"YES we CAN!" -- the gods
What Eve did is not a joke, it began the origin of this blockage, apple eclipse of the hot sun
It is what it is and a movie star or a rock star can’t change the genome, it is what it is, my son
I’m not your mama so don’t come cryin’ to me like a little baby girl, even you too, dear boy
Girls are adults right from the get-go, out of the gate, ask any one of them not in a crib’s toy.
Who took the first bite? Did they swallow the chunk of nonsense down the pie hole? Yea, so?
Not my fault that an original woman who arrived on Earth before me, disrupted nature’s flow
Obey the law of a God who is invisible to me and you, priests and nuns too, no lives in Space
Emptiness everywhere outside a planetary solar system we call the home of the human’s race.
Awareness and consciousness are the award for conception without consent, it ain’t my fault
Ad infinitum in reverse from here and now, there’s an original big bang, Mass unlocked guilt
Sorry for this and that which has nothing to do with the fact that Earth holds the bone graves
From the walkers and talkers, all that’s left is what they refused, recycled and left, god-slaves.
Comin’ in for a landing on the tarmac to nowhere, estimated time of arrival is nevermore, #9
Just a dream goin’ down from the cerebral cortex and nervous system of an accidental design
Human DNA a mistake, a miscoded liquid solid gas, now has survived and spread a dark web
In my mind, in my computer, under the burnin’ star’s heat, hard as rocks’ soft as Moe’s Keb.
It’s in the rhythm and the back beat of the pounding drums, the rhyme of the Word, the flesh
Moving from the origin to the destination is what the animated do, or they’d be more rockish
On the top of mountains or in the center of the matrix you see in front of your consciousness
Inside your mind’s disturbance for staying alive, an immortal being arises, I am an Oz-fest.
r j j stephan, i
c. ROCKTOBER 19TH, 2019 A.D. @ 2:22 AM PST
{ drafted from my Apple dreams in a California Golden Speckled One, #OffTheGridff #OnTheBlock listenin’ to #DeliverTheWord by WAR THE BAND #HITS on weTube link @ https://youtu.be/nEhQxPR7ZQM }