That man right there, he really does look like my dad, a bit tricky to treat you on Halloweens
Dark eyes a little bit different but the rest is exactly like him, as the wind does, we just blow
I was about two months old the day he died, he was about twenty, reduced to smithereens
Compared to this present day, he'd have been the #BlackPanther or the #WhiteShadow.
With a fix on your life and limb, you are the last man and last woman in the solar system
Make the Earth your home and propagate the seeds to make life grow and thrive, civilize
In concert with the origin of species which you are, keep that the occult mystery of flies
Maggots and spaghetti who thrive on the refuse and recycling of the wasted fuel’s orgasm.
Cleaned of the wrong-minded conclusions which follow from invalid premises’ deductions
Back to the origin of species when wonder about the matter and hunger, why such a pout?
Mortal or venial and possibly original, garden of Eden type of hereditary, witches potions
Compared to normal, as above so below, during a storm there’s turmoil within and without.
On the day when the souls of the faithfully departed who’ve rested in peace, quake the yard
Graves’ piles of muddy, rocky dirt begin to wave like the ocean surf does with tide inbound
Out of Mother Earth, living corpses rise because an undertaker hid bones in shallow ground
Inner peace in your neighbor’s hood, heart and soul, I’m all, criminally sane, praise the lord.
It is thrilling to say the least when you get scared and you know it’s pretend, as opposed to
Reality animates the body, bones, the emotion and until the heart ceases to raise an eyebrow
When it’s dead and gone, it deteriorates and festers into a subject, buried, creepy ghosts too
Backdoor slammed behind me but it opened up again, enter this monster of August ‘51 stew.
It's all hysterical and difficult to ascertain the reason for the existence of Life on Earth, but
There's a way to discover It & once you do, you'll neither return to innocence nor ignorance
Hardy har har is the utterence of disdain at the attempted humorous joke, it is what it is as
It's always been that way since before egg conception, it'll be The Way after y'all go, "pass!"
Horror of the monster movie runnin' reruns for you & your kin, no friend or enemy exempt
Constant charity is left over from total annhilation of the atoms alive in the system's hive
Time and Space, the platform either for or against your skewed opinions inherited by God
Leftover for The Man & The Woman to see, to come & to conquer all fish in the blue sea.
Loathe the past that's already gone far away from the present, all you can do is cry for it
It'll never come back & be the same way, it was all about being One & Done, epileptic fit
Brain malfunction producing in & out of body experiences, as above, so below conspiracy
To be or not to be, ain't a question, not to be is not an option, I'll survive rigor mortis' fee.
Or maybe not, you never can tell until the time comes, might be too late by then though
Or maybe right on time, Timing is Everything, every Romeo knows that, arrow and bow
From Cupid's saintly assistance to the incarnate Evil which is Live backward, undeadly
Out of your & my eight fingers and two thumbs, how did that evolve a soul's life spree.
In valleys and above clouds on top of the mountains, this is all that I am, all you are too
Nothing more nor less is probable other than we're here suddenly & the cause is a screw
As mother and sisters could have told you if you'd have asked, you're not all that, they are
Just a gamete needed out the bawls, egg's it or not, you're a tool in an exclusive club's bar.
Infinity concept a hope & dream of the mortal stuck in code of skin and bone, eclectic fizz
Nobody knows who their actual gamete was which caused their sentience and religious spam whiz
If you can't read any language, you cannot be persuaded by the Word of Mouth, show me the cache
Ergo, I will decide if the Truth is known or a figment of terrestrial imaginaton, infant diaper rash.
Even if you're a test-tube conception, you're still the product of thousands of centuries of Life too
Science is followed to attempt prediction of Causes and Effects before the trial & errors' 23 skidoo
Highlights and down below the Mason-Dixon line, there's gator country, many a woman got bitten
Extinct tribes & boroughs of low-life philosophers, didn't know God was all that, just a baby sittin'.
r j j stephan, i
c. MARDI, ROCKTOBER 30, 2018 @ 3:33 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Michael Jackson #SmoothCriminal link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFvENQBc-F8 }

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