
Showing posts with label @TheViewWokeDown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @TheViewWokeDown. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

#WADING in #H2O #FamilyJewels #ACDC #Saved @PabloPicasso #WOMAN & #GirlInACountrySong @MaddieAndTae @BlakeShelton #BoysRoundHere @MavisStaples #WadeInTheWater #TroubleH2O

Full house of aces and kings keeping the queens and jacks at bay, hackin’ a full boat gun
Et al that they have is all that there may be in the end, where brave women fear to ever go
In and out or both at the same time in a universal way, hub with spokes, man, it’s all One
Buried the Truth so deep that it cannot be ascertained by the simple minded evolved sons.

Beating you into a mix of chocolate covered Oreo cookies, 2% milk melts sugar ala hot lips
Breaking you into East Atlanta or West L.A., just around the corner from moody hooker hips
Could have been New Orleans, Detroit, Chicago, Mason City (not really MC), Moscow, Paris
Adding up a holy shebang, it appears to be a nightmarish dream of fools who can’t see this.

Clouded by the unknown, putting the backsides out in front of the torch, all men carry, too
Up and down, in and out, it’s the only way to keep the germs providing fodder for the blues
Free to spin the tops & yank the yoyos up and down the string, tricky as rock around a Bose
Nothing letting you be until you accept the thing itself, form an matter of the thing, Those.

Cutting you off of the team, warmed the bench with your faded purple shorts, can’t lay up
Jump shots all faded away from the rim, didn’t hit the net on the inside, missing in action
Hidden dreams inaccessible to the common human, boy or girl matured to man & wife
WTH is going too far, going all the way, in no sounds or sights until the infant cries for life.

No abortion, no adoption, no quitting for the all too human, gotta keep it up, go, go, go
We’re all going to the place that always makes us all, #GoGo, yeah you got that, cop blow
Hurry while it’s still hot like the lips you’ve kissed in the past when they be lookin’ good
Goddesses dressed to kill, for me & my entourage of One, we do what we do, in the mood.

Pretend or not, it’s all good, everything is real until it becomes the unreal, One, Two & …
It gets better once you discover that nobody made you but your mama & papa, not God
Souls ain’t rubber or in a salad, searched for and found nowhere, you angry with me too?
I can’t see why, we’re all gonna die & it won’t matter then, ergo, check your ‘tude, my fan.

Freaks just the mutated DNA that was intended to accidentally produce divine amnesia
Forgetting about the Big Bang & the Void that’s free of being, slaves or masters, in fuscia
It’s a turquoise deal, a purple majesty magenta cape and cowl, Batman’s Robin all funky
Just as above, so it is below, all our gods of our grandfathers and grandmothers got drunk.

If there’s anything alive outside of the Earth’s atmosphere, what we don’t know, will eat us
Not literally like a meal, breakfast, dinner or supper but in dissolution of the organic matter
It’s a happening that comes to living things originating from mitosis of mitochondrial events
My children I’ve never referred to them as such, my boys trippin’ as if on petty officer sense.

Between high rocks and low places where only sand keeps you from seeing an empty dot
Shallow emotional attachment to things] that appears when you’re wide awake, I’m a robot
Moving animated from the ingested dead plants and meat of anima, I’ll slam the open-door
Remember when you drank my Spinada & Ripple wine, we went to Chinatown in the SKOR.

I just gave it up for freedom, I knew the world was a ghetto although nobody let me in on sin
Had to run across Truth on a bus going to accordion lessons on Chicago avenue & Damen
Part of the whole shebang is enough to choke a horse, you feel as if it’s not enough to bust
Yet if you know anything about the Way, it’s narrow and difficult to tread upon, yet you must.

It gets tricky in a while, adolescence to adult, where y’all get phuq-up jitters to annihilate
Your relative, your neighbor, fellow citizen strangers & a plethora of unknown particulate
Headed for the center or the corner and either way, there’s nowhere else to relocate chit
An astro or fabulous Jetson-type of @ElonMusk making Time & Space’s holy epileptic fit.

