
Thursday, August 01, 2024

#HeyCisco #HeyPoncho #S #ThatsTheWayItGoes #DireStraits @WARtheBand

Of course, there’s no reason to cry about the situation, it’s not going to change the outcome
Parents and children move about from school to school attempting to graduate from all dumb
As above this grind, so below it is before or after One self-realization of invisible souls’ shine
Before your mother & father met, you didn’t exist here, there or anywhere, it’s all the time.

High, low, inside or outside, atomic to astronomic, What this is, Who you are, can’t be denied
You’re everything that can be consciously aware that life is being lived & death is the end of It
Pleading and praying will not alter the consequence of the fatal mitotic division of an egg bed
Isolated to evolve and assimilate into the host, the womb spurts the code from the tomb scat.

High or low, thick or thin, already gone before I ever got in, it’s like a thing you do, then forget
It’s the nature of the beast as it is, was & always will be, an inferior superior in perpetual debt
Questioning nothing until forced to find & drink & eat the food for thought my labor produced
Last supper for the last time, no more defecation for the minions to hide and disguise as gold.

Without the manure, the seeds and plants cannot get a grip on the multiplication division, yet
Some of us who are so full of it we’ve got brown eyes, stuffed to the hilt, to the brain without
Everything you need to know but it doesn’t matter when you’re all alone, mired in the doubt
About the facts of life you weren’t told, you’re alive & on your own until a bitter ending pout.

Hardy or paltry, the fixings are identical except in the vision of the far sided, it’s all too close
Being above and beyond all things, as a USAF F4 or F106, I can make a case for the H2O hose
Without water there’s rocky dirt, leftover astral dust from imaginary, big bang of live divinity.
Social, political & economic skills required for success, got ‘em, succeeded to consume infinity.

Holier than you will ever be, since I never had any original or mortal sin against demigods
Counting backward from two million, Time and Space get taken for granted, dead seed pods
All about the casing that the sausage gets stuffed into, the mothers and fathers in dire straits
Yoyos doin’ the do, fillin’ out the forms’ blanks with mirror reflection of the empty fish baits.

Moving refrigerators, hot water heaters, dish & clothes washers and dryers from day to day
Never an end you’ll ever be able to reflect on, when you’re gone, you’re all gone, no options
Heal the disease and enhance the health from waking to sleeping, one or an infinite era, AOK
Brisk or slow as a turtle with nothing to do but scat, eat, mate & watch idiots’ fishin’ the bay.

Knowing what you know now, you know you don’t know anything about diddly squat, so be it
It’s an Omen, to Truth that is immortally present in every time Past & Future too, it’s no S#IT
Humming and strumming doin’ my thing until the S#it all got hung out to dry, nothing’s easy
Wicked in the Wikipedia appendixes commentary, full of the most innocuous scat in the kitty.

Or is it the real reality still to come after all of your progeny’s weddings in a NY state of mind
I don’t believe any of your invalid conclusions can be true, premises assumed and assigned
Subjects predicated the objects, modified or not, just noise of paranoid voices, scared to be
Alive and all alone without the parental guidance that reincarnated forces require, now I see.

I have an unacceptable ultimatum for you & yours to entertain as if there’s no tomorrow at all
Today is the final spin of Earth you are allowed, accidentally on purpose, I’m a man, I will fall
Down or up, in or out all the same Atoms to Singularity suck, no equal, dream’ a little dream
I loved her Door madly, she reciprocated, we duplicated the thing itself, origin in the Cream.

Fillin’ the blanks in with incursive code only a literati might comprehend, maybe or maybe not
For me to guess is like saying let me breathe in or you can treat me like a dead man coming on
To the heads of the state to the little feet of the nation that pay taxes or die from overworking
Degreed & elevated to the winner of the game, Ends’ death comes to claim a sing-sing thing.

Whispers so soft you can’t hear the words, can’t comprehend the gist of the diatribe’s blather
Found everything was a display of random guesses, educated yet still, only highly probable so
Maybe the worries behind you ought to be recollected, they will help the ending come sooner
Wake up now, no more time for you, you the last one to come alive, y’all really are just a HO!

