
Monday, August 05, 2024

#WonkyHonky #Cerubim #Seraphim #Blasphema @MarvinGaye @MichaelJackson @GladysKnight @VinceGill @ACDC @Foghat @KennyWayneShepherd

There is only one way to rock as the stones roll down from above the apex’s black hilt
Dream within a Poe-etic dream, uncontrollable by the Will to Power, every soul killed
Less than imperfect, killer apes who believe that their veils disguised the poison pills
On being a nut case full of books infested by worms & fairy dust, Jack fell down hills.

Uptown Saturday night or early in the Monday AM of the fogged smog of dead & gone
All they left were monuments to the disaster we know as life on Earth, with an iPhone
After the ego is cut loose, the super ego remains in the ether lurking for wild lovin’ good
On E street, shuffling or jogging in the jungle you learned to survive within, dad’s hood.

Pro or con, for and against, either way the mothers were our sisters and mighty lovers
Without the gender of “XX” there can be no “XY” & the eternal Truth kills all believers
Rules, regulations, theorems, corollaries & commandments create a dynamic damn fool
Nothing to cast aspersions about, blind luck of the draw, the way it is, it’s all the too cool.

Think about crying to get help feeding and sheltering your 208 bones, it’ll be your bailiwick
What appearances form is the reality you recollect in retrospect, to avoid getting deeply sick
Actually nothing can be a dead bear in the back of a truck, bear tag to kill a bear via blades
Swords and stilettos hidden in plain sight, invisible weapons disguised as 2 feet and 2 hands.

Marbles perfectly round, no marble can be cubed or any configuration other than circular
Hidden until required for barter, trading the cat’s eyes of exotic colors from the sunny star
Like or ignore inclinations to feel either way, neither dislike nor abhor things, eggs of hens
No attachment to you or anything with or without inner sanctums of living in original sins.

Right off of the bat, younger or older than the sun-star burning revolution in red hot fires
Angelic smoke of imagination fills the emptiness of the Unknowing cloud of funeral pyres
Stupid, idiotic forms of life in human shape, inhumane to be all too human, 7-up hot rods
Regardless of your birth to any humans who copulate to conceive DNAcid of moon gods.

Sickness related to the pending doom of death with no afterlife in heaven or down under
Where that is when you have no sensory perception, it remains to be seen to get blinder
Skipping a rope for the skill of repeating useless actions which erode every joint you have
Top of the skull to the bottom of metatarsals can fill the Void, in a casket, in an urn, Dive!

Made the deal for the trade of valuable and expensive possessions you take to the grave
I don’t know like you know what it’s like to have faith in the blind light of the ancestors
After y’all die, you’ll live without a body? You never lie right? Y’all can’t make any of it up
Squirt your extraction at the formless, microscopic tropes and idiot plots fill a China cup.

Seeing without eye sight but with insight, seeing what can never be before your eyes there
Light is required in the darkness to see anything, without light, things just ain’t anywhere
No subjects or objects to translate into linguistic expression, signature of an end game sign
Hard and soft petrified gas, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, etc, etc, etc… Wisdom out of line.

Who is going to be alive tomorrow, raise your hands high above your heads, say it out loud
You’re alive and you’re proud to have survived your upbringing among the family overcrowd
Kids kept coming in since I was One year old, from two to eight years old, I got five clones too
They all watched me & copied my actions for preschool intelligence of the family hive blues.

Alright several times in a row, just moved with the motion of the ocean, nothing I could do
With the flow, rowing the boat downstream with the current, away from logs & stone rocks
How often can you recall the facts of life that you’ve got a finite time left to go in boondocks
Chuckles more than a laughing dog, sugar, sugar jelly between your teeth’s cavity low blow.

Hit you in the family jewels while listening to the best of ACDC, opened a can of two worms
Crawling until hooked for the bait that must be denied to the prey, set a trouble hook, homes
Palace down to the hovel at the end of the paved backstreet, all souls cratered into one can’t
Night and day, Chicago the Band can code the Truth in words you either grasp or you don’t.

When you’re down under the gun, you weren’t enforcing the law nor were they, none of ‘em
Roaring traffic of State or Michigan, even down on Harlem and 57th street, it’s all said & done
Made love to the eyes more than the thighs and upper legs, explains the wisdom scum bone
It’s the silence you recollect ‘fore the conceptual analysis, copacetic stasis of me, I’m the One.