Jump up now, don’t get on down the line, gotta score up in a bucket, it’s a swisheroo too
Created to be dissolved in a Singularity, sand, rocks, H2O & the magic sauce, word’s up
Spells makin’ a mixed bag, cornucopia of causes with specific effects, happy girls’ falls
Without the alpha female, there’s neither alpha male nor omega male, just extinct balls.

Prominent promenade displayed for the minions, believers and deniers alike to jump up
One last gasp, a final riff of the wind comin’ in your face, down to the iron-dome lung cup
Trippin’ to press the kill switch, it’s the triggered imagination to be the last cause of Gods
All about the beginning Alpha ghost of fog, to the bangin’ orgasm more phuqin hotrods.

You got something to say? My discipline of your behavior is somehow being mustered
By powers that be way above my pay grade, I do it all, necessary or else I’m stone dead
Fear has no reality within my brain’s mind, avoidance of death the only One, necessary
Sufficient to have that respect for the power, it’s all about orgasms’ DNA & a tooth fairy.

Hence, bury your bony knees at the wounded & stone cold dead, Made humane history
All love’s holy puddles & ditches of Salem witches, fill & dry up in concert, twist & wobble
Reruns of the same old thing, you and every replica of Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel ad infinitum
Singing this song, it rhymes sometimes, backbeat & rhythm goin’ down, add it up my son.

Buns in the oven, baked until golden brown, on the windowsill to cool for the boys’ swipe
They steal ‘em before I get back in 10 minutes, like they wait for the scent, then attack ape
Like monkeys in the jungle, they jump for the scent, the whiff of the dough and sugar icing
Meant to be, talk in one ear & out the other, flashback LSD, God’s asleep, jump, love, sing.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, Rocktober II, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 2359 hours PST

{ Drafted #OutTheDoor jumpin’ @PointerSisters #JUMP in a loop
 on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/uyTVyCp7xrw }
l.a. woman

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Never forget about it



You know where to go and you know you'll never forget the day on nine one one, you watched
Hijacked plane on FOX & CNN showing me what I didn't know, I thought this meant W A R
I even went so far as to call up the Air Force recruiter to see if they needed me to back up TED
I was way too old, some were way to young to recall, some not even born to Mankind's horror.

Murky water used to be liquid helium, an accident from liquid hydrogen, a few electrons off it
Yet it's always better than nothing, it could be worse, you might not have ever been born, git git
You were, you exist at the mercy of Mother Earth, nothing personal, just a fact of life, Nothing
Zero, zippity zilch, nada & for certain, Absolute Emptiness, the hole in the circle with no bling.

Height of the sky is lower than the arpeggios comin' out of my horns & struttin' twelve strings
It's complicated beyond logic, it's above metalogic and crypto metaphysics, it's a put-on things
Albeit like my father Albert, his father & grandfather before them all, it's all done by the dorks
It's that thing itself that precedes the essence, the form of cellular adhesion to gluons & quarks.

You wouldn't let your daughter, sister or mother crawl in bed with a snake, you'd skin it clean
Of course, it'd be too late unless you sucked the poison out of the puncture wound's scheme
To animate your heart and soul with the nasty & obtuse for the world to consume like a bean
Refried or uncooked, it's the source of the living forms that turn up to the sun, as a plant's kin.

Turned you loose, you found out you had no tether in the first place, it was all in your mind
Cooked up, mixed up and consumed before the poison was recognized for that thing itself
Hated the loving disease that consumes healthy cells one by one until the end of your time
Hot fun in the city, hangin' loose in the country, drinkin' & smokin' the Earth charm, Fine!

You never heard this coming, your secret service was asleep & on permanent vacation, son
9 1 1 cry about it, remember it, never forget about it, never skip the annual terror that spun
One morning it began, Gulf War from deep in Hades, we got the bin Laden monkey chump
Vaporized the ghost of the spiderman in the cave, Ala, gods & the divine sparks ate him up.

