Scorn works the crowd, never love your sister or brother like your Self, a demigod ball
Without you, without me, no magic works, nothing even exists without you and us all
We're a series of accidents that provided One ghost for a trivial pursuit of a demon kin
Lonely or being top of the world's happiest human being ever, bunk beds of mortal sin.
Accident or intention from First Cause to the last sweet heart in a dump like this
I know you know that they all know what we all know, it's a joke, it's a prank fizz
Divinity rhymes words with the music's scales that rank flesh & blood, I pocololo?
Seedless, weedless drill sergeants that run dozens for Colonel Klink's, giddyup, go.
Common denominators' numerators, fallen ones stretchin' into an empty, holy void
Nanometers & parsecs from one extreme to another bull-snake's eyes I'm to avoid
Punks, confused young, fatherless children who taught us to give it to 'em good, lord
Dot matrix Black Void, nothing but Space & Time, movies move one unmoved Word!
Men of peace and love, long hair fell out & left them older and bald, head's cut a jib
What I am is what I am & what you are is One and the same, use propositional logic
God's damned fools in the calculus function trying to make it to the end without dyin'
Magic spell of the sounds, voices blowin' hot air out of the hellfire deep in Adam's rib.
Costume and masks to hide the calcium of the starburst, skulls & crossbones, my son
Spanked or disciplined by the iron fist, as above, so below it goes on forever, it is fun
Opposite of the good times are the Time of your life, perception, contemplation above
Below a heavenly being, a white trash happy ending, twisted Earth's Ironic core Love.
Response to the sun blowing it's cool and becoming as hot as a million Mercury atoms
Smoke rising above and below the whole shebang, it's not my problem on Highway 61
I'm on California RRte #49 with or without or a gang's foolish moms
Rain came after the windstorm and carried the cells of moms and dads of a Fool's Son.
Predict the ending, not knowing the beginning but here and now, nevertheless, Spaced
Out to the ends, a solar system's galaxy and beyond to the end of the Universal I, Zed
Ruthless, no mercy for the fanatic's desperate prey, between skin living & the holy jive
Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, cousins & friends, buzz in the bee hive!
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, June XXVth @ 757 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @BobDylan 2022 LIVEOakland, California. 11 June, 2022 @ & ON TO THE CONCERT TONIGHT IN SACRAMENTO'S MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM, ROADIES ROLLIN'! }