A .44 mag, If and only if you follow the argumentative presentation, you’ll proceed
It’s always with me, caution of my elders warned me to utilize gods, as a plant seed
You all are out of my GD mind, deep into One out of body experience, as y’all must
In the finale’s end, no choice but to be buried or fried to the pulverized bone dust.
Fish incorporated in a & surreal presentation for the minions deep consumption
Re-admission into the hall’s leading to the sanctuary where the blessing is a sin
As this movie called reality moves from being awake to falling asleep again too
Keep your eyes peeled & watch your six, it’s a cruel, cruel world my girlfriend.
My mother done told me to wait until my father came home for discipline might
We died in a jet crash on #911, trying to save Time in Space from hosting a mutant
Recollection recalled, rerun ad infinitum, nobody ever saw this coming lightspeed
No parking jets on runways, tarmac or hangar anywhere on Earth, it’s all Godspeed.
Where you are right now is where you’ll stay, not a slim chance anything survives
Rocks and melted snow comin’ off of mountaintops from Rockies to Blue Appalachia
Backwoods forever until the bottom falls out, a gravitational collapse of my scribes
No more writers to subscribe to the blather, it’s malfunction in the junction of hives.
Bees or men, either or both, they consort with the queen & secure hive honeycomb
Full backs and quarterbacks without a full deck in the backfield, it’s in motion some
Penalty in absurdum for the duration of the 4th quarter, then it’s all sudden death
Yours, mine, everyone alive & all who have already succumbed to the last breath.
Spit and polish on your shine will last until someone steps on your toes, it’s fine
I’ll step on yours too when you don’t know it’s me, in the middle of a crowd’s line
Here before the judge, I plead not guilty of being guilty, I’m always the innocent 1
There’s neither hide nor hair on my buckskin pelt, dead Davey Crockett but I won!
Is this the mule of the government or am I sleeping in bed, still dreaming this is real
When it’s a tiny figment of overactive imagination & a drag on society’s scat steal
Out of the swamps and the frozen tundra, the game gets played until the end’s scoot
Happens that way, no other way to happen, a cause for every effect, then it’s caput.
Bouncing back down like a ball off of a backboard or a puck of a goalie’s facemask
I can’t get higher than a happy ending, when I win, I celebrate until I pass the flask
My Jack Daniels on my rowboat in the swamp, my iPhone fully charged & jack free
My girls ain’t around, it’s too harsh, huntin’ gators, I am, I did, they swallowed me.
Plans of the fools who never see the end of the dream when wide awake, too bad
Nothing you nor I can do about it, it’s the jive of the picayune punks on the corner
The block stays and the players fade & die with the plague or the accidental slap
Dead grim reapers who don’t care, material form in despair, y’all just phuqin’ rap.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 9-9-MMXXIV Anno Domini 911 AMPST
{ Drained
the swamp & made souvenirs for fleecing of the flocks, drafted ditty jammin’ to #LynyrdSkynyrdsInnards
on youTUBE @ https://youtu.be/-qlzg5_hCXo }


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