Barrels of laughs with the full Tupperware bowls, throwing them like flying saucers on air
Turned into a Frisbee and got my mind off of throwin’ down yoyos and tops to spin there
Out here and deeper than brave men fear to go, there's the thing itself, all I am is what it is
Ignorant wisdom on the wane in the wake's coffin, I'll be surfin' hangin' ten, I'm bodacious.

Harder day's night than i remember from recent memories, stayed wide awake, no sleep
Performing the acts of kindness for the ones who could care less if your mind is too deep
Cannot believe or conceive a thing but the factoid on a message in a bottle or a tea cup
Bumphuq ain't in Egypt but if it was, we in that the desert where the bums phuq it all up.

Be prepared, cub scouts webelos taught me, boy scouts just tenderfoot, bear cub, lion cub
Jellybeans and peanut butter cups for everyone, you need handouts, this is the only rub
You have to pay by going to work at the club, the house of blues places where bands rock
Minimum wage & bonus if you Bounce (on call at the venue, if needed) 1000 buck mock.

Gods will to power is much more than you think, human extinction is close to nothing at all
It’s the ends of the being that created it all in the first place, before when it was a silent dot
Exploded to get right here & right now in your face, on the gridirons, the courts & diamonds
Every day, you play & some day once your finished with the games, it’s curtains my sons!

Taxes levied and the government charges the governed to govern them and their freedom
Weird but the way it is, it's the system of the ups & downs of Life, it is what it is for some
What type of form, species or genome are we, all too human, 208 bones of ecstasy's tragedy
Only you know & I know, secret in a bottle opened at your last gasp, eyes wide open, GONE!

r j j stephan, i

c.  9 ONE ONE  9-11-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST

{ Tricked this out of my Muse while listenin' to @ledZeppelin #TheLemonSong on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8gWbKAcuzN8?si=wuoS4KIAqo-R4Aqx }


Monday, September 09, 2024

@LynyrdSkynyrd #TooLegitToQuit Imagine Monday Is Friday Everyday... can't get to the weekend, ever, foreveer... #CocoaKissinFelixTheCat #BillionaireDollarBills @BozScaggs #LIDO @RobinTrower @MatthewPerry R.I.P. #TalentKnowsNoColor


A .44 mag, If and only if you follow the argumentative presentation, you’ll proceed
It’s always with me, caution of my elders warned me to utilize gods, as a plant seed
You all are out of my GD mind, deep into One out of body experience, as y’all must
In the finale’s end, no choice but to be buried or fried to the pulverized bone dust.

Fish incorporated in a & surreal presentation for the minions deep consumption
Re-admission into the hall’s leading to the sanctuary where the blessing is a sin
As this movie called reality moves from being awake to falling asleep again too
Keep your eyes peeled & watch your six, it’s a cruel, cruel world my girlfriend.

My mother done told me to wait until my father came home for discipline might
We died in a jet crash on #911, trying to save Time in Space from hosting a mutant
Recollection recalled, rerun ad infinitum, nobody ever saw this coming lightspeed
No parking jets on runways, tarmac or hangar anywhere on Earth, it’s all Godspeed.

Where you are right now is where you’ll stay, not a slim chance anything survives
Rocks and melted snow comin’ off of mountaintops from Rockies to Blue Appalachia
Backwoods forever until the bottom falls out, a gravitational collapse of my scribes
No more writers to subscribe to the blather, it’s malfunction in the junction of hives.

Bees or men, either or both, they consort with the queen & secure hive honeycomb
Full backs and quarterbacks without a full deck in the backfield, it’s in motion some
Penalty in absurdum for the duration of the 4th quarter, then it’s all sudden death
Yours, mine, everyone alive & all who have already succumbed to the last breath.

Spit and polish on your shine will last until someone steps on your toes, it’s fine
I’ll step on yours too when you don’t know it’s me, in the middle of a crowd’s line
Here before the judge, I plead not guilty of being guilty, I’m always the innocent 1
There’s neither hide nor hair on my buckskin pelt, dead Davey Crockett but I won!