I came & woke up before my time which should be a moment before being buried or ate raw
Full of what gets masticated and swallowed, habit burger that goes in and out of a locked jaw
Punks both pink, faded red & fuscia find no matter where there’s no gas’ galactic Hershey bars
Monument to all ones who were too good to be evil-bad, it’s Michael Jackson’s #BAD MFers.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Mardi, 8-six-mmxxiv anno domini

{ Tubes movin’ the system’s whacked data in and out of the freaks who survived their schools, the carnivores are only freaks to the herbivores, #WhatsHappeningBrother by @Marvin_Gaye on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/BDviY4dwfqQ?si=PhkoBbPQaxNhc4Jw }


Sunday, August 04, 2024

#PainSINTheRear #ProOrDefconFive #PutAPenOnAMAP #YallDownHomePrettyCool

This here story is a saga or maybe just a dangling modification of the original sin of the human
Wings clipped, can’t run away and can’t hide from the justice that’s always a ham sandwich fan
Without Justice, there ain’t any for anybody, karma never comes into play when the end is near
Closer than you’ve ever thought since reaching the age of reason, apprehended pain in the rear.

The age of payback for the incorrect judgement causes of negative life forces to strike willy nilly
Without intent & only raw power moving from the origin in every direction from a spun center
Dragons, dinosaurs both in flight & grounded or water bound, imaginary fire spitting worm birds
How else to describe monsters who look nothing like images of you or your kin, Spake words!

Hot or cold, it’s the end of the day, imaginary 24-hour spin & wobble of the dirty ball of stardirt
Fun or not, it’s all you’ve got, imagine the alternative & it’s unacceptable, we’re in a deep sleep
Came to advise you to awaken before you die & you’ll get the Truth as it’s always been, a whole
The shebang is completely undisclosed, overexposed & undercover by a unknown force of ‘x’.

Idiots, morons, ignoramuses & your nuts and ovaries have been terminated for the sake of love
Fools like that cannot be generated by divine sons and daughters of supernatural beings above
Below here is only down into the core, the center of the whirl, there ain’t a place called Singsing
It’s somebody’s bailiwick don’t you know, the fix is in that you didn’t know, Timing is everything.

For once in the life of dead people who won’t confess their dead ending in a cul-de-sac in synch
Fishing in the dead sea or in a lazy river without a flow in a sewer or lazy river, yo’ mama’s a fink
Even if you didn’t know your mother, you’re an orphan or an abandoned child of Mother Earth
Porridge is hot in the pot, it’s simmering awaiting the ladle to scoop the portion, of all there is.

Articles articulating nothing but blather, talking heads, flapping toothless gums into the highlife
Scum came out of the hot, liquid rock, exploding the implosion to infinity’s singularity & my wife
Beware of the fox, hungry & sneaky, beware of the pigs & cows & goats & horses, ride & eat ‘em
Drink chocolate milk, eat the hooves & innards, ride saddled bare back of a hot steed’s system.

According to Matthew, Mark, Luke & John there is life after death, how’s It goin’ for them now?
Whole truth or not, there’s a reason for Madness you can’t fathom with your weather-vane blow
It’s either the solstice or the equinox, there’s no other spin on the revolutionary guard chivalry
Once around the block, around the sun, around the totality of the things themselves, 3rd eye Z.

From A, the sound of air comin’ through open, stretched Fonzi lips, like this, “Ehhhhhh, heaven”
Confirmation or Bar mitzvah for all or none, cut the thing, see the God, bad & ugly miscreation
Younger than wise old beards, no choice but to run far & fast until there’s nothin’ but 7’s & 11’s
In the ballroom with the bears in white sox, can’t dance a lick but can carry a tune to the Sun.

Begin with infantile, all too human brains which will house mature, nurtured gold of heretofore
A mind with power to will causes to precede intended effects, as above, so below so to speak
I know you know it all, what Dead animal-mammalians all know for survival-extinction’s sake
There’s no alternative to the uncertainty principle, knowledge’s impossible, y’all hear the roar.

Chocolate covering of the bismarks’ sweet bread, infusion of vanilla custard to addict the sweet
Causing a reverence to the disease of the pleased sweet-tooth tastes of the country’s city street
Dead end or not, it was a home run line, at one high curb that put wild-eyed drunks to the floor
One place to park on a one-way, dead-end street so passengers couldn’t exit the curbside door.

