
Saturday, July 27, 2024

#MountTheHIVEinTwentyFIVE #HoldOnLoosley #ImComin'

In the prequel to the fictional documentary, the thing itself becomes out of form
Shaped in the outlined skin and bones inherited by the April fools who wanna harm
You and I are privy to the truth about the harm done to no one, hard to hold loosely
What and where begins the journey of the soul from invisible presence of salt in the sea.

You and I have always known since we were teenagers, now 73 give or take a few, so?
Out of time almost before I knew I wasn’t immortally here & now, reach out, I did not
Smoked guns and other pyrotechnics that got me out of touch with the Space’s Time
Blood gave me the heated warmth to take over my mother’s hot bones of slick rhyme.

Now and then, you’ve got to stick it directly in the eye, just like the Curly third stooge
Dreams come true just like inside the rear panel of the old Sylvania or RCA photon deluge
We weren’t blind, deaf or dumb yet the commercialism predicted a dream would come true
Thoughts cropped up based on the ideas coming in & outta nowhere, yet somewhere far, too.

Mind of the third eye over the Matter of the all too human lover of theoretical edibility funk
For real, no other choice but to get chewed up by a man-eater, respective of the kiss of a punk
I am what I am, father & mother knew it wasn’t anyone’s fault, random DNA 1st cause built
Utter termination of the analysis regarding the First Cause of Life & unacceptable fatal guilt.

One long, long time ago back in 1964-1965, it made me feel better standing a bully down
Took him outside of the playground fence and kicked his ass in the grass, I was an altar boy
Literally and figuratively, I was a boy scout achieving my guiding light in the darkness’ ploy
Full of grace and the credit card deficits, simple mind looks at appearances as One shown.

Freaking Outerspace reality above the ground, never six feet under or burnt, crushed rock
Sweet sounds of the voices exuding the cheer of the soapy water in the lake’s land locker
You’ve got the combination’s sequence, zero at the beginning triple spin past the hot zero
Simple man, complicated woman and permutations between you & your frenzy of blow.

High and low lights between the days and nights produced by a spinning ball of lead gold
War was on Rawhide & Stagecoach cowboys and cowgirls who meant no harm, got so old
Pounded the pavement & disintegrated underground rocks and stardirt below to the fears
Silly as Hades mothers who screw their own, comrades and amigos of the beware dangers.

Grotesquely unsettling features of the beautiful and ugly who cover up for the very good RIP
Burnt, buried, taxidermized like the philosopher squarely input into a square hypothesis of Id
Ego and the superman who can’t fly or bend steel, can’t repel the projects fired out their arms
Serious firearms locked in a safe distance, no bullets or unpowdery trajectory 10 millimeters.

Now you move from space to space without your own place, it’s everywhere you set foot now
Completely surrounded by an infinite state of obliterated cosmic slop, the Steins & the Changs
I knew this would happen after Enlightenment I gleaned from the hornet nest’s stinger welts
Melted the hardened black ice & white noise that failed to extinguish my squashed DNA belts.

Awful or beautifully elegant, either way the scat goes down whenever it comes up in a revolt
Shunned by the followers & leaders to make up for their shortcoming evolutionary dead-end
Bodies on the floor splattered off of the holy wall in the middle of Paradise gifted by Alien god
Hit man can feel the emotion before the ending, finale will put the guess in B Negative blood.

Hurry & scurry like the cornered rats who’ve got nowhere to be born to run around hot circles
All squares who couldn’t manufacture all right angles, settled for 90-degree triangles, 3 points
Infinity without the humane or inhumane monikers, blaming the creator for free wills’ quirks
Roots invisible but sucking all power away from the gravitational collapse of cherry Jello jerks.

Fine lookin’ resembling the Frankenstein’s monsters and Dracula’s blood suckin’ minions’ ilk
Cash money in a deep pocket, gold, silver & platinum rock, trade for shelter & chocolate milk
Much too human for the divine to call a wash, it’s getting’ even with steven that’s all it ever is
Sights unseen, thoughts in word sounds, subjects, objects, verbs & modifications of atom fizz.

Murky and clear as pure glass windows in a skyscraper’s floors above the clouds, azure blues
Unrevolving, stopped wobbling, the day stays hot until hot water dries up & dissolves in hues
Beer money & champagne tastes got me to apex at the top of the holy pile of scat left by gods
I’m already gone, nothingness’ imagined, jawbone of leftover teeth, tiny bit of me, hotrods!

The heart and brain inside of the skin hold up the bones & animate holy scat to recycle grace
Moving pictures all in your mind, y’all asleep & dreaming the twilight zone hit the human race
Fall guys look like fellas that were neglected by their handlers, let them be insipid fakes & liars
Trust me not, faith in nothing at all, whichever way you choose, go right to left, nobody cares.

Found the exchange for your blood, sweat & tears, got paid a living wage to walk, dream deal
It’s the Art of The Deal, only one way to succeed and avoid failure, it’s dead on real, I do feel
Imagine birth & death just like this passing parade, you know, I know, we all know, it’s all God
If it ain’t all God, then it’s a UFO group from another solar system, blowin’ our DNA’s life Pod.