Is this the mule of the government or am I sleeping in bed, still dreaming this is real
When it’s a tiny figment of overactive imagination & a drag on society’s scat steal
Out of the swamps and the frozen tundra, the game gets played until the end’s scoot
Happens that way, no other way to happen, a cause for every effect, then it’s caput.

Bouncing back down like a ball off of a backboard or a puck of a goalie’s facemask
I can’t get higher than a happy ending, when I win, I celebrate until I pass the flask
My Jack Daniels on my rowboat in the swamp, my iPhone fully charged & jack free
My girls ain’t around, it’s too harsh, huntin’ gators, I am, I did, they swallowed me.

Plans of the fools who never see the end of the dream when wide awake, too bad
Nothing you nor I can do about it, it’s the jive of the picayune punks on the corner
The block stays and the players fade & die with the plague or the accidental slap
Dead grim reapers who don’t care, material form in despair, y’all just phuqin’ rap.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 9-9-MMXXIV Anno Domini 911 AMPST
{ Drained the swamp & made souvenirs for fleecing of the flocks, drafted ditty jammin’ to #LynyrdSkynyrdsInnards on youTUBE  @ https://youtu.be/-qlzg5_hCXo }


Saturday, September 07, 2024

@Santana #SmellGoodOn You Gotta Whoop A Mansarse Sometimes... #WhenYouCantLetItSlide @WillieNelson @MarshallTucker @Nickelback #TeslaPurpleWrap @ElonMusk #YaGottaWhoopAMansAssSometimes @TraceAdkins @LukeBryant @PITBULLonduhboat

TIME GOT ALL GOOFY, beer for my horses & BOTTLE OF LAMBORGHINI’S 1’S & 0’S

Like it or not, Nothing is what you get small or big mouth closed or wide open
Ancient or modern historical records say nothing about the Nothingness kin
Our original sin was to allow ourselves to be created & defined by stern or bow
We are the masterpiece independent of the artist, created to be oh, Solo Mao.

You know what you’ve discovered, secrets not divulged to avoid panic & despair
In the children whom you mistreat or nurture to the genius mode under long hair
Man or woman, brain in the skull, no different than living forms killed to masticate
Grandmothers & grandfathers stopped making children & caused the decline, Fate.

Hollow Truth, empty of substance and form, empty sounds bouncing on ear drums
Got the beat, makes your toe tap on the floor, to the one, two, one, two & so on etc.
Higher or lower sounds and sights are neutralized by the wind sucking idiots & bums
Not their fault that their parents sucked wind, no count dirty rats evolved from a RA.

Monkeys climb & have no bathroom or bedroom manners, no civilized culture of God
Creator of heaven & this planet within the cosmic realm is AWOL, there’s ne’er a peep
From the emptiness’ foundation where everything else rides on the sharps & flats fad
Simulation of a dream within a dream yields everything you are conscious of, eh dad?

Call you papa or daddio, daddy or pops, y’all are just a common man, mortal in utero
Ingrained in the matrix of invisibility, indistinguishable from your memories of Skippy
My peanuts crushed into a liquidized paste of positive negativity, pessimism ain’t right
Optimism is the middle path on the journey from ignorance to enlightenment sunlight.

Cold fusion I’ve bottled for the atomic fission at the point of no return, Singularity
Stretched to be unconscious ennui instead of life as we know it, all country & city
Asleep for 1/3 of every 24/7 spin while alive as a human being, dreams ala virtuality
In your highness that’s below bottom of the sea, center-core of the planet’s sand.

Contraception Cro-Magnon female from 20 years or more tending to slackers’ slack
Beer and wine and ale & whiskey and rye, gin, vodka, scotch, or 1 bottle of Blackjack
Just me & God playin’ mumbly-peg & shootin’ shots of lead balls cut down my throat
You won’t know what hit you when it’s time to check out of the universe, all she wrote.

