
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

#NothingAtAll #NothingToSeeHere #MoveAlong


Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, October 23, 2018
For the first and last time you and I get together and drink until we pass-out somewhere
We know we’re not supposed to consume and recycle the spirits yet we do it anyway, God
It’s a manner of speaking about the dreams in your head, between your ears, in your mind
Nothing you can do to start the star burn, it either happens by the Will or it doesn’t, hotrod.

Crocks of empty and dead air, in and out of your mind, letting the OTHERS get in your head
When they never belonged here, idiots and morons of culture and civilization, eaters of dead
Communicans of the Communists of this World, hating the love, extinction of love is the goal
Every day you breathe above the ground, the assault comes if you open your mouth, let’s roll.

Fly down under my canopy, I’m parachuting down to the bottom, ground floor of nine 1 one
Complete, utter affirmation of negativity and impartiality, voidness and nothing to everyone
What animates the matter? What do you call it? You’ve got rocks and you’ve got sweet rolls
Inside a conscience of a nation, the roll is what sounds like cave rock scratchin’ sand scrollin’.

What you may or may not discover is the accident which your being regards as impossible
That this Earth, this solar system’s galaxy is irrelevant to human affairs? That is irreverent
It is impossible to justify any conclusion regarding the meaning of existence, other than myth
From the olden days to the modern and future epochs, inspiration is that Nothing is a Styth.

It matters to your children, ignorant or enlightened, that their purpose is only to roll, to rock
Turning the tunes up a few extra decibels and listenin’ to the Words, conclusive skunk epoch
Inside the bowels of the eldest waste of the stars and their offspring, unavoidable copied DNA
Mirrors to look at your face and body morph and mutate a Spirit’s skull & crossbones, I say!

r j j stephan, i { i AM a lifetime member of Going out for a quiet one and having a quiet one }
c. ROCKTOBER 23, 2018 @ 6:66 AM PST
{ drafted in effigy of my own pending doom, a genetic anomaly has allowed my 8 lives so far! ...while listenin’ to the fantastic The Offspring HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/7iNbnineUCI }

Monday, October 22, 2018




Richard Joseph Stephan·Monday, October 22, 2018
Come home for supper when your mother calls you next time, don’t make me blow ‘whistle’
OK dad, I said but missed the next whistle, got my arse whipped with a belt, like an imbecile
That hurt pops, I even did it to my own kids, now they’re big and bad men, like a holy wraith
There is no reason for the empty gaurantees that make you question Nothing at all, a Faith.

Believe your mamas and papas who exuded simple wisdom while alive to just wanna have fun
Nobody got out alive from your ancestry, you won’t either, you are in the herd yet you are one
Of a few and proud, brave and strong, survival genes are demigod-like yet, can end with a gun
Crunching The Incredible Hulk and holy Thor together for an extinction battle, epiphany run.

Take a little mental trip to imagine the world in front of your eyes, fading to black, see aVoid
Where there’s no light, no thought, no people, no pets, no theoretical philosophy in nutshells
You will have something to point to, your invisible self that is as unbelievable as UFO hehls
Without anywhere else to go but you must continue on without being confused by an opioid.

Keep the sheeple unconsciously following the conscience of the nation, keep dreaming, sure
About the future you may or may not ever have, Life changes everything present to yo’ future
Someday a look back and a word with anybody that cares will no doubt allow you holy spam
To be or not to be was never the question at all, it’was, “Why the phuyqt’d the Big Bang bam?

You get a privelege to live and die in the middle of Liberty and Prosperity, all germs, inane
Leverage that they can’t all have what we have, innoculated viral bullits, bacteria infections
In your wildest drams you could never imagine the end of everything, you would go insane
Correspnding to the wisdom of experience and blind fortune, ignorance, doom, extinction.

Big boys make Sloppy Joes go down an empty hatch, a black, holy one, two, three, s’all good
Unrequited delight of the unknown, it always comes and goes without notice, all in the mood
We move in and out and sometimes take it for granted, BBQ wisdom just sacrafice of a ram
‘Others’ present, even superheroes don’t know that if you spell it backward, Live is Evil, Dam!

r j j stephan, i { inspired by #BigAl 2 holy guys in the sky! }
c. ROCKTOBER 22, 2018 AD @ 7:11 AM PST { *header is my #Muse incognito for the day }
{ DRAFTED while in audio-synchronicity with Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE OR iHeartRadio 0600-1000 AM PST M-F ....now to Tom Jones (singer) link @ https://youtu.be/ReL9dmYD53A }

Sunday, October 21, 2018

#MovingForNow #NotDeadYet #GoingOutKickingAndScreaming #MovementToTheVoid




George, Thomas, Theodore and Abraham got these things done for all of US, here my peeps
Immigrants from everywhere on Earth wanting to come to a promised land, escape creeps
Your fathers, brothers, uncles fought to the death to keep you free, here an now, you got it
To keep it you will have to be vigilant every day because the Big Bad Wolf’s havin’ a shytfit.

The eaters of freedom are searching for Valhalla, they want to make us fall in a cross’ tryst
In the sand of the time, here on this little space in the solar system’s gestation of a big abyss
Doesn’t look like belief and faith have much to do with anything other than deception’s balls
Bright lights and loud sounds will obfuscate zero-perception and understanding, jacked jaws.

There is a way because I have the will to pave it or at least to follow the footprints before me
Where in God’s name did Mickey go? The mouse or the Rooney cannot be found here or now
But they used to be here for a little while, they left the record on electronic wavelengths free
Charged everybody to hear the words and sounds of music, paying for the divine, ear blow.

Pointed heads trained by tutors and teachers who do NOT love wisdom, knowledge’s byter
On line, on hard-drive, on your mother’s lap is where you learn everything, cradles and wife
No choice in the matter, forced enculturation for the sake being a relatively fierce foo-fighter
Needing defensive skills to survive the others, everywhere who either want your time or life.

Do not test me or your fathers, your mothers may or may not allow your exam, it all depends
For the sake of my avoiding the guilt of omission, I say the Truth about Nothing, away we go
God, divine-blind faith in foreign words in a book written by dead saints and sinners of Rome
Christos was an expression of anointed ones, freedom light within, dream-life under a dome.

r j j stephan, i { dedicated to the #FakeNewsDeal #TrumpFaceOnMtRushmore }
c. ROCKTOBER 21, 2018 AD @ 4:44 AM PST
{ DRAFTED while listenin’ to the American Top 40 Casey Kasem on iHeartRadio link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/947-wls-5367/ & @SouthernCross #CSN link @ https://youtu.be/iuLBhxZUkmU }