
Saturday, September 29, 2018

#UseMeUntilYouUseMeUp #JustKiddin' @ricoSacto #ricoSacto #WORD



Richard Joseph Stephan·Saturday, September 29, 2018
Listen up my friends, if you’re a leprechaun and you know it, give me a high five, #yoyo
A party when you are young is just a party until you find that somebody has stalked you
Just because you were the quarterback of the football team and all around a jock’s strap
But there’s a lot of #Haters in and out of the capitol so if your eyes are wide open, smack!

You can be slandered by the left or the right but in the end, it doesn’t really matter at all
Your mother and father are proud of you even if haters lie about you and slander, with gall
They come out of the woodwork, the lovers and seekers of the #Limelight, sweet old boozer
No makeup to make your face look less worn and withered by the #Sunlight, beautiful loser.

I know you know that I know what you mean when you say what you say about things, I know
Moments in Time are always exactly on the money, paying attention to the dreams that flew
Cows come home after you get to sleep in bed, blacked out about every last thing you did, yep
If you can’t remember EVERYTHING then someone MAY remember you, because you blew.

If my daughter told me that she was jumped on by the quarterback of a football team, uh-oh!
It would have been an epic career for the youngster, if the charges were false, well you know
It’s a condition of propositional logic, how our brain works and makes a mind appear to be
To take full responsibility for every action the body and mind take, every day, have no fear.

DO NOT JUDGE ME and I will not judge you, if you judge me then I will judge you, that’s it
That’s all there is to it, judge not lest ye be judged translated from the Aramaic, just say ‘duh’
Our fathers who aren’t in heaven have gone to hehl and they can’t get out, their souls’re dead
Our fathers bequeathed this mother’s egg, if you say so and so it did, our God’s a star’s Nova.

r j j stephan, i { *Here Come The Judge - Judge Brett Cavanaugh's meme in header - cred }
c. September 29, 2018 A.D. @ 4:44 AM PDT
{ written while listenin’ to Boz Scaggs & Duane Allman & a cornucopia of sharps and flats on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/oTFvAvsHC_Y }


Friday, September 28, 2018

#HighlyImprobablePossiblity #WhyWouldEye ?



There are eyes on you and I, you may not like what you will find here within these thoughts
Just a warning to look away if you don’t want to know what you need to know before you die
I have an hour and a half to let you know what I know when I actually need just a minute
Miracles occur when you’re not paying attention, you have no idea that it’s all pablum for it.

It’s an answer to the mystery, why you’re here, how you used to be, to get nuts and then bolt
About the birds and the bees and the microscopic bugs and fleas smilin’ as they climb upon
My conscious awareness that fills the empty container that human species is, not my fault
You grew up without your mother or your father, now you’re a movie star, get it together son.

It is their fault that you were abandoned or ill trained by the elders in your random ape troop
From DNA’s nuclei, we’ve come to move around, pass God around & in an infinite, spirit loop
First there’s the stuff that just happens, events with nothing of themselves, a straight shooter
It may not be an answer, will of the Divine, the Way. is God’s revolution, a fake prince pauper

Morons, idiots, kings, priests, musicians, singers, actors and players, it all goes in circles
Then when the stars fell down to the ground, I put them inside of my grounded One system
Unmoved like the mover who sat tight for millennia, I am now full of the effulgence of sin
Into the future, into fire and brimstone that melts the forms down to their glowin’ sparkles.

In the court of being an outlaw with the other dirty, rotten tomatoes or apples, all of it, juice
Hurt by nobody and I hurt nobody but some want some of ‘this’ anyhow, some say it’s a ruse
It goes in one ear and goes out the other, like it or not, a hyperentity spirit turns to gold dust
I linger for your glance’s gaze, your sad eyes streaming my reflection into a dream’s bust.

This gold used to be lead but the transformation was worth the wait, it’s like fallin’ out a bed
Dreamin’ on the ground of this being that flies around the sun, like a bird in a nest of debt
In forms of random stickup men, robbing what we’ve plundered, bones of chump followers
A record spinning on a turntable bein’ scratched by a diamond needles in a golden showers.

r j j stephan, i
c. September 28, 2018 Friday @ 11:11 AM PST
{ drafted listenin’ to Gwen Stefani #WhatAreYouWaitingFor & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/f5qICl3Fr3w }
#WeAintGettinOutOfThisLoveAlive #NeverForget

Thursday, September 27, 2018

#BeSilly #BeTheMan - REDUX FOR THE MINIONS! #OnBeingWilliamCooper #WilliamCooper




You know that you’re no good without me givin’ you the hot tips on gettin’ along doggies
We had some fun before the #151 but after, well, I don’t remember any of it, lost my keys
Still can’t find my truck, I thought I parked it across the street from the bar, it’s my fault
I think I drove drunk and on the way straight to hell, I stopped at this bar for a shot of malt.

It was after five and Friday night after the high school football game, my wife liked the tug
I went out for a drink or two at the #DeepEnd drinkin’ hole, goin’ up and down with the rum
We lived Up and we lived Down but I piled all of my bottles up in a neat pile, what a chump
So we didn’t have to worry about fallin’ down into the darkness, after I drank the whole jug.

So, after I couldn’t use logic and reason any longer, after the fourth black JD, lights went out
Didn’t see daylight until the whiskey emptied, ‘round noon and in whiskey drenched sheets
Patriotic patriots pretending to protect the proper people, leaving the sewage to little feets
We all walk and roll around from place to place until the movement ceases, just don’t pout.

It’s not your fault and it’s no skin off of your arse to the Pale Horses of the ones who keep me
In the deep state of the centerfold, there is an old, rotten, dirty bastard that follows the flow
Where is the New World Order boogie man or boogie woman? Is it the end of the terror yet
Probably a ruse to replace the World War sequence, there won’t be a WW 3, that you can bet.

Here’s some old news that will burn the barn down with the cows and horses inside, all dead
151 rum’s beginning to flow into my brain and the mind is wandering away from logical dread
I served the wine to the priests when I was a young boy, changed the water into wine, ate God
They made me do it when I was 7, I confessed no sins, I became the One, Holy Ghost’s blood.

r j j stephan, i
c. September 27, 2018 @ 4:04 AM PST
{ written while listenin’ to the best “old” broadcast EVER, William Cooper to the sheeple of the world, link @ https://youtu.be/KMlE6aiDFfY & the interview @ https://youtu.be/QAv5eLfEdQ4 }