My plasma screen cannot be influenced by magnetic field, stabilized for high freaks
Lowest possible wavelength & highest frequency, blow your mind, leak the ass cheeks
Between 10 & 3, when the sun’s down, on opposite sides of the globe’s illusionary day
Where’s your head and third eye at right now? Asleep again, no doubt, safer that way.

Now, it’s a bit dark, the frogs are ribbeting for posterity and the scared, flying bug dead
Swamp is steaming it’s stench, the bog of the millennia where “the refused” accepted
Right or wrong, good or evil, out of this world those concepts migrate to illusionary six
Behind my back, I can’t see 360 degrees, still hope for the coverage, back exposed sex.

You guessed, conclusion deduced is the only reason you’ve spent time philosophizing
Assumptions & induction of the subjects & objects with or without the Deja vous thing
Space is the distance between atomic things, reality animates the empty sets of fools
I don’t want to be, but I am One of them, all fools have no scruples or command rules.

Vaporized or frozen Life as we know it, nothing to do with what we want or need as Man
Women don’t care why they do what they do, they’re here to procreate the game, Fam
More important than living is arranging your own disposal of the matter & form leftover
Time & Space have no mercy and no remorse, y’all got lucky to live to cry about a lover.

Close your eyes and #STFU, that’s what you can look forward to, it’s for sure #NotWoke
I’m a betting man but odds aren’t on my side, it’s a longshot even on a baby blue moon
Something to say when there’s nothing left but the break of day, up all night long alive
Not dead to the world & unconscious as the Earth wobbles and shakes, on a deep dive.

Sometimes, you just gotta say #WTF whether you like it or not, all ministers & sinners
We got here without our will & now we’ve assumed the position, as all us primates do
Getting it in front or behind is a matter of logic & reason accepted by the inseminator
Dumb as a rock no doubt, ignorant from foot to snout, promise to break all beginners.

In one form or another, substance from subatomic hydrogen to One, Black Hole portal
It is what it is and it sure is funky but it’s better than rigor mortis, I think, therefore I am
In the petri dish of wisdom and reproduction of matter transformers, shat & ate for all
Time is right now, here in this place in Space to divulge obvious & a subtle occult slam.

Bring you’re a-game to the rumble, be ready & willing to show you’re able, Sid & Mable
You’ll get hurt or you’ll die trying not to get hurt, last resort is you eliminate all threats
From your entrance to your exit, your presence is regarded as sacredly profane debts
All of past & present karma of redundancy, eternal recurrence of blind faith in sunsets.

Blind, deaf & dumb with the ability to taste, smell & touch things themselves, as above
Meaning beyond the stratosphere, beyond the moon, Saturn and the sun itself, it’s love
For Emptiness is more than enough to spread in every galaxy, clusterphuq from Hades’
A hot kitchen cookin’ up chit to do, dirty pots, pans, dishes & forks washed by ladies.

Bake, fry, boil, sear or BBQ all the things that need heat to kill all unwanted subatoms
It’s the fuel for our tanks to run the machine for the ghost within, a spiritual phenom
Not One of a kind but Many of One Kind, easy to beat that dead horse into submission
It’s the cheer of the red, white & blue, it ain’t free, stole liberty from a Father of a Son.

Incarcerated, inheritance of the dim wit & form of alpha extinction cataclysm in synch
Robbed a bank, robbed your mama and her boyfriend’s bank of North America’s stink
Small victories are better than nothing but losses, losers can’t be happy in chaos’ sink
Humor of the daughters until they see the light & become jaded by the odor of a skunk.

It works when it shouldn’t have, must have been the magic logo of the Batman ghost
Are you amazed that your air’s force is not empty of atoms, it’s all an illusion for most
The best of us are related to the least of us, high or low station in life, you’re all mortal
A Divinity out of this world, above or below or in any direction outside the Mother Fall.

First things first, agree on premises assumed & deduce the only conclusion possible
Presume the probabilities are never infinite, language itself is based on a finite bubble
Here inside it looks like a piece of cake, defeat snatched from the jaws of victory Hell
Second to none, first & foremost, before annihilation do tell the reason why Adam fell.