You all know ethical theories, the right, wrong, good, bad, ugly & downright evil in appearance
In reality’s final end, when all's said & done, fool’s errand to come & go with a silly fool’s face
Betrayed by your former friend you misjudged to be a close old school amigo, just press play
All of the things and I mean everything comes down to mud on your boots & scent hid today.

Old hillbillies know answers to all the questions, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia peaches
Wisdom from Maine to Washington & California, Arizona, New Mexico on to Texas up to Illinois
Where wouldn’t anybody want to go to live their life’s days and nights without stress and strife
Blood given for gold, but gold can’t keep the heartbeat in cue, hated husband love your alewife.

Bread in the pockets built into the plastic & magnetic strip, your digits are in a bank’s final scene
Moving to & fro because of your nervous twitch may have saved you from an immortal wound
Looking around 360 degrees, Ferris wheel in my head on a tilt-a-whirl swivel, merry-go-round
For no pretender can I salute and spill that wine’s inner sanctum, on a wooden floor in Queens.

I’ll hold your feet to the fire if for some odd reason I need to know the Truth’s nothing android
In old-school jury of One, I am what I am & that’s all I can be, right or wrong, Popeye navy fuss
Matter and all forms it takes due to random genetic recombination, supernatural DNA gold dust
From the closest or furthest galaxy from this Milky Way, there is a supra-natural, a holier void.

Any state of any continent civilized on the oceans of Earth, lucky to be here & now all betwixt
Complicated scat to divulge to innocent yet highly intelligent young women & men in the Mix
Out of school into a job, motherhood, military service, penitentiary bound, it takes 13 mutants
A lot or a few in the petri dish of germs, leftover by the gods or divine invisible thirteen ghosts.

You had it all without knowing you were about to lose it all, just to do it all again, pay attention
On every single day you wake up whether you’re #Woke or just unawakened under this hot Sun
I got the way to move your carcass from the sheriff to the marshal and you know it will be cool
Like more frozen than you’d ever hope to be, like a 24-hour mood dying to stay around the pool.

Jumpin’ in off the diving board, it’s easy to see over the fence but then loss of focus’ belly flop
Bitten piece of the apple, rotten or not, there’s a price to pay for disobedience, grab a hot mop
Havin’ the commandments under control is all you’ve got to do; it is artificially intelligent to be
At one point, world shakin’ underfoot, an Earth quakes like Hehl on Dirty Planet’s rockin’ seas.

North, south or around in the Infinite’s fake elliptical circles fool’s errands incomplete missions
Forgotten in the incarnation of the pretender’s soul, wisp of a ghost out of human eye minions
Self-rollin’ just to smoke a little smoke, ground resulting flowers from the seeds from the moon
All of Things themselves used to be on the moon, redneck paradise silence ‘shine, homegrown.

You believe the sagas of your mamas & papas, it ain’t your fault, you ain’t getting’ high or low
Real good times can be had for a moment in your & my time, so girls, look out the down below
Dancin’ and singin’ for no reason other than to be happy about being alive without fears’ pain
Dining in or out with the good, bad & the ugly is what it’s all about for divine’s spark, I’m all in.

Dodging bullets can only be done with luck and plans B, C, D, E & F if there need be alternatives
We the people of United States of America have no amnesia or need to be the dead high fives
Ready or not, the most power has the high ground & the low ground, illusions of success’ debt
When you live a hundred years, more or less than the whole shebang, Adam ‘knew’ Eve, upset?

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, August IVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ @bmwolgas’ #Trump-Clip from every year 1980-2024 link @ https://youtu.be/-luF0nLlM3A?si=O7WsUpkri5sB7K7I }

Thursday, August 01, 2024

#HeyCisco #HeyPoncho #S #ThatsTheWayItGoes #DireStraits @WARtheBand

Of course, there’s no reason to cry about the situation, it’s not going to change the outcome
Parents and children move about from school to school attempting to graduate from all dumb
As above this grind, so below it is before or after One self-realization of invisible souls’ shine
Before your mother & father met, you didn’t exist here, there or anywhere, it’s all the time.

High, low, inside or outside, atomic to astronomic, What this is, Who you are, can’t be denied
You’re everything that can be consciously aware that life is being lived & death is the end of It
Pleading and praying will not alter the consequence of the fatal mitotic division of an egg bed
Isolated to evolve and assimilate into the host, the womb spurts the code from the tomb scat.

