
Thursday, September 12, 2024

You Got Fifteen Minutes Left . . . What Do YOU do? Git Git #FactChecker

Never forget about it



You know where to go and you know you'll never forget the day on nine one one, you watched
Hijacked plane on @FOX & @CNN showing me what I didn't know, I thought this meant W A R
I even went so far as to call up the Air Force recruiter to see if they needed me to back up TED
I was way too old, some were way to young to recall, some not even born to Mankind's horror.

Murky water used to be liquid helium, an accident from liquid hydrogen, a few electrons off it
Yet it's always better than nothing, it could be worse, you might not have ever been born, git git
You were, you exist at the mercy of Mother Earth, nothing personal, just a fact of life, Nothing
Zero, zippity zilch, nada & for certain, Absolute Emptiness, the hole in the circle with no bling.

Height of the sky is lower than the arpeggios comin' out of my horns & struttin' twelve strings
It's complicated beyond logic, it's above metalogic and crypto metaphysics, it's a put-on things
Albeit like my father Albert, his father & grandfather before them all, it's all done by the dorks
It's that thing itself that precedes the essence, the form of cellular adhesion to gluons & quarks.

You wouldn't let your daughter, sister or mother crawl in bed with a snake, you'd skin it clean
Of course, it'd be too late unless you sucked the poison out of the puncture wound's scheme
To animate your heart and soul with the nasty & obtuse for the world to consume like a bean
Refried or uncooked, it's the source of the living forms that turn up to the sun, as a plant's kin.

Turned you loose, you found out you had no tether in the first place, it was all in your mind
Cooked up, mixed up and consumed before the poison was recognized for that thing itself
Hated the loving disease that consumes healthy cells one by one until the end of your time
Hot fun in the city, hangin' loose in the country, drinkin' & smokin' the Earth charm, Fine!

You never heard this coming, your secret service was asleep & on permanent vacation, son
9 1 1 cry about it, remember it, never forget about it, never skip the annual terror that spun
One morning it began, Gulf War from deep in Hades, we got the bin Laden monkey chump
Vaporized the ghost of the spiderman in the cave, Ala, gods & the divine sparks ate him up.

Barrels of laughs with the full Tupperware bowls, throwing them like flying saucers on air
Turned into a Frisbee and got my mind off of throwin’ down yoyos and tops to spin there
Out here and deeper than brave men fear to go, there's the thing itself, all I am is what it is
Ignorant wisdom on the wane in the wake's coffin, I'll be surfin' hangin' ten, I'm bodacious.

Harder day's night than i remember from recent memories, stayed wide awake, no sleep
Performing the acts of kindness for the ones who could care less if your mind is too deep
Cannot believe or conceive a thing but the factoid on a message in a bottle or a tea cup
Bumphuq ain't in Egypt but if it was, we in that the desert where the bums phuq it all up.

Be prepared, cub scouts webelos taught me, boy scouts just tenderfoot, bear cub, lion cub
Jellybeans and peanut butter cups for everyone, you need handouts, this is the only rub
You have to pay by going to work at the club, the house of blues places where bands rock
Minimum wage & bonus if you Bounce (on call at the venue, if needed) 1000 buck mock.

Gods will to power is much more than you think, human extinction is close to nothing at all
It’s the ends of the being that created it all in the first place, before when it was a silent dot
Exploded to get right here & right now in your face, on the gridirons, the courts & diamonds
Every day, you play & some day once your finished with the games, it’s curtains my sons!

Taxes levied and the government charges the governed to govern them and their freedom
Weird but the way it is, it's the system of the ups & downs of Life, it is what it is for some
What type of form, species or genome are we, too human, 208 bones of ecstasy's tragedy
Only you know & I know, secret in a bottle opened at your last gasp, eyes wide open, GONE!

r j j stephan, i

c. 9 ONE ONE 9-11-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST
{ Tricked this out of my Muse while listenin' to @ledZeppelin #TheLemonSong on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8gWbKAcuzN8?si=wuoS4KIAqo-R4Aqx }


Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Never forget about it



You know where to go and you know you'll never forget the day on nine one one, you watched
Hijacked plane on FOX & CNN showing me what I didn't know, I thought this meant W A R
I even went so far as to call up the Air Force recruiter to see if they needed me to back up TED
I was way too old, some were way to young to recall, some not even born to Mankind's horror.