All in or out of the thing itself, it’s conception & the deception until the dissolution physics
Dead and gone, your ancestors left you with the same thing they had before they lost chicks
Girlfriends, lady friends, mates of the checks and balances, the spirit of the survival, dead air
Cause is because it’s a useless, useful idiot explaining subjective verbiage & holy, nappy hair.

Breaks of the linear functions complete the mission of extinction of the species, DNA deleted
Like the RNA is reprogrammed to survive, the extinct was always the alpha’s & omega’s dead
Sisters, mothers, wives, lady friends, that is all there is for the Ends, without ‘em take a bow
The stage is to the right, exit and blow the production, there’s no bravo for the third eye flow.

Days’ nights, repeat ad infinitum or not, could be the last gasp of your diaphragm’s paradigm
Wishing a third time after the first two failed to command the elements to out Space & Time
Her feelings and his comprehension of them in the real world, that is a monster on the loose
Dracula or Frankenstein, creature from the Black Lagoon, I’m all in, fiction on a ocean cruise.

Money is the dropped digits on a screen, no green, no gold, no scat leftover for the bankers
Inherited what’s leftover, here & now is always there & then, forever and one more day too
Common cats came from the bodies of other cats, reproducing nobody’s food for the butcher
Only the four-legged forms, the two-legged birds and crawling, swimming life to ingest FEAR.

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, 7-XXVII-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Created while listenin’ to @CatStevens #AnotherSaturdayNight on #ALoop at youTube link at
https://youtu.be/_3SLr5pT2e8?si=HNRp3XX61rQPI4-e }


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Silly Sons of Beaches Dried Up H2O #FiveEasyPieces #HoldItBetweenYourKnees

Diving from sixteen feet above the surface into a jackknife or a one & a half tuck cannonball
Killer instinct floating in deep space without an anchor, without a compass to direct it all
High or low, out or inside job to keep you on your toes, ready for the finale of a corpse doom
Buries the stink so far away that there’s no memory of the stank of a carcass, just perfume.

Bones separated from one another when there’s no reason left to keep it all together, I’m in
All or nothing in the killer pot, either you win it all or lose it all, there’s no other option of sin
Mortally or originally a disobedient violator of the commands from a Father, Son & a ghost
Only you know and I know the meaning of the Truth, hidden from the many ones, the most.

Burnt in the fire until the forms turned into ash-like stardirt, no way to decipher Truth’s milk
You want to but you can’t succeed at the only thing anybody can do, spinnin’ on spider silk
Hurt in the hot flame, burnt in the first degree and the circulation diminished into a vacuum
Where nothing can live and nothing can die, nothing doing anywhere at any time, like scum.

For the first time in the re-recorded history of homo sapiens who inhabit Death Valley’s ash
You & I know the arid desert that is in between antibodies of water left over from the Ice Age
Happiness is one lucky result for a fraction of those born to run or crawl upon the big stage
Traumatic repetition of the causes which precede effects of a spoon runnin’ away ala dish.

Word that begins with an “F” like in #Fake news, just a middle of the road POTUS apparatus
An apparatchik is above and below the politics of freedom of speech, truth or lies about us
You and I stay out of the loving avalanche cascading from the shores of Gitchegoomy Lake
What you know when you begin the fire is that you will never burn it all down for God’s sake.

It’s not for me to say that the magic spell can only work with the power of the holy will
What you use to imagine the thoughtful idea coming to fruition, like magic whiskey swill
Down the hatch and the spirits move from belly to brain as quickly as an empty belly can
Throw up the throw backs while throwing spit balls between knuckle balls, hardball fan.

It changes in a New York minute how ever long that might be, more or less than an hour
Period piece between the legs of my daughters who cannot resist the temptation of Eve
They all beget the grandkids who always have a room in my mansion, their DNA qualify
By far this is the most important thing to ever know, when you die, no soul’s gonna fly.

Settle for faked Truth and not the blind faith fairy tale your mother & father regurgitated
Applied the astrophysics and common-sense degree in philosophy to the grateful dead
Head to bottom of the feet tarsals a menudo results to be masticated between the jaws
Make no bones about the finale to the play, it’s first, second & third acts on feline raws.

Monks hide from their kinfolk & following cohorts, brothers & sisters from other mothers
Between the starting gate and the photo-finish line in the track’s turf, what it is brothers
A longshot bet with the odds against the 30-1 so I bet a C-note on the #RedRooster Philly
I rolled the bones, Rolling Stones, as above, so below, it’s sweeter than cheesesteak T.