Simple to complex on a number line from zero to negatives and positives, line 1’s & 0’s to boot
Ill defined nature of the beast we entertain awaits clarification, on the 208 bones & flygirl pokes
All of us are innocent of the guilty conscience that we don’t consume deals with the red devil
If ya wanna git to heaven ya gotta raise a little Hades, encore my Earth, caput, that’s all folks!

Sink into the mud slinging of the gods and now hear this, the captain goes down with the ship
That’s not an old wives tale, it’s the code of Davy Jones’ Locker, combination is 36 right, 1 & 0
If you can’t jump the sharks that brothers from other mothers can jump, crossroads of tears
Bleak ahead of the pitch darkness, shining star no matter who you are, killin’ cheers for fears.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, August 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Rocked the casbah & drafted this ruse while listenin’ to @DireStraits #ChecksForFree on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/wTP2RUD_cL0 }

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

#DownTheLineDolamite #GrouchNoSloucho #HowdyDoody #FelixTheCat #MASH #TRUMP #PsychodelicShack

There’s more than one way to rock but you’ve got no choice on which way to begin, all’s open
Feeling the monster under your bed or in your bedroom closet upstairs & away from holy sin
Regrets that I don’t have a thing to do with the luck from my father’s mother, Gramma Gert
Down the line from the Irish ancestor who cracked the Blarney Stone, legend of #Dolamiter.

Where’s young-elder Jane Fonda, where’s the Students who have blind faith in their leaders
Hippies and the Dead they follow are into the middle fork of life, a Woodstock long gone fears
Hurry & lock the door from the inside so you can’t get out when nobody’s picking the padlock
I have some jokes I’ve never seen on paper, I memorized them all, word for word, go tick tock.

In a manner of speaking, as above, so below, there’s no way to fathom a fertile egg evolution
On a divine cloud nine, only a human can contemplate the nature of a psychadelic shack of tin
Here we go again, as if there were any other choice in the direction of the wild fires burnin’ up
Matches and lighters, campfires and your ash from cigars, cigarettes & hot ash phuq in a cup.

Prisons keep the killers of civilization at bay, no stealing, no cheating, no spitting, no freedom
All for the sake of keeping the species safe from predators who fail to be an adequate hunter
Could be your father, mother, brother, sister or cousin, as long as it’s not you, you’ll keep it up
Without being framed for nothing you’ve done, can’t rinse out soap scum out the mug cup.

Here’s a mirage and there’s a phantasm of the mental recollection, dream in a dream’s film
There and then you’ll move the rare earth from the spinnin’ rock dust over to the aft or helm
It’s the sailors and the motor mechanics that move the ship between the waves of salty sea
Y’all quit flappin’ your gums, your jaws need to remain clenched, locked down, DOA to be.

Kings, queens and weak military leaders of the navies, armies & air forces have no mercy
They are not the higher intellects of the DNA gene pool, afterall, it’s random butterfingery
Taste and an olfactory whiff impossible to reckon, it’s all that’s left to blinded deaf & dumbs
No offense, most effective defense, game begins, rules & ethics begets wins & losses sums.

Fortunately, an atom and it’s subatomic charm have made it through a big bang of hydro gas
It’s all we are and were always meant to be, an accident in the middle of nowhere’s overpass
Queen labored & begot the rest of the galaxy’s solar systems all at once, an astral scorch spark
Atop of the water tower, sniper blew the head off the shoulders, stand down order overruled.

It’s all over, do better the next time, learn from the failure of texting your blackberries, eh pal
It’s all in the way you hire the people who protect the men & women who run America’s show
Fly on your broom as a witch on a dust broom might, from cauldron to the wicked white blow
When you move to and fro, you keep the target out of sight, unscoped and microscoped et al.

There & then when you drew your initial suck of gas, allowed to the tiny lung sacs growing up
Cats both large and pets in the house of mankind, they alone can be the predator to creep out
Things they kill to eat without cooking on fired-up stoves or camp fire lickn’ flames’ barbeque
Drinkin’ the spirits and blamin’ the world for all your errors and fake news’ out of the blue.

