
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

BONA VENTURA------- & a Happy #WitchsHollow to y'all! ------------->>>>>>>>>> @ricoSacto #ricoSacto


Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, October 31, 2018
If not for the evolution of the orgasm, just like the lemmings jump, mammals would vanish
What I’m referring to is Nature’s evolution would never allow survival of any shadow’s dish
If not for the cosmic soup left over from the Big Bang’s solar system, creative internet stream
From Nothing we all became what we are, what you see’s what you get, our holyhell scream.

My town and your ciudad in the middle of nowhere or deep in a hood’s magnificent OMG
I do not exaggerate when I say that One could not make this up, it must be an accident I see
Complete and utter fear of the shadows that move in the day and the night, irrational scare
Get jacked up on the sugar and monosodium glute, fascinated by all of the girls’ long hair.

It’s much more and much less at the same time, in spades, play cards or roll snake eyes’ die
Anything to win the jackpot that is the jackass’s gold down the road, invested blue soul’s ice
Pawned it all to get the return of it all, now with nothing left after the last bet came up dry
It’s purple or red at one extreme of the spectrum, Spirit devours the prism’s light, high price.

In a dark place where the stars never sparkle, the sun never shines, there is Nothing living
No bodies and no souls, no spirits in the night, from my lips to God’s ears’ good old waxing
I am not in jail, I am not in a full lockdown, high security place free from the shanking dag
Killed none, blamed for a spree on fifteen or twenty, innocent of the guilt, a murdered jag.

From the tip of the Earth’s mountain snowcaps to the bottom of the Mariana Trench’s matrix
Everything’s everything and that appears to be an inescapable fact of life, as is you got my six
From the virus to the dinosaurs, spiders, snakes and Homo Erectus, we’ve come into this One
Hide under your bed, FUN to be these Homo Sapiens on a #Holloween dead moon, BOO son!

When you die, you’re dead and I’m really not a Jehova perpetrator of Truth or Lies of sheet
Being in me is exactly like the being in you, consume my flesh and bone, get you in the mood
Without the power, Corpus Christ to die and there is no spirit or soul to boot, so die real good
Revolutions won’t be televised but UFO’s left monster signs, we’re all Holloween sweet meat.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, ROCKTOBER 31, 2018 @ 7:11 AM PST


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

#WitchesHallow #HappinessIsFlyingInARollsRoyce

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, October 30, 2018
That man right there, he really does look like my dad, a bit tricky to treat you on Halloweens
Dark eyes a little bit different but the rest is exactly like him, as the wind does, we just blow
I was about two months old the day he died, he was about twenty, reduced to smithereens
Compared to this present day, he would have been the #BlackPanther or the #WhiteShadow.

With a fix on your life and limb, you are the last man and last woman in the solar system
Make the Earth your home and propagate the seeds to make life grow and thrive, civilize
In concert with the origin of species which you are, keep that the occult mystery of flies
Maggots and spaghetti who thrive on the refuse and recycling of the wasted fuel’s orgasm.

Cleaned of the wrong-minded conclusions which follow from invalid premises’ deductions
Back to the origin of species when wonder about the matter and hunger, why such a pout?
Mortal or venial and possibly original, garden of Eden type of hereditary, witches potions
Compared to normal, as above so below, during a storm there’s turmoil within and without.

On the day when the souls of the faithfully departed who’ve rested in peace, quake the yard
Graves’ piles of muddy, rocky dirt begin to wave like the ocean surf does with tide inbound
Out of Mother Earth, living corpses rise because the undertaker hid bones in shallow ground
Inner peace in your neighbor’s hood, heart and soul, I’m all, criminally sane, praise the lord.

It is thrilling to say the least when you get scared and you know it’s pretend, as opposed to
Reality animates the body, bones, the emotion and until the heart ceases to raise an eyebrow
When it’s dead and gone, it deteriorates and festers into a subject, buried, creepy ghosts too
Backdoor slammed behind me but it opened up again, enter this monster of August ‘51 stew.

r j j stephan, i
c. MARDI, ROCKTOBER 30, 2018 @ 3:33 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Michael Jackson strut-slam-boogie on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/rmCA3qQkqso }


Monday, October 29, 2018

#VirulentViralRNA #VoidDNA #Thriller #RockStarWannabe


Richard Joseph Stephan·Monday, October 29, 2018

I don’t want to scare anyone today with a nightmare I have every night, I wake up over here
In this dream you apparently have determined and believe without certainty, that I do care
But I don’t care, you really don’t care if it’s a choice between your life on Earth’s ancient bone
You can’t make this bovine excrement up out of thin air, they wrote on planetary rock stones.

How the Word was made flesh is a #BigBang theory of #BlindFaith in a #Creed from UFO’s
Dead folks, some grateful and some not so much, left you and I the explanation for ‘x’ factors
You might be an orphan or an adored son or daughter of lovers who willed you in a DNA code
Acid burns and creates something from nothing but a burn, feel the burn, make it burn mode.

The #Firemen from the #Bowery got this mode, historical before a civil war reb stovepipe hat
Revolution of Billy the Butcher in the Bowery, model-T #Ford and Space Exploration in Time
Bowery Boys and the POTUS had a little tiff and here we are, All American, a World War #9.

Since people are unknown except for remnant bones and words, that’s all there is, a final end
There is no reason to breathe more than the breath you get lucky enough to cop a sneak away
From the ozone and the atmosphere of the mentally challenged, a responsible, narrowed way
Down saints’ middle paths, a styth appears to the starving stomachs, Adam’s Eve is still dead.

r j j stephan, i  #GodSpeed @GodBlessTheDamned
c. LUNDI, ROCKTOBER 29, 2018 A.D. @ 8:88 AM PST
{ DRAFTED while listenin’ to the #DynamicDuo Armstrong & Getty 0600-1000 AM PST & for the commercials, can’t wait for the Conscience of the Nation’s #TwoCents link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/?autoplay=true&pname=15400&campid=header&cid=index.html & for breaks in the action listenin' to @TheAllmanBrothers #FillmoreEast 9-23-1970 link @ https://youtu.be/oeLDLVImwYA }