Created to be defective, inferior to the perfect and never mistaken in holy judgement
You’ll be gone before you know it but those you leave behind will recognize you spent
Every chit you had stored in our bank, high octane hyper burn power to explode, X-37B
Space Force created won’t fill an empty Void but it’ll recreate doubleback ZZ Top to be.

Lost and found in a deep, dark hole without a photon of light anywhere out of eyesight
Air in and out of the evolved or specially created gas sacs inside the A-frame skeleton
Idiot, moron, fool, ignoramus all, product of the DNA of #IpMan, reproduced TNT might
Speculate and commiserate upon the prolegomena of future UFOlogical Gods & sons.

Freaks in the lake beds in Nevada have originated the extinction of the human species
Black Manta you all know what you know, fly high my brothers & sisters, the God sees
My father believed that the fix was in, his father divorced his mother for the hot fires
Chicago Department that put all Mrs. O’Leary’s cows’ barn fires out, got horse power.

Mighty spades to dig six feet holes no deeper below the rock that can’t roll anymore
Once you get in down there, there’s no getting out, it’s a point of no return so to speak
Whether you like it or not, it’s the Ends, no heaven or hell to go up or down to, all men
Brothers, sisters, whiskey for my hombres, beer for my horses, all are One ball o’ Zen.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 9-7-2024 AD @ 911 AMPST
{ Killed this gem while fixed on @TraceAdkins #CowboysBackInTown #WhoopAMansAssSometimes (yup!) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/rMnqPpHParo?si=LwgeJxUp_Diw6bXY  & a couple other gems linked below! }

Sunday, August 11, 2024

#SkippTwoMyLouLouLouise #SheAintNoHollabacker #ThePointerSisters

Now then, talk to me to find out what’s goin’ on in the world as we know it, natural fun
Home is away from home everywhere you set yo’ foot, in and out of the dreaming sons
Becoming free when you’ve been indentured during your hot, baked cells in yo’ mama
Man, you ain’t anything special, you were born in blood & pain, no fault of my ol’ papa.

Valleys and rivers are all that’s left of this H2O packed marble of star dirt, fertile soil
Mountains high as the sky allows without freezing into Plutonic black ice & tin foil
Giving it all up with the last gasp of breath, it’s like the first gasp, slapped on the arse
As a baby gets taught by the father, it’s as above, so it is below, whiskey glass farce.

Good for me that old sexual feeling I’ve had since I can’ remember, decades liked her
I did, so hold me responsible for facts of life, dead-gone like all the rest, holla lover
I may drown in the infinite ocean pool or in the middle of nowhere on a mountaintop
In Tennessee, Illinois, Montana or California, these bones won’t travel much further.

I have no tweets of mercy for the unforgivable, divinity can’t cope with the Truth chit
The ones we’ve told since we learned to speak about things as I surf the curling wave
Played games, became serious only when we lost to the winners who got down with it
Mothers of other men, loved me because I wasn’t their own lover, slid into third safe.

Here comes judgement from the know-it-all tricksters who rule the roost you’re all in
No free choice to be the way you are, you’ve stepped into the trap without knowing sin
Mortal or original candy for the mending of the sorrow and pain invested in by a Savior
To save us all from ourselves, our mortal souls will not live forever, that’s the Truth, sir.

Time and Space are the duality expression of what you cried about as an infantile kid
Just a single moment after you get out of here alive, you’ll fly like a ghost like me, I hid
Away from the perception of a mind in the heads, blinded by light or not, know the kind
What it all is, ought to care, maybe y’all don’t, my mind heard it through the grapevine.

Split the ends and formed one, united, infinite line without bending the god-like bloke
Dreams end, music stops, the story is told & retold so many times, you forget it’s over
Story ended before you heard the beginning words created out of the wild blue yonder
Dog gone it, we began down under to rise above it all, it’s a tell-all, wake up the #Woke!

