on
You tried, you failed, the dream’s made of tin foil, it’s gonna be crumbling, son.

Mighty spades & long knives full of the scat they consumed via teat of a mama
As natives got restless, there were mutual blows, extinction came, saved the day
Mud and water conglomerate, spark the fire in your & my loins, above and below
Sun isn’t setting, the Earth is flippin’ spinnin’ upon an axis’ revolution, God in tow.

Responsible for the competition of the fit and unfit, drank with drunks, shot drink
Jigger full to the line, there’s no way to measure the fact that One day is your stink
As you become fouler than a baseball, language emerged from your cotton mouth
Tequila from lips to exit hole extraction, it’s all about the worm, up north to south.

Back in 1967, I got the age of 16 wrong, thought it was almost over & I’m 72 too
Full of the stitches from the gashes & slashes I got being the sole survivor of Blues
Talking jive, singing a song of reverential attraction for opposites of genders who
Gain weight until the cadaver disappears into the twilight zone’s blue suede shoes.

Minor miracle, major disaster averted thanks to an accident, unanimously a One
Being the thing itself isn’t as easy as being the form that it appears to be, hard Zen
Hopping around the charisma gleaned from the shadow I swallowed in one gulp
Tragedy and the comedy of the joke, I’m laughin’ & you’re cryin’ for all hired help.

Caring that you can’t comprehend the essence of Nature and things created by It
Action and the gods that do their things, Mercury to Pluto like an atomic picket
Can’t see further than subatomic or pregalactic principles, I guessed all the rest
Burnt into ash, full of formaldehyde to replace the life blood, preserving at One.

Monkeys around the trees and the skyscrapers awaiting the judgement daze sin
Traced the forms, dot by dot in numerical order, one to a million wars, I’m all in
Laughin’ out of control, out of breath & Time, flipped the triangle of the dangle
Pockets full, flippin’ the cake, cookin’ sins ingredients into a hot soufflés’ Hell.

Park your wheels at the curb, smack yourself in your own face, your welcome
What you always wanted and needed was just that, a Way to be a Woke one
Stud ruler kills, consumes more than 12 inches of jolly Roger, I’m out, it’s done
All conceived in perfection’s grace, put a smile on my face, fool’s gold, my son.

Hello, high or low five, either way you will rise to the top like a creamy outcrop
Uphill and the easy downhill to your bottom’s up, slippery slopes will never stop
Because it’s just the way it is & always has been, that’s the reason it smokes a bit
Running a bit hot, ready to burn up into invisible ash that vanishes in smokin’ chit.

Borders are closed, send the immigrants back overseas to all home sweet homes
Charge the destination countries for the trip, subtract it from their US foreign aid
Copy of the xerox is the exact replica, as if it reflects the thing itself on the flip side
All of our faces whether two or One, we all must face the honest Truth genomes.

Deduce the ending, there’s rigor mortis and a resurrection of the invisible animate
As it’s posted, scratched on a cave’s dark wall with pointed rocks that rolled in fate
Disagreement will doom a fool’s errand, nothing personal so you don’t feel guilty
First Cause of this whole shebang is obligated to collapse in an infinite singularity.

What type of gold or silver medallion do you need to qualify for speaking up
Nothing needed for that, this is a free country which forces free speech in vitro
Of course, you can’t yell FIRE in a crowded auditorium, smoke & mirrors’ water
From the haters with love, they have faith in the hope you’re a mere mortal, sir.

Finding good in the ugly and bad is difficult yet not impossible, I am all of it y’all
Not my choice to be living in a free country restricted to say or write about Truth
That the majority rules the minority, and the minority is a slice of the 1% of balls
Their fathers & mothers didn’t have a pair, therefore they’ve inherited only hair.

Check my attitude and the nature of the beast I’m runnin’ within, so near empty
Say my name once or a thousand times, it doesn’t matter to the deaf ears, I see
Ignorance of the Light in the Darkness is an excuse for the annihilation of species
Not just a woman, man, boy or a girl, this is a clean sweep of beings over seventy.

Elder abuse of the younger, virile among the pantheon of those strong survivors
To keep the power, control the figure head leader, loose cannons sink ship tours
Knowledge is power, ignorance’s lack, no wisdom or logic to solve conundrums
But there’s light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just a dot-like singularity, Time Out!
r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, 7-22-2024 Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Wiped my sleep out of my eyes & drafted this at 4 in the morning until 7, while listening to @Armstrong_GettyShow on @kste650 AM, & listenin’ to #TheBoysOfSummer by @Don_Henley link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RUIeX6UCT8 }