Pork rinds ain’t like a pig in a poke, they’ll do in the pinch because they’re epic munchies
Without cerveza from Corona it’s impossible to appreciate the substance abuse of these
Monkeys with the careers and retirements before rigor mortis sets in, Time spins the dead
Caught and stuck awaiting to fight the bite, spider comes, I’m already gone, ya bonehead.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, July XXVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 PMPST
{ Kicked the jaw shut on the corpse of dead words in rows while dead in the water }

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

#NiagraFalls never falls... #YouFeelBetterNow? #Sicily too? #WhatAFoolBelieves #KeepItReal #WhenTheGunsmokeSettles #BeerForMyHorses


Before whatever will become reality once the holy missiles get laid in their respective holes
Hope swelling to avoid being ignored for a flash of the Singularity succubus, all up with trolls
Don’t freak out once you’ve become awake, you & I for what it’s worth, we’ll appear #woke
Confidence man that I am, a conman for short, I trust nobody who can justify twitter pokes.

Immortal only in the concept of spirit or soul, nothing lives forever in memory recollection
You and every other man & woman citizen of the United States join me as a non-Christian
Nothing personal and no axe to grind on the sharp slate yet the kick stand needs greassin’
Read every word on the screen while looking into the eye of the camera, look cool, my son.

From the first clearance of the veil which barely disguised an image, you got thunderstruck
Never again at the altar of the holy of holies, confession, communion, ordained God’s truck
Hurting as the loud sounds emanating from the Bose 901’s blast in & out of my mind’s eye
Millions of naked apes ‘ve become sterile, 150 sun revolutions, 2024-2174 A.D. apes’ extinct.

Parking a flying vehicle isn’t necessary, all vehicles fold like magic into a briefcase-size valise
Odds are never even when you’ve found out that notion before or after the favored status
Confiteor Deo the omnipotent one who directs the cause-and-effect traffic, you’re the Stith
In boots or just for the day barefootin’ in the cold, hard dirt of the commonwealth of filth.

Uncomfortable with the unthinkable, blind faith more than the band of useful idiots’ gang
Keeping the many higher than the mob needs to be, followers of the inciteful Marxist ring
A Robinhood type of life on Earth, content to be stealing from the wealthy to help nobody
Not one poor boy or girl, man or woman or hermaphrodite or castrated male left on a wing.

Uncertainty is a principle that I’ve gleaned from studying philosophers & philosophesses
Several in person at the colleges and universities which entertained my GI Bill presence
Tantamount to the pinnacle of upper progress, tip top underfoot, a long way down under
In arears for delinquent rent, this pot of gold comin’ will take care of a year in advance.

Not the writing of good jokes with hilarious punch lines, or a Pulitzer prize for Prose skits
In fact, an incognito bazooka Joe message at the bottom of the cartoon guffaw in bytes
Truth be told, lie to me and you’ll never know an undisputed One, only one becomes One
Untied knots & straightened out the kinks, cocksure, valid conclusion, I’m a seventh son.

Nevertheless, when it comes time to depart the terrain for the Unknown, it’s all a dream
It must be a live, living walking from point to point, misled by blind faith in fantasy cream
The whole pie is right there on the table, sliced in eight pieces for chosen eight knights/one
Of the Octagon Table, six sides of a deadwood plug, hysterical history of bar-brawl fights.

Winners who sometimes kill the losers in battles of the Wars also rewire the DNA eggs
Pregnancies of the unfortunate girls and their sisters and grandmothers with two legs
Hearing the Truth you’ve called the Lies before your eyes blinked wide-open, all-in awe
Barbequed the butchered flesh and bone, mixed the grains with a magic, witch-potion.

No panic in the calmness of the sea of tranquility, a reminder of a prenatal conception fit
Specifically, generally the substance of the whole shebang will vanish with the last word
Forms of subjects & predicates expressing arguments pro & con for a philosophy sword
Insiders fill the gamer’s board with distractions between the GO PASS, up, up, upward.

Here’s the time for the expression of an overview gleaned through myopic concentration
As you’ve fallen into slumber, before you reawaken the brain’s mind psychic malfunction
A program inserted for download & deletion, as above, so below, it is all One & the same
Supernova, crush of love in a black hole’s Singularity, burnt offering, played it’s a shame.

On any given day of the week or month or year, it’s always a matter of time in Space junk
We left it all to provide our signature of sloppy generation of living things evolution flunk
Nothing anything created can do other than follow the program, clock’s goin’ tick tock too
Older or younger, death will be the answer you’re gonna get when your corpse flips to goo.

Monument to your mama & papa who conceived you in the back seat, ’57 Chevy or ’68 Dodge
Salute to you and the Falls of Niagara, feel the water all over your bare skin day & night, man
Pink to ultraviolet blown atoms from photons to quarks, don’t ask for proof, google it for doge
Once you contain your enthusiasm, go back to sleep, dream upon cloud 9 as above, I’m a fan.

Heart and soul is all you have go back to once you awaken from the slumber, it beats blood
Success or failure of your ability to survive as the most fit in your family of humans’ so rude
Some girls know and others know nothing more than their fathers divulged, made of Mud
Beer drank, wine drank, TV watched every move I made, reverse hypnotism in my blood.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Mercredi, July XXIVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Gleaned from the cosmic slop while jammin’ to #AintNothinLikeTheRealThing @GladysKnight & @VinceGill link @ https://youtu.be/0Niou3l6Zcc }
