
Sunday, October 21, 2018

#MovingForNow #NotDeadYet #GoingOutKickingAndScreaming #MovementToTheVoid




George, Thomas, Theodore and Abraham got these things done for all of US, here my peeps
Immigrants from everywhere on Earth wanting to come to a promised land, escape creeps
Your fathers, brothers, uncles fought to the death to keep you free, here an now, you got it
To keep it you will have to be vigilant every day because the Big Bad Wolf’s havin’ a shytfit.

The eaters of freedom are searching for Valhalla, they want to make us fall in a cross’ tryst
In the sand of the time, here on this little space in the solar system’s gestation of a big abyss
Doesn’t look like belief and faith have much to do with anything other than deception’s balls
Bright lights and loud sounds will obfuscate zero-perception and understanding, jacked jaws.

There is a way because I have the will to pave it or at least to follow the footprints before me
Where in God’s name did Mickey go? The mouse or the Rooney cannot be found here or now
But they used to be here for a little while, they left the record on electronic wavelengths free
Charged everybody to hear the words and sounds of music, paying for the divine, ear blow.

Pointed heads trained by tutors and teachers who do NOT love wisdom, knowledge’s byter
On line, on hard-drive, on your mother’s lap is where you learn everything, cradles and wife
No choice in the matter, forced enculturation for the sake being a relatively fierce foo-fighter
Needing defensive skills to survive the others, everywhere who either want your time or life.

Do not test me or your fathers, your mothers may or may not allow your exam, it all depends
For the sake of my avoiding the guilt of omission, I say the Truth about Nothing, away we go
God, divine-blind faith in foreign words in a book written by dead saints and sinners of Rome
Christos was an expression of anointed ones, freedom light within, dream-life under a dome.

r j j stephan, i { dedicated to the #FakeNewsDeal #TrumpFaceOnMtRushmore }
c. ROCKTOBER 21, 2018 AD @ 4:44 AM PST
{ DRAFTED while listenin’ to the American Top 40 Casey Kasem on iHeartRadio link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/947-wls-5367/ & @SouthernCross #CSN link @ https://youtu.be/iuLBhxZUkmU }

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