Murky water used to be liquid helium, an accident from liquid hydrogen, a few electrons off it
Yet it's always better than nothing, it could be worse, you might not have ever been born, git git
You were, you exist at the mercy of Mother Earth, nothing personal, just a fact of life, Nothing
Zero, zippity zilch, nada & for certain, Absolute Emptiness, the hole in the circle with no bling.

Height of the sky is lower than the arpeggios comin' out of my horns & struttin' twelve strings
It's complicated beyond logic, it's above metalogic and crypto metaphysics, it's a put-on things
Albeit like my father Albert, his father & grandfather before them all, it's all done by the dorks
It's that thing itself that precedes the essence, the form of cellular adhesion to gluons & quarks.

You wouldn't let your daughter, sister or mother crawl in bed with a snake, you'd skin it clean
Of course, it'd be too late unless you sucked the poison out of the puncture wound's scheme
To animate your heart and soul with the nasty & obtuse for the world to consume like a bean
Refried or uncooked, it's the source of the living forms that turn up to the sun, as a plant's kin.

Turned you loose, you found out you had no tether in the first place, it was all in your mind
Cooked up, mixed up and consumed before the poison was recognized for that thing itself
Hated the loving disease that consumes healthy cells one by one until the end of your time
Hot fun in the city, hangin' loose in the country, drinkin' & smokin' the Earth charm, Fine!

You never heard this coming, your secret service was asleep & on permanent vacation, son
9 1 1 cry about it, remember it, never forget about it, never skip the annual terror that spun
One morning it began, Gulf War from deep in Hades, we got the bin Laden monkey chump
Vaporized the ghost of the spiderman in the cave, Ala, gods & the divine sparks ate him up.

Barrels of laughs with the full Tupperware bowls, throwing them like flying saucers on air
Turned into a Frisbee and got my mind off of throwin’ down yoyos and tops to spin there
Out here and deeper than brave men fear to go, there's the thing itself, all I am is what it is
Ignorant wisdom on the wane in the wake's coffin, I'll be surfin' hangin' ten, I'm bodacious.

Harder day's night than i remember from recent memories, stayed wide awake, no sleep
Performing the acts of kindness for the ones who could care less if your mind is too deep
Cannot believe or conceive a thing but the factoid on a message in a bottle or a tea cup
Bumphuq ain't in Egypt but if it was, we in that the desert where the bums phuq it all up.

Be prepared, cub scouts webelos taught me, boy scouts just tenderfoot, bear cub, lion cub
Jellybeans and peanut butter cups for everyone, you need handouts, this is the only rub
You have to pay by going to work at the club, the house of blues places where bands rock
Minimum wage & bonus if you Bounce (on call at the venue, if needed) 1000 buck mock.

Gods will to power is much more than you think, human extinction is close to nothing at all
It’s the ends of the being that created it all in the first place, before when it was a silent dot
Exploded to get right here & right now in your face, on the gridirons, the courts & diamonds
Every day, you play & some day once your finished with the games, it’s curtains my sons!

Taxes levied and the government charges the governed to govern them and their freedom
Weird but the way it is, it's the system of the ups & downs of Life, it is what it is for some
What type of form, species or genome are we, all too human, 208 bones of ecstasy's tragedy
Only you know & I know, secret in a bottle opened at your last gasp, eyes wide open, GONE!

r j j stephan, i

c.  9 ONE ONE  9-11-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST

{ Tricked this out of my Muse while listenin' to @ledZeppelin #TheLemonSong on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8gWbKAcuzN8?si=wuoS4KIAqo-R4Aqx }


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mining mines of minds gold, silver and platinum... #SwampThingsAndRichGirls @CarlosSantanaEssential #Almost911AGAIN


All in the game baby, l come to Jesus or Krishna or Buddah or Zoroaster paradise’s revival
Regarding the ecstasy you were conceived by, a momentary lapse of the fitness of survival
Intense as the sun is the closer you get, burning to ash & crumbled dusty bone, got skilled
On no cloud 9 or underground creation under the mud, blood & beer we spilled & swilled.