Feeling nothing when unconscious, it means so much to machines to up & download
Ghosts superfluous like supergirls who bear God’s blessed children, all off the road
Before you were enlightened your mind was blank & mired in innocent ignorance ID
Told to accept the narrative or face annihilation, no pressure, I was blind, now I see.

Monkey around the ground, in caves or up in the treetops flingin’ fecal matter to us all
It’s a trope like the others, it will come & go like sound through an empty concert hall
Curtains fall, the show closes only to open for an encore, then the finale, silence is in
Deaf in yo’ hot head from the barrage-assault of instrumental love, thank Original sin.

Nobody can tell you the future with any accuracy, including your pastors of the parish
They’ve a blind faith that drives their engine, they want to save us all from damnation
Princes, their mothers and fathers know the Truth, no life after death, we dream of sin
Present here & now, no longer back in the Past & not yet in the future until we vanish.

Bum and a junky went into a bar, the bum went to the restroom & the junky put down
Hundred-dollar bill on the bartender’s station bought the house drinks, reap it to own
Dealy-Bob’s thing-a-majig was the original & had no copy, no replica of the prime ape
Franchise player is the malfunction’s cause, reaping what ‘others’ have sewn to rape.

My sisters, my daughters, my aunts, my grandmothers & m y mothers of step & birth
Only you know and I know the answers to the questions on the final, we studied it all
Memorized every possible answer to every possible question, there’s no screwballs
Free your derriere by liberating your mind, mindfulness of buffalo & it’s value & worth.

Food for the fire, fur for bared skin needing buckskin overcoating to conserve a tease
Within the heart’s pumping of the fluid that vampires die for, head to toe ad infinitum
Or maybe a brief moment in Time, as is infinity, Time might be a day or a century scum
Afloat on the salty sea, come & go, nobody will ever know, like a cool summer breeze.

Full tank of fuel, it’s on the house, everything’s on the house, we’re on the house, see?
If not, it’s hopeless, you can see if you’re blinded by the light but it’s not an image tee
Nothing to drive or chip or putt to the nine holes or the course’s one through thirty-six
Scored low, I thought I’d won the championship, alas, lost by a death-stroke, I’m sick.

Dangling with the one and only ding-a-ling in shouting and cackling distance of church
Reverence to the god that some men killed & other men rose to sainthood’s low perch
From suffocation to tortured while conscious and causing death to be felt in the hood
Kicking nobody with the ankles braced in shackles, hands in cuffs, head in a hot hood.

Cobwebs inside of my memory bank, can’t recollect the way to build shyt from scratch
Got down on my knees, my heart in hand offered to love you for eternity, postmortem
Before a cool cadaver’s rigor mortis sets in, I beg nobody but me to have mercy on me
Don’t waste your precious time with pity since the damage is already done, you’ll see.

Meet you above or below here, if I’m wrong & there’s nothing at all left over peace/out
Follow the leader to the event horizon or over the cliff to the bottomless pits’ backflow
Impregnated womb, differentiates the host & donor of soul sacrifices, becomes Ego
Somebody said it this way, for once in my life I know nothing can be known ‘bout us.

Bury the hatchet, forget about the bygones being bygones, aim between the eyes too
Otherwise, there’s a good chance you’ll be burnt at the stake for being a warlock witch
You know how ignorant & frustrated poor folk get, fearless mob mentality’s high pitch
Reality in psychedelic mode, feel fracking & faking you’re an amigo e amiga of the Man.

Man, you’re no dog but this is gonna be far-fetched you got to be a cat with a long puss
You’ll never know that the whole shebang was a boomerang thrown underneath a bus
Nothing ever returns from that infinite target’s bull’s eye, candy can’t coax a top 10 hit
Hunger driven but hibernation overwhelms the wide-eyed fantasy, #Neverland’s S#it!

r j j stephan, i

c. Sunday, 8-11-2024 AD @ 333 PMPST

{ Drafted while jammin’ to #ChrisCross #Sailing in an infinite loop on youtube link @ https://youtu.be/MEO6gYCFbr0?si=rZsn8admhszdPqkJ }
F I N I S 

#SkippingToMyLuLuCarolAnn #TheRollingStones #HappyEnding #DualingVPeeze #TakeAPillow #TakeAKnee

Certainty is a necessary condition for feeling complacent in one holy pew
Conversion of you and yours cannot be in church on Sunday, alive in a zoo
Private and behind closed, locked doors that nothing mortal can violate It
Original sins’ ancestral crimes against humanity, cold immersion of a teat.

