
Sunday, August 18, 2024

#InThePinchOfGravity yet #CarlosSantana #SomewhereInHeaven #IJustCantLetGo #DavidPack @JoeBonamassa @Ambrosia #TheBiggestPartOfMe #RiseDown #CiscoKid #WARtheBAND


There’s no way for me to say what needs to be said or to do what needs to be done
Knowledge comprehended is blinded faith in wisdom that few received before, my son
Meaning higher than a kite to avoid focusing on an unacceptable fate of the species spa
To die after you live means that living is a lucky stroke of the accident you call Ma & Pa.

Lookin’ in the mirror you can find in any restaurant’s restroom, necessitating hand sanity
Nothing to clear your mind in the lavatory other than the head, nice in the pinch of gravity
Babies, toddlers, pre-K, K-12, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior & Senior, twice in eight years
Collected the collective unconscious within a mere 208 bones, drank cases of the beers.

Whiskey and wine didn’t escape my arrested attention, that guided me through the godson
My godfather, my godmother, havin’ a party with my father and mother in the by-and-by fun
Talkin’ life without the excess baggage of a holy body in arrears, failing to flail in a dark heart
Past, present or future the construction of Time conceptual analysis of every cavalry’s fort.

Three wishes and none of them can be wishing for more nor less, you got a genie in a bottle
Rub with the friction of love, smoke signals will be lit, excitement of Being begins to throttle
Big country and tiny city all move the bowels of reincarnation and reconstruction pasture
Remember nothing to start anew and repeat history until it ends well with your departure.

Reality checking from the second you wake up in the morning, dream fades, 20/20 vision
Here and now you’ll know at the finale’s last act, it’s maybe the 3rd one, it’s One of the One
Asking why is a distraction; you must adapt, or you won’t survive the testing & inoculation
I have grief to share with the penny pinchers & billionaires, you can’t save a thin dime, son.

Blood, sweat and tears come out of your sinews & bones that used to be a zygote in mama
Love or lust makes no difference to life, to be born is the game to play, rules are rules papa
Somewhere in heaven, above and beyond what you can see is what you get deceased joy
Never to worry about anything in Eternity, the transitory I wasn’t very good at, a good boy!

Telling the Truth is easy if somebody told you what it is, you can’t make this scat up, man
Listen carefully as if you weren’t already, you’re blind, deaf & you’re dumb, trifecta scree
Bred to be thoroughly perfect in every survival skill, effective until the burden of a woman
Garden of Eden alone, suddenly playin’ house with a lover-mate, a dream breathes in me.

You have the hang of it, apes in a tree, in a cave, under the ground-pound, everybody’s now
Time matches insights unseen as well as the history, all infinite Space both above & below
Hear and then feel the backbeat that moves atoms in synchronic orchestration, sing a song
Wish all wishes came true & boom they do, so you comprehend this, take a hit on the bong.

Harlem and Irving all the way east to The Lake, biggest part of me, the beach & the sand silt
Apparently, I believed I was divinely anointed to trust all mankind, good & bad players skills
All in my one body and soul of 208 bones and a divine spark of a father, son & a holy, l’il boy
You can’t make this scat up, ask the pope & minions of cardinals, bishops, all priests of joy.

Now, later will be to late, present the wisdom fast & furiously, as if you’re runnin’ out of days
Subjects your father breached with the divine, all too human prayers to a mighty unknown
Bits and pieces of fragments, broken headstones from the cemetery of ancestral skull bone
Love rains, love dries up with the last of the snow flow from a solitary mountaintop phase.

At the crossroads now, can’t go back where you came from, nobody can, two ways to go be
Off of the cliff jumping in the vast unknown to meet Fate, face to face, concept annihilation
As it was it will be again, amorphous Void with the attention of star fission and fusion Sin
As if it’s humanity’s fault that a star shines, creates Life and is invisible in omnipotent skin.

You’re like a story that’s got legs, we’re extrapolating into the twilight zone, breeding magic
Without a Cause, without an Effect, wishes work well in stealth, unconsciously right, sick
Successful existence, right here and now, the Way was narrow, right down the middle path
Feel, remember you’re blessed with omnipotence, fear Death’s Pain, you Fool, I am wraith.

Busy bee-buzzing in the hive for what reason? Talk about the overcrowding overpopulation
Not enough honey for every bee in the hive, some need extermination termination & slo gin
Elevation at the highest place on big dirt is the coldest place in the stratosphere near Space
Now you know, everyone else won’t know, you’re alone with not even one punch in the face.

Apes in cages, in zoos, in buildings of cities, towns in every county and barrio, named vulgar
Just an accepted sound of the tongues noise, evil inside of the beholder not the generator
Food for thought flying through eternity with or without me, still consciously aware of it all
Good to freefall, comfortable being alone, a future, no company bred girlfriends, downfall.

