
Thursday, July 21, 2022

#PrideOfTheNorthernHighlands NATURALLY, YOU GOT NEWS FOR ME, 'BOUT A TRUCK & A KISS * #HappyBirthday48 my #2 son @JimiBSteppin

Running from the summer days of '69 as quickly as I could, it's a 2022 buzz fizz
Are you full of the masticated food?  I think that's quite clear, you are & you is
Whichever way you swing, you're the problem not the solution to the dilemmas
Nothing to see here, pretend as if you're deaf & blind, no offense to yo' mama!

Ignorance is 100% free to every human born on Earth, you may still have it now
In tact as if it's supposed to corral your spirit  and break you down for a bridle
Nobody should be allowed but the ingenuity of weak bodied fellows & the cows
Will crack the ceiling for Understanding to dawn & enlighten the farmer's dell.

In charge or not, pretending to be until your queen is in check, then you'll mind
Your P's & Q's whichever you find at the crossroad of your self-realization sign
We're all gonna die, all public restrooms in American business need black junk
Or white trash left in public restaurants & restrooms, it's a matter of timing, pace.

Comin' to grips & thinkin' that I exist here in California for no reason at all, shux
It's not a problem but after seven decades, chit still happens, I got my own six
Now and then you need a nudge, just a little desired push in the right direction
From maybe a word or two, a line or two, an understanding with another One.

Spirits stuck roamin' around all alone lookin' for the thing itself only to find It
Right there in front of their eyes for so long that it's as surreal as Holloween
If you've got a ghost within your body's skeleton, whole mind & body gadget
Not that it makes a difference but it's a dream you're havin' you forgot, regret?

No, I didn't think you could regret what's so hard to comprehend, wink & a nod
In the right or the left deep states of being all too humane, one finds all peace
Glasses of wine & shots of whiskey, blunts full of keef, bitten Girl Scout cookie
Givin' a hoot's in the stars but it won't be easy, being jacked up by a hot rookie.

More or less philosophy, you don't want to hear the good, a bad or fugly blaze
So there it is, I'll keep the repitition of the fact of life you've forgotten in the fog
Of the state's indoctrination with the history of culture, a world's holier blades
Anthropomorphically given, as above, so below ad infinitum, a Gog & Magog.

Thoughts dropped like a dime just behind your position, it's a creepy signal
Flags waving like there's a wind in this vacuum, yet there ain't no way out
Even though that's the case, useless trivia aside, simmering with a wee pal
In the blind hindsight, it's going to be a moonwalker triage, monkey pax gout.

You desire & require all last words & testament of godfathers of animal herds
Handcuffs won't work, you just hold your hands together behind a slip, on dirt
Ice or slippery slopes with an overweight, aged cat, still surprisingly in synch
With the sounds of the wild & the silence of the void, y'all need to bleed ink.

I danced alone and with many women, it doesn't really matter, it's all labor pain
Here for all of the things that happened since 1951, it's now 2022, that's insane
Humble true lies to be killed & buried four feet under Stardirt of God, forsoothe
Conquered holy masses of atoms by fusing & splitting them, can't handle Truth.

Oceanic deep end for sailors, airmen & pirates lookin' for paradise while blind
All too humane, inside a vision box, teleporting bunches of conmen, oh my lord
Cut to the chase amigo, amigas await the final end of your breath, a yogic kind
Wisdom, knowledge, willpower to wield a two-edged sword, I am the red horde!

Helpless phenomenon, to mend a malaise, hopelessness for all but you, son
Avoid helping others as you would the plague because it causes an addiction
Not to you & your good soul but addicted to your wealth accumulated by work
Anyone can do it starting from paper routes, stockboys at stores or circle jerk.

Achieving success by your last gasp of gas is an enviable Original Sin skin
I hope & pray to a Void Air Force if any to let me be immortal as God's been
Oh wait a minute, isn't that what the Dark Angelo said, well I'll be God's dams
To the High Ranch, dead freefall in a deep hole full of vipers who hate scams.