I am a sceptic, I believe that nothing can be proved absolutely without assumptions of fact
Facts are impressions and they may or may not be accurate, maybe distorted to be a redact
No worries about that, words were never meant to evolve, they merely appear & disappear
In myths of angels and devils, drums and trumpets playin’ the rock & roll for babies & deer.

I’m away and long gone, because I couldn’t handle the ignorance and fake incongruence too
Pretending to know it all, knowing no Truth at all about anything from why we live to why die
Laugh, it’s funny, you’re going to the same place all of the dead moms & dads already went to
Certain rigor mortis, ceasing the perp walk in the yard from water to snow peak, what a guy.

Dead air now, nothing sounds like this, quiet as the drop of a pin in a vacuum tube, it’s moot
Point that is useless to comprehend the miracle of sensation, the idea and thought of a rootb
Imagine, you’re asleep as I am, we’re in the same head dreaming a dream of me, yet this bites
It’s lying down appearing to be unconscious or dead, yet functioning as the host of the lights.

Virtually anything is possible, probability only limited to the impossibility of contradictions
Nothing’s neither created nor destroyed, it’s that, Nothing is Everything, could be worse sons
We or at least you & the others will get it on the best y’all can but it won’t be good 3.14 #pi
Ultimately, if you cannot disappear into thin air & transverse dimensions, you live & you die.

Score in matches and games where the competition is more skilled & lucky than you can be
Turns up high on your side, luck or bad night for the opposing team, ten to one, score to me
Holy gods ain’t here, we name them & scribe their existence and purpose for unveiling a face
In the end, the Call is for relaxing to the rhythm an rhyme displayed everywhere, every place.

Scored and nearly won the game, the match and the tournement, just high dreaming but alive
Wash the dirt off of my hands, invisible mud staying outside of me is fine, I’ll babble a deep dive
Royal blues I’ve had after the breakups & losses to the super ego my parents created one night
Innocent and ignorant, downloaded programmed philosophy of Life, makes everything alright.

Second guess my first one at my peril since I know my first guess is always right 100% of Time
Space Time reality, asleep, whistling in the dark, start to finish in all fifty states of inbred being
#44 like #4 accepted and rejected in one fell swoop, dead on arrival for the duration’s dime
Fourth dimensional chess without an opponent, I made rules that mutate an idea that I sing.

Maybe pre-predication cannot be eradicated after all is said & done, forgotten and annhilated
Bing Bang’s reversal is inevitable since there’s no other way to S#it, Shower & Shave, y’all dead
Formation of the shapes of substance is controlled by random chaos & occasional holy scree
In a gospel, in a parable to make an analog imprint of a little bit of this & that on me for free.

Froze my toes off literally, severed the black decrepit metatarsals with a butter knife, hold up
For the exchange of your wife if you give me all the cash in your pocket, you get my purple Tesla
Strong or weak, without the body, your mind can fill the vacuum by no relenting to the bullies
Peaceufui when sights & sounds are eternally terminated, Nothing’s in the mood, hot to freeze.

Mercy’s call of duty is the comfort of the stupid and clueless, method is the Word, coast to coast
Woke awakened for a peek at the future if they continue in anticipation of punishment’s reward
Taking it seriously so I gave every drop of blood and sacraficed my muscles and bones on toast
Kept my promise, let all of my blood out of my veins, freedom-free, at-One is a dead-ass ghost.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, 9-10-2024 (*911 EVE) @ 111 PMPST