So, when you’re ready to know, here’s the Truth, ashes to ASHES and dust to DUST obliges
Nothing more nor less than the Truth, the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad-Gita, Book of Lies
Wisdom is knowing you’ll die like your friends do, like the food you eat does before baking
Now and then, you get lucky, feel good the moment you expire, my wish for queen & king.

by the bye
r j j stephan, I (BY JOVE)
c. Dimanche, August XVIIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ You have three wishes, wish well, it’s out of our control, drafted this gem while listenin’ to @Ambrosia #YoureTheBiggestPartOfMe on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/XkpbQet-r3Y }

Saturday, August 17, 2024

#Tricky #WAR #GypsyManDaddio



Full of your mother’s milk that she never gave you when you cried of starving
Happiness with that teat in the lips to suckle the dream for months, a formula fling
Darling dolls animate the sky that needed to be touched & deep kissed on the spleen
Even Italian, German or Russian or Chinese or Indonesian or any australopithecine.!

I kid you not with horns blowin’ Chicago riffs ‘tween composite drumbeats, a bad w#ore
On the floor or everywhere in the air of the headphones or concert halls, staring blindly
Into Space & Time before you have to return to reality of the ancestors of 25 or six 24
Invoiced payment made, paid in full, solvent, tiny pockets too deep to be an anomaly.

Thunder broke the silence, lightening invaded darkness’ sporadic flashes of brilliance
Had to roll with the punches or be swallowed by the mind’s eye, subconscious stance
Survive with the most possible leisure & pleasure without pain, that’s the ticket punched
Listen to one octave moving through the ether, into & out of your head’s jaw, munched.

We used to say, “I got you, I love you!” then it broke down in Time, high-heel peasant
For the apes alive and dead, all you get is everything pole to pole, astronauts lament
Laughing gas required to keep it up when there’s a reality that doesn’t deserve sheep
Like any other benign being in the universe, surprised to be alive, y’all #Woke asleep.

Greek men and women copulated to generate the alpha and omega men, it’s all I know
Haves & Have-Knots run the show, rule the roost, pretending it’s immortally a job blow
Pierce the invisible barrier as a bullet through silk, it’d be sad if it wasn’t so ludicrous too
She loves me she said, over & over again, I asked to be loved tomorrow just yesterday

Amazed, fixed like a traffic ticket before it enters the docket of a judge who hates judges
Honor, honesty, trustworthy \ loyal until the last heartbeat, like musketeer escrimaderos
Clear the docket, I am retiring tomorrow, having a coronary today, in ICU for the twilight
I couldn’t forget about you, forget about it…everything else within reason, it’s why I fight.

Bums and junkies just our cousins, children of the miscreants who mated without joy
All we got left is the kids without the golden rule to follow, altruism never implanted, boy
Girl got half but not the whole complement of the shebang, not their fault, couldn’t be so
Or maybe it could be so since it is so just once, it’s the biggest part of Me, take a blow!

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, August XVIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 505 AMPST

{ Completo while jammin’ to @Ambrosia LIVE on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/-WGfFlKIHzw }https://youtu.be/-WGfFlKIHzw

F I N I 


Friday, August 16, 2024

Sodium Chloride of the Dirty Rockin' Piece of Stardirt & MOI


Betting no more than the gold in my pockets, all in for the call, I bet my hand beats yours, fly
Gods try to come down to Earth for a sorte of human females, don’t know why they multiply
Pink inside and burnt brown and black on the epidermal layer, which allows the privilege of it all
Complete with a partial implant in your jaw, check your six, your back is uncovered to bear pall.

Fabulous in every sense you can muster, knowing the opposite usually occupies Space & Time
Not today or tomorrow because history has already occurred in the future of the present, keep up
With the explanation and final conclusion in your arsenal that can’t be seen by the unanointed
It ain’t nothing personal, you ain’t screened & you ain’t clear for enlightenment, feel the crime?

What it feels like to be innocent and still charged with the guilt as if it was your own fault, dude
Chicks, I’m talkin’ ‘bout y’all too, deep inside of the conversational analyzation of concept food
Subjects and predicates shining the starlight on the blackboard, expose nekid Truth’s white sheet
Understand true that, total comprehension is a temporary lapse of reasonable gold, y’all gotta eat.

Brothers & sisters related like cousins above in heaven & down in hades, where angels fear to go
Utter satisfaction with having no desire, no need, nobody to care about to save life from dying so
Knowing that knowledge is impossible helps a bit, we’ll get over those red lights on the curves
Eyes shut tight yet wide open, seeing Nothing clearly, subjective nouns & action Love 30 serves.

Sounds mean something if and only if you agree on the definition of Word, it’s the thing itself
As it appears to the innocent perceiver with eyes wide open for the first time on Time’s life shelf
Smoke is happy, fire it hot to burn every atom into crumbled ash, dropped in gravity’s grave fate
Deep bury down below where archangels fear to go, can’t get up out of the hole, carrying weight.

Holy and red hot, unblessed and cold as dry ice, smokin’ freezing oxygen and hydrogen in & out
Grim reaper drinks down deeply to the center of galactic neutrons, protons & electrons in doubt
River of truth and lies flow to the infinite ocean to merge with the Void nature of your mama teat
In her arms we were, she kept us warm with a smile until the teeth bit the sore skin, kid got beat.