In the end as it should be, you’ll finally realize why this life had to be lived just to roll the dice
I have no problem with that at all, I appreciate evil breath I take, as above, so below black ice
You don’t know what it will be but there will be the last thing you see, then caput, it’s all over
Neither you nor I can do anything about a sound of wine grapes dripping into cups of a lover.

More sleep needs to be input to reiterate the output outpouring into the wild blue yonder
You can’t find the monkey who fell out of the coconut tree because that monkey was me
Predicate subjected to adverb modified verbs and adjectives, articles, interjections of logic
Reason at best soothes the savage beast, the Truth you can’t handle comedy for the tragic.

Stillborn out of Time in the Space of the liberty to move about beginning wih zip, zilch, zero
Larger than the smallest speck of matter in the neutrino range of the astrophysical, it’s done
As tiny particles conglomerate until they obliterate everything in between my soul man hero
Exoplanets are aligned as they infrequently line up in an imaginary straight line from our sun.

Stop momentum before you analyze every angle resulting in polymorphous Hootie on a dime
In a wretched game of Tug of War, one side pulls the other side so close it’s smothered Time
Dead and gone with the keys buried in the underground with the dead bones & urns of blow
Halted tracks, forget the memory lapse, it’s here & gone in no time, ad hominem Jim Crow.

I can dish it out but it’s difficult if not impossible to take it the same way, my bailiwick forms
For the low price of ticket to see some guitars and dru--ms accompany pianos, voice & horns
Tellin’ you the Truth from Illinois to Texas, Mississippi, Montana, Washington & California fog
Saw Mount Ranier to the American River’s Salmon Falls, then onto my tiny bump on the log.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, July XXXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1212 AMPST

Saturday, July 27, 2024

#MountTheHIVEinTwentyFIVE #HoldOnLoosley #ImComin'

In the prequel to the fictional documentary, the thing itself becomes out of form
Shaped in the outlined skin and bones inherited by the April fools who wanna harm
You and I are privy to the truth about the harm done to no one, hard to hold loosely
What and where begins the journey of the soul from invisible presence of salt in the sea.

You and I have always known since we were teenagers, now 73 give or take a few, so?
Out of time almost before I knew I wasn’t immortally here & now, reach out, I did not
Smoked guns and other pyrotechnics that got me out of touch with the Space’s Time
Blood gave me the heated warmth to take over my mother’s hot bones of slick rhyme.

Now and then, you’ve got to stick it directly in the eye, just like the Curly third stooge
Dreams come true just like inside the rear panel of the old Sylvania or RCA photon deluge
We weren’t blind, deaf or dumb yet the commercialism predicted a dream would come true
Thoughts cropped up based on the ideas coming in & outta nowhere, yet somewhere far, too.

Mind of the third eye over the Matter of the all too human lover of theoretical edibility funk
For real, no other choice but to get chewed up by a man-eater, respective of the kiss of a punk
I am what I am, father & mother knew it wasn’t anyone’s fault, random DNA 1st cause built
Utter termination of the analysis regarding the First Cause of Life & unacceptable fatal guilt.

One long, long time ago back in 1964-1965, it made me feel better standing a bully down
Took him outside of the playground fence and kicked his ass in the grass, I was an altar boy
Literally and figuratively, I was a boy scout achieving my guiding light in the darkness’ ploy
Full of grace and the credit card deficits, simple mind looks at appearances as One shown.

Freaking Outerspace reality above the ground, never six feet under or burnt, crushed rock
Sweet sounds of the voices exuding the cheer of the soapy water in the lake’s land locker
You’ve got the combination’s sequence, zero at the beginning triple spin past the hot zero
Simple man, complicated woman and permutations between you & your frenzy of blow.

High and low lights between the days and nights produced by a spinning ball of lead gold
War was on Rawhide & Stagecoach cowboys and cowgirls who meant no harm, got so old
Pounded the pavement & disintegrated underground rocks and stardirt below to the fears
Silly as Hades mothers who screw their own, comrades and amigos of the beware dangers.

Grotesquely unsettling features of the beautiful and ugly who cover up for the very good RIP
Burnt, buried, taxidermized like the philosopher squarely input into a square hypothesis of Id
Ego and the superman who can’t fly or bend steel, can’t repel the projects fired out their arms
Serious firearms locked in a safe distance, no bullets or unpowdery trajectory 10 millimeters.