Pimps of the extinction, selling the bad as the good, the beautiful as the ugly
Remember what you can from the Twilight Zone we've stopped by just to be
Not too human as a prince or a princess used to be before bad news, I'll see
Hot flames in supply & demand mode, freezing cold solids ice to God's Eye.

In this tribe you are neither chief nor initiate nor lieutenant general, I am to be It
Nothing's remains, I'm at once the final punch in the mouth delivered to the kid
Demand inheritance or the breadcrumbs of being a bum-hobo on foodstamps
Playin' poker with reneck girls next door, a sitting duck for cheaters & chumps.

Why & when will the conclusion reached during existential inquiry lead to being 
Whether a male or a female malcontent or a hobo or a bum, it's DNA is failing
Human RNA has been artificially inseminated with acid that's not of this Earth
Shocking to know that we've allowed humanity to let the solar system know US.

Even far from this solar system, beings have discovered our #Woke hardware
Easy to reach since the humanity that launched gave predators pirate software
That said, hone demented fake news, love & listen to it, debate & metabolize it
Ominous logic, 'bout birds & bees, comin' out a little country, rescue me, #schit!

r j j  stephan, i
c,  Jeudi, July XXIst, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST


* Happy Birthday to my #2 son, #JimiDugan @JamesSullivanStephan 7-21-1974, born when his daddy (ME) WAS SERVING HIS COUNTRY IN SOUTH KOREA DURING THE SOUTH VIETNAM WAR IN CAMBODIA AND LAOS IN 1974, born & first raised in Chicago, groomed in the foothills of NorCal, #ItsGoldJerry!  HBD Dugan!  POPS . . . pi = Three Point One Four

{ Master's piece drafted while jammin' to @BobDylan #ThingsHaveChanged #WonderBoys link in a loop @ https://youtu.be/U4zlA6NoSVE & to rock the rest of my #2 son's birthday @Blink182 #Hits link @ https://youtu.be/b0U-XVkfzCM }

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

#ParanoidSchizophrenic #FarmersDaughters #TruckInTheField #BeerOnIce #ScottFreeCruise

It never really mattered at all what the outcome would be at the end of the road
You knew & I knew we'd all get there eventually, not really know but we had faith
In the unknown and how because of our conception, we were owed by the powers
That be both you, me & every other living thing on Earth, so lucky to be here & now.

Where there's a Will to power, there's a guy or a gal dancin' around in circles, dancin'
Barefootin' or slippery soles of the leather and suede movin' around the floors wood
In a minute or a couple hours, there was a prize to get, a phone number to call, good
To get a date on the weekend tryin' to get some sweet huggin' & kissin' at the drive-in.

Again, a simple mind has performed an atomic reaction, either fusion or fission of dicks
This universe as it is & always was, before & after me & you, before God existed here
There is a high probability the God & other divine beings will not survive an extinction
Sat around until I died in sin & somebody rolled me up & smoked me too, three or six.

Fried my small mind, what's left of it after the 1960's & 1970's when I was a genius too
Lost nearly everything over the years of all of the fire and wind blowin' me down under
Chased the clouds & the fish until I found the girls & then snagged to my better half, aw
Better to state the Truth than to pussy foot around it, your trouble could become a saw.

I love my life with this woman of the century, I have known & observed, irreplaceable X
She's got it all of it, singin' & dancin' over my gravity of this star, I'm at one with the twos
So, in the end or before the beginning, there's an identical essence, word up your noses
Just because you thought you were so pretty & could get me, "How do ya like me now?"