Spanked on a plastic diaper, no reason to understand why, cause effected mothers under the bus
That she loved you and would protect you being the immature mama who just had to be that way
Teenage mama can’t buy time, too much to be distracted by the addictions & play ‘House’ today
Babysitting for single mothers nets cash from the AFDC coffers & welfare kids now rule the US.

Here and now to save existence of animals and plants on all seven continents, dried-up wetland
Beaches or jagged, huge, stone rocky cliffs eroded by constant waves of the tidal pools inland
Hip to be a square or a Rubik Cube more sooner than later, I put the hurt on the innocent amigas
Not only am I to blame for the pain, the suffering but also the happiness they got rid of me arse.

Now & then you see through the veil to the actual nature of the beast within, it’s always the same
Fear and loathing as if it’s not you yourself, you really start trippin’ when the Truth unfolds fame
Books recorded in cyberspace, on compact disc, magnetic tape, 8 track, reel-to-reel, cassette split
Too tired to go on without a hip replacement, you know like I know, you’ll die once they slice it.

Y’all are in the know when you’re in the money, as the old song goes… duh do dah dah, la la la
It’s usually the same one over & over until the young delete the files & cover up the Truth as it is
In & out of consciousness yet awake as if in a dream while unconscious recording my super ego
The game and the score disappear into the ether once the corpse begins decrepit to the evil ends.

All pretentious for the sake of survival, ahead of the pack, you can keep track of ‘em in a mirror
Never need to cohabitate or commiserate with any of the minions or the literati of the stone door
Live for today, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to produce itself ta mind, neither God’s nor this plebe
If & only if you resist the power, then you’ll be rewarded & be completely set, again, to be free.

Larger than a microscopic byte on a hard drive or a bit smaller than a huge byte, even steven
Broods got bred this way either voluntarily or via draft of unwilling to defend strangers of Zen
Recreated after annihilation without knowledge, just the power to be right when y’all on the ball
Nobody is right or wrong all the time except for the alpha and omega male, last call for alcohol.

Complete and impartial for the conclusion uplinked to be the only rational epitome of probability
Knowing Truth’s higher ground value of Gold and Gas flowin’ out of your behind’s high-end te
Keep your handicap down, win championship without your over drafting savings for wet dreams
Fortune cookie with no prediction to be ahead of the moment, graphic blank and empty schemes.

All is not alright, but you must deny the facts of life, your father didn’t tell you, nobody told him
Many centuries of breeders attempting to achieve perfection without an equal anywhere on Earh
Blood runs, gravity pulls, Space expands, Time measures burnt calories in a lean, mean machine
Recollection of any reason to be conceived, live & die in a hundred spins, more or less afterbirth.

Free to be dependent on the water and wine to wash down the body of the holy sheet
Most high and more low than the grapes that grow on the ripe vine, a meet and greet
Between the spirits inside and the ones outside of you that gain entry, imbibe, scream
Next day, getting hammered again is the only way to die, Life’s but a fickle wet dream.

Homer and Marge, well they have nothing on the parents of Bevis & Buthidae, fer shizzle
Blueprints have a plan to build a mountain of stone, brick & fiber glass beads give me a rash
Earth is the unholy name of the dirt, no feet to march or hands to clap, myriad of shyty fizzle
Doctors and lawyers trained for hours and minutes to interview people who donate cold cash.

Helping your body up off of the ground due to gravity’s attraction to your backbone & skull
Average or above, up to & including the genius, evil or better than the mostly good, ruler fool
Wink to show the joke is on the joker, punch line is crooked but if delivered right, it flies cool
Above and below the pattern on the surface, live, die, disappear and be forgotten, eat it all evil.

Dreamin’ a little dream of me tonight baby, it’ll be fine in the morning, I’ll disappear once again
Heart is all mine right? We don’t need to linger there when we’re awake, we’ll dream being Zen
Complete or not, it’s necessary to be sufficient to get to the end of the purpose’s logical reason
Accident your father met your mother, conceived, gestated to be born in blood and fetid water.

Kisses & hugs holding the bones tight, kept the inner sanctum inside invisible Jordan almonds
Found a wad behind the unworthy where they never look for anything valuable, safe diamond
Ineffable sound heard deep within where the sun never shines, a thing itself’s, shapeless double
Monkey see what monkeys do, apemen stuck in perpetual repetition of the 24/7 Earth wobble.

Hurry to wait until someone else takes so much time, you wind up being later than required too
Had to be ready to move from heaven to Earth once the love was made, it’s a dream trip of fools
What I was, I am & always will be, a convenient Truth wrought by the ancient command scrolls
Pink to ultraviolet purple in all wavelengths’ frequencies, dying, fading to black as lights go out!

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, August XVIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Cracked this emerald while jammin’ to @ChicagoTheBank #DreamALittleDreamOfMe in an infinite loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/0rhFYl2H-2g?si=23qDPquqmhR8Ocez }