Now you move from space to space without your own place, it’s everywhere you set foot now
Completely surrounded by an infinite state of obliterated cosmic slop, the Steins & the Changs
I knew this would happen after Enlightenment I gleaned from the hornet nest’s stinger welts
Melted the hardened black ice & white noise that failed to extinguish my squashed DNA belts.

Awful or beautifully elegant, either way the scat goes down whenever it comes up in a revolt
Shunned by the followers & leaders to make up for their shortcoming evolutionary dead-end
Bodies on the floor splattered off of the holy wall in the middle of Paradise gifted by Alien god
Hit man can feel the emotion before the ending, finale will put the guess in B Negative blood.

Hurry & scurry like the cornered rats who’ve got nowhere to be born to run around hot circles
All squares who couldn’t manufacture all right angles, settled for 90-degree triangles, 3 points
Infinity without the humane or inhumane monikers, blaming the creator for free wills’ quirks
Roots invisible but sucking all power away from the gravitational collapse of cherry Jello jerks.

Fine lookin’ resembling the Frankenstein’s monsters and Dracula’s blood suckin’ minions’ ilk
Cash money in a deep pocket, gold, silver & platinum rock, trade for shelter & chocolate milk
Much too human for the divine to call a wash, it’s getting’ even with steven that’s all it ever is
Sights unseen, thoughts in word sounds, subjects, objects, verbs & modifications of atom fizz.

Murky and clear as pure glass windows in a skyscraper’s floors above the clouds, azure blues
Unrevolving, stopped wobbling, the day stays hot until hot water dries up & dissolves in hues
Beer money & champagne tastes got me to apex at the top of the holy pile of scat left by gods
I’m already gone, nothingness’ imagined, jawbone of leftover teeth, tiny bit of me, hotrods!

The heart and brain inside of the skin hold up the bones & animate holy scat to recycle grace
Moving pictures all in your mind, y’all asleep & dreaming the twilight zone hit the human race
Fall guys look like fellas that were neglected by their handlers, let them be insipid fakes & liars
Trust me not, faith in nothing at all, whichever way you choose, go right to left, nobody cares.

Found the exchange for your blood, sweat & tears, got paid a living wage to walk, dream deal
It’s the Art of The Deal, only one way to succeed and avoid failure, it’s dead on real, I do feel
Imagine birth & death just like this passing parade, you know, I know, we all know, it’s all God
If it ain’t all God, then it’s a UFO group from another solar system, blowin’ our DNA’s life Pod.

All in or out of the thing itself, it’s conception & the deception until the dissolution physics
Dead and gone, your ancestors left you with the same thing they had before they lost chicks
Girlfriends, lady friends, mates of the checks and balances, the spirit of the survival, dead air
Cause is because it’s a useless, useful idiot explaining subjective verbiage & holy, nappy hair.

Breaks of the linear functions complete the mission of extinction of the species, DNA deleted
Like the RNA is reprogrammed to survive, the extinct was always the alpha’s & omega’s dead
Sisters, mothers, wives, lady friends, that is all there is for the Ends, without ‘em take a bow
The stage is to the right, exit and blow the production, there’s no bravo for the third eye flow.

Days’ nights, repeat ad infinitum or not, could be the last gasp of your diaphragm’s paradigm
Wishing a third time after the first two failed to command the elements to out Space & Time
Her feelings and his comprehension of them in the real world, that is a monster on the loose
Dracula or Frankenstein, creature from the Black Lagoon, I’m all in, fiction on a ocean cruise.

Money is the dropped digits on a screen, no green, no gold, no scat leftover for the bankers
Inherited what’s leftover, here & now is always there & then, forever and one more day too
Common cats came from the bodies of other cats, reproducing nobody’s food for the butcher
Only the four-legged forms, the two-legged birds and crawling, swimming life to ingest FEAR.

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, 7-XXVII-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Created while listenin’ to @CatStevens #AnotherSaturdayNight on #ALoop at youTube link at
https://youtu.be/_3SLr5pT2e8?si=HNRp3XX61rQPI4-e }