THERE'S NO REASON FOR BEING ALIVE OTHER THAN finding you, here, how you do
You do what you need to do whether I like you or not,  I know you now or not at all, cool
Some hearts need to break in two, meaning absolutely nothing other than cry like a baby 
Heaven's really far for lonely boys, in prison or free, most you ever recover is one final day!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, July 19th, 2022 A.D. @ 544 PMPST
  * header's my COUSINE @NADINE_STEPHAN ! *

{ #Kicked this out the holy hole in my head while jammin' to the mighty @DireStraits #DownTotheWaterline link @ https://youtu.be/PNO_fdDmFjs & @BruceSpringstgeen #TwoHeartsAreBetterThanOne link @ https://youtu.be/CsGLF8hHtT0 )

STATE OF THE PHARTS #KickinArseOutTheVenue #DEADHEADED #GoinToChurch @JackDaniels

I used to know all of the tramps runnin' round the 'hood before it was a neighborhood
Of men's electric Stratocasters who put their mates through the lonely labor of a brood
From invisible to more than necessary & sufficient justification, if I ain't in, nobody wins
For you and your folks, your related DNA is in every gene pool, it's acid from accidents.

A very long time ago, there a dreaming young & innocent kid lookin' for reality of Me
Long times from the original  plugs in the wall that electrified the stage of star's of He
I know the most that you've never known & I will keep that to myself, inner sanctum
Nobody gets in without me, I get in or nobody does, can you feel me?  Didn't think so.

Now & then, beaten down to the lower end of the echelon of macroscopic, hot funk
Got out of the drag race by beating the hottest wheels on the track, really a slam dunk
Jumped up from the freethrow line and sailed above the rim, hand banged balls down
So many times, so many points counted, rim shot, AC/DC down under, tears of a clown.

Besides the fear and loathing of your face & bones, there's not much else, your memory
It will be forgotten in a hundred years, not in a history book to be read by the not dead
Therefore, I never was here, I never left & I certainly ain't comin' back to thunderstruck
What I came for, to see, to feel & hear the love in Space turn into a mode of don't suck.

There then, again it's Matter in Time & Space that's all there is, we both know gods' truth
Nothing personal for the Christ, the Buddah, the Krishna & the nobody at all in the booth
Ladies, step right on up, the chances are you're in a dream, can't wake up from the room
Dark then light, ultrapurple through infrared, I conquered all this scat, I'm leavin' doom!

Belonging to nobody and noplace is the best you can hope for while smokin' up, it did
Wafting the smoke, like signals from the souls' lost in empty space, exactly love to a Sir
Maybe a knight or a damsel in distress would be the concern of the queen's court of Id
Door slammed but I opened it in a second and everything was still alright, it wasn't her.

She's comin' with or without me, there's no doubt about that, sure as the sunny rays
Invisible but they are the source of the light in the closet, no regrets & nomore todays
Fathers come & ago, mothers have tried their best to stay legit & like a boy who's bad
Rot out your teeth, at the roots, gums and jaw deterioated but you were interred, lad.

Morphing into the thing you didn't want to be, you do, regardless of your gold in a vault
To the parents' gold and silver they've accummulated in memoria of the scent of a Time
It passed into oblivion without a Word from the white-blacks, all of 'em dropped a dime
We're here for a minute & we're all gonna die, bugs to man to dinosaurs, it ain't my fault.

On a clear day when it's hot & the sky's blue without a cloud, that's when you'll awaken
From dawn 'til dusk on that day, you will know the reason why you're alive, heaven sent
People won't comprehend this notion about what I was thinking, God's dam, mortal sin
None of the professors of the genome of humanity is responsible for Life, all accident.

if I have this straight now, there is no god or goddesses other than what y'all imagine
Figments of the dead, old men and women who couldn't stay longer than their Time
In or out of that funky groove that spins in circles, playin' jams we sang on the corner
Psychic and weird, Lord's payback for original sin, 'scroomed' candy in Eden's garden!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, July XIX, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 12:00 HIGH NOON
{ Jammed while *Scrooming ["Screwed & Doomed "- joe getty} & jammin' to @GratfulDead - Crimson White & Indigo (Philadelphia, PA 7/7/89) [Full Concert] @ https://youtu.be/Qi-e0dKczJc }