Dreaming in living color of the cosmic fairy dust or rainbow disappearance
Fallen leaves from all plants grown from seedless grapes of wrath nonsense
Won the game I didn’t know was a sorry monopoly of winning a trophy wife
Clear skin in the game, blinded by dementia still full of perpetual woke jive.

Bums to bump the logs jammed to dam the river water for inertia Powerade
True honest work from one third to half of every day, unmade in the shade
Cause first and then effect, without the primary there’s nothing but hot fog
From periodic bleeding of the womb, we become these boys & girls in a bog.

Swamped or deleted moisture in the hip hop, bee bop means you’re immersed
Within the ice and fire down deep inside of the atoms’ molecules, God is dead
Nihilism of all dead philosophers to dine on, leftovers to become refused & shat
Blind faith in unknown, ineffable beings who cannot be seen or heard, all of that.

Skepticism can’t be denied although it cannot produce any absolute Truth in gas
Hydrogen, oxygen, nitro glycerin cause animation, Blow will kill your old jive arse
Beating you and winning the game we played with bent rules of regulation, sins
Against human and divine providence, I stand as one corpuscle of bloody sons.

You don’t know anything that can’t be known, that’s the Unknown, the mystery
Completed secret mission to nowhere is the place you are right now, pretwilight
In a zone afar, where you’ve never, ever been since you became woke, divine fool
Fabulously fantastic dreams of awakened consciousness fooling our two ears.

Free and loose atomic substances mixing their electrons up with the evil protons
Waking up you and I in the sleeping bags near the campfire, we were upwind scent
All of the things from microscopic subatomic substance to macroscopic essence
Each and every one of names we’ve attached to subjects of predicating photons.

Coming out of azure blue is never an option if you’ve not been conceived in darkness
As I think that’s the reason, I’ve gone daft, finding out all life is just a dream by the by
Here & now is the present Presence, recollect precognitive though forgotten density
Before any Big Bang, both personal & species-wide, empty tank void, ole ocean free.

Monkey business created to obfuscate the Truth from those who would lose, I sing
Others who might not lose sanity might be tempted to be inhumane, allow evil booty
Sewage drunk, filled up from head to toe, excrement left to grow the beast’s beauty
Beyond Earth’s atmosphere, far away from the Space Station, everything is Nothing.

Hermes full of Mercury’s hot dust to suck up Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, U, N & Pluto
End of the line where infinity appears nowhere in eyesight’s insight, lips together blow
Whistling Dixie or whatever punks on the corner blow fro the ‘hood, easy to be rough
Meant to be more or less an accident, as if there’s no intention of a higher power love.

Peers of punks who are either lone wolves from other brothers & sisters who fouled up
Need to know how to raise a baby boy and baby girl before you hook up the junk & hose
Pretenders like you & your grandmama get paid to desert the ship when it’s sinkin’ fast
It’s OK, I see Evil morality, the right & the wrong, good & bad bat scat ugly, you jackass.

Finely you get the hang of the movement, then a doctor says you’re dyin’ fast, it’ll end
Fear the reaper but even if you don’t you have a date one day or one night, do I offend?
Somebody like yo’ teachers, mothers or fathers should have downloaded the program
Brought you some love you would have never known if I didn’t conquer the hate, mam.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 8-11-2024 AD @ 222 PMPST

{ Drafted while 3 sheets to the wind, #Sailing with @ChrisCross on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/MEO6gYCFbr0?si=i6QrECcP8EPI7ZAX }