
Sunday, August 11, 2024

#SkippTwoMyLouLouLouise #SheAintNoHollabacker #ThePointerSisters

Now then, talk to me to find out what’s goin’ on in the world as we know it, natural fun
Home is away from home everywhere you set yo’ foot, in and out of the dreaming sons
Becoming free when you’ve been indentured during your hot, baked cells in yo’ mama
Man, you ain’t anything special, you were born in blood & pain, no fault of my ol’ papa.

Valleys and rivers are all that’s left of this H2O packed marble of star dirt, fertile soil
Mountains high as the sky allows without freezing into Plutonic black ice & tin foil
Giving it all up with the last gasp of breath, it’s like the first gasp, slapped on the arse
As a baby gets taught by the father, it’s as above, so it is below, whiskey glass farce.

Good for me that old sexual feeling I’ve had since I can’ remember, decades liked her
I did, so hold me responsible for facts of life, dead-gone like all the rest, holla lover
I may drown in the infinite ocean pool or in the middle of nowhere on a mountaintop
In Tennessee, Illinois, Montana or California, these bones won’t travel much further.

I have no tweets of mercy for the unforgivable, divinity can’t cope with the Truth chit
The ones we’ve told since we learned to speak about things as I surf the curling wave
Played games, became serious only when we lost to the winners who got down with it
Mothers of other men, loved me because I wasn’t their own lover, slid into third safe.

Here comes judgement from the know-it-all tricksters who rule the roost you’re all in
No free choice to be the way you are, you’ve stepped into the trap without knowing sin
Mortal or original candy for the mending of the sorrow and pain invested in by a Savior
To save us all from ourselves, our mortal souls will not live forever, that’s the Truth, sir.

Time and Space are the duality expression of what you cried about as an infantile kid
Just a single moment after you get out of here alive, you’ll fly like a ghost like me, I hid
Away from the perception of a mind in the heads, blinded by light or not, know the kind
What it all is, ought to care, maybe y’all don’t, my mind heard it through the grapevine.

Split the ends and formed one, united, infinite line without bending the god-like bloke
Dreams end, music stops, the story is told & retold so many times, you forget it’s over
Story ended before you heard the beginning words created out of the wild blue yonder
Dog gone it, we began down under to rise above it all, it’s a tell-all, wake up the #Woke!

Feeling nothing when unconscious, it means so much to machines to up & download
Ghosts superfluous like supergirls who bear God’s blessed children, all off the road
Before you were enlightened your mind was blank & mired in innocent ignorance ID
Told to accept the narrative or face annihilation, no pressure, I was blind, now I see.

Monkey around the ground, in caves or up in the treetops flingin’ fecal matter to us all
It’s a trope like the others, it will come & go like sound through an empty concert hall
Curtains fall, the show closes only to open for an encore, then the finale, silence is in
Deaf in yo’ hot head from the barrage-assault of instrumental love, thank Original sin.

Nobody can tell you the future with any accuracy, including your pastors of the parish
They’ve a blind faith that drives their engine, they want to save us all from damnation
Princes, their mothers and fathers know the Truth, no life after death, we dream of sin
Present here & now, no longer back in the Past & not yet in the future until we vanish.

Bum and a junky went into a bar, the bum went to the restroom & the junky put down
Hundred-dollar bill on the bartender’s station bought the house drinks, reap it to own
Dealy-Bob’s thing-a-majig was the original & had no copy, no replica of the prime ape
Franchise player is the malfunction’s cause, reaping what ‘others’ have sewn to rape.

My sisters, my daughters, my aunts, my grandmothers & m y mothers of step & birth
Only you know and I know the answers to the questions on the final, we studied it all
Memorized every possible answer to every possible question, there’s no screwballs
Free your derriere by liberating your mind, mindfulness of buffalo & it’s value & worth.

Food for the fire, fur for bared skin needing buckskin overcoating to conserve a tease
Within the heart’s pumping of the fluid that vampires die for, head to toe ad infinitum
Or maybe a brief moment in Time, as is infinity, Time might be a day or a century scum
Afloat on the salty sea, come & go, nobody will ever know, like a cool summer breeze.

Full tank of fuel, it’s on the house, everything’s on the house, we’re on the house, see?
If not, it’s hopeless, you can see if you’re blinded by the light but it’s not an image tee
Nothing to drive or chip or putt to the nine holes or the course’s one through thirty-six
Scored low, I thought I’d won the championship, alas, lost by a death-stroke, I’m sick.

Dangling with the one and only ding-a-ling in shouting and cackling distance of church
Reverence to the god that some men killed & other men rose to sainthood’s low perch
From suffocation to tortured while conscious and causing death to be felt in the hood
Kicking nobody with the ankles braced in shackles, hands in cuffs, head in a hot hood.

Cobwebs inside of my memory bank, can’t recollect the way to build shyt from scratch
Got down on my knees, my heart in hand offered to love you for eternity, postmortem
Before a cool cadaver’s rigor mortis sets in, I beg nobody but me to have mercy on me
Don’t waste your precious time with pity since the damage is already done, you’ll see.

Meet you above or below here, if I’m wrong & there’s nothing at all left over peace/out
Follow the leader to the event horizon or over the cliff to the bottomless pits’ backflow
Impregnated womb, differentiates the host & donor of soul sacrifices, becomes Ego
Somebody said it this way, for once in my life I know nothing can be known ‘bout us.

Bury the hatchet, forget about the bygones being bygones, aim between the eyes too
Otherwise, there’s a good chance you’ll be burnt at the stake for being a warlock witch
You know how ignorant & frustrated poor folk get, fearless mob mentality’s high pitch
Reality in psychedelic mode, feel fracking & faking you’re an amigo e amiga of the Man.

Man, you’re no dog but this is gonna be far-fetched you got to be a cat with a long puss
You’ll never know that the whole shebang was a boomerang thrown underneath a bus
Nothing ever returns from that infinite target’s bull’s eye, candy can’t coax a top 10 hit
Hunger driven but hibernation overwhelms the wide-eyed fantasy, #Neverland’s S#it!

r j j stephan, i

c. Sunday, 8-11-2024 AD @ 333 PMPST

{ Drafted while jammin’ to #ChrisCross #Sailing in an infinite loop on youtube link @ https://youtu.be/MEO6gYCFbr0?si=rZsn8admhszdPqkJ }
F I N I S 

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