High or low, thick or thin, already gone before I ever got in, it’s like a thing you do, then forget
It’s the nature of the beast as it is, was & always will be, an inferior superior in perpetual debt
Questioning nothing until forced to find & drink & eat the food for thought my labor produced
Last supper for the last time, no more defecation for the minions to hide and disguise as gold.

Without the manure, the seeds and plants cannot get a grip on the multiplication division, yet
Some of us who are so full of it we’ve got brown eyes, stuffed to the hilt, to the brain without
Everything you need to know but it doesn’t matter when you’re all alone, mired in the doubt
About the facts of life you weren’t told, you’re alive & on your own until a bitter ending pout.

Hardy or paltry, the fixings are identical except in the vision of the far sided, it’s all too close
Being above and beyond all things, as a USAF F4 or F106, I can make a case for the H2O hose
Without water there’s rocky dirt, leftover astral dust from imaginary, big bang of live divinity.
Social, political & economic skills required for success, got ‘em, succeeded to consume infinity.

Holier than you will ever be, since I never had any original or mortal sin against demigods
Counting backward from two million, Time and Space get taken for granted, dead seed pods
All about the casing that the sausage gets stuffed into, the mothers and fathers in dire straits
Yoyos doin’ the do, fillin’ out the forms’ blanks with mirror reflection of the empty fish baits.

Moving refrigerators, hot water heaters, dish & clothes washers and dryers from day to day
Never an end you’ll ever be able to reflect on, when you’re gone, you’re all gone, no options
Heal the disease and enhance the health from waking to sleeping, one or an infinite era, AOK
Brisk or slow as a turtle with nothing to do but scat, eat, mate & watch idiots’ fishin’ the bay.

Knowing what you know now, you know you don’t know anything about diddly squat, so be it
It’s an Omen, to Truth that is immortally present in every time Past & Future too, it’s no S#IT
Humming and strumming doin’ my thing until the S#it all got hung out to dry, nothing’s easy
Wicked in the Wikipedia appendixes commentary, full of the most innocuous scat in the kitty.

Or is it the real reality still to come after all of your progeny’s weddings in a NY state of mind
I don’t believe any of your invalid conclusions can be true, premises assumed and assigned
Subjects predicated the objects, modified or not, just noise of paranoid voices, scared to be
Alive and all alone without the parental guidance that reincarnated forces require, now I see.

I have an unacceptable ultimatum for you & yours to entertain as if there’s no tomorrow at all
Today is the final spin of Earth you are allowed, accidentally on purpose, I’m a man, I will fall
Down or up, in or out all the same Atoms to Singularity suck, no equal, dream’ a little dream
I loved her Door madly, she reciprocated, we duplicated the thing itself, origin in the Cream.

Fillin’ the blanks in with incursive code only a literati might comprehend, maybe or maybe not
For me to guess is like saying let me breathe in or you can treat me like a dead man coming on
To the heads of the state to the little feet of the nation that pay taxes or die from overworking
Degreed & elevated to the winner of the game, Ends’ death comes to claim a sing-sing thing.

Whispers so soft you can’t hear the words, can’t comprehend the gist of the diatribe’s blather
Found everything was a display of random guesses, educated yet still, only highly probable so
Maybe the worries behind you ought to be recollected, they will help the ending come sooner
Wake up now, no more time for you, you the last one to come alive, y’all really are just a HO!

Simple to complex on a number line from zero to negatives and positives, line 1’s & 0’s to boot
Ill defined nature of the beast we entertain awaits clarification, on the 208 bones & flygirl pokes
All of us are innocent of the guilty conscience that we don’t consume deals with the red devil
If ya wanna git to heaven ya gotta raise a little Hades, encore my Earth, caput, that’s all folks!

Sink into the mud slinging of the gods and now hear this, the captain goes down with the ship
That’s not an old wives tale, it’s the code of Davy Jones’ Locker, combination is 36 right, 1 & 0
If you can’t jump the sharks that brothers from other mothers can jump, crossroads of tears
Bleak ahead of the pitch darkness, shining star no matter who you are, killin’ cheers for fears.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, August 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Rocked the casbah & drafted this ruse while listenin’ to @DireStraits #ChecksForFree on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/wTP2RUD_cL0 }