Who eats man or woman, girl or boy? Drivin’ dirty on Tequila, scream, God has no bones
If you get lucky enough not to be killed and extinct on land or in the sea, you find it over here
You and I may have been braver than we thought we’d have to be, so in love together we were
Wake up call every day to go to school, then to work like a fool for fakes and graveyard bones.
Spiders don’t only crawl on Halloween, everywhere in Darkness, it’s a long day spinnin’ web
To snare the prey to survive, masticate for the offspring, beget more kids than Carter got pills
Uno, dos, tres etc, etc and keepin’ it all real here for the progeny who will follow, like a crab
Drum roll for all of the self-esteem you gleaned from the parents and instructors y’all shills.
Trends of practice makin’ it perfect at trumpet, organ or guitar, fingered flat & sharp chords
A man asked me if I wanted to play a divine comedy on the stage with clown performers’ acts
I fell asleep and the dream began, now I’m here, where you’re at, right now, ladies and lords
None of this is our fault or intent, to be or not to be the origin of reality, we’re devoid of facts.
You think and believe that you’re better than the cacti thorns, nosebags full of wise, old hags
Mitochondrion messages from the Twilight Zone’s zombies, dead self-esteem, only DNA flow
Enforced rules of law, easy as pie for 6-6, 260 pound ghetto-rats, funked up, big banger dregs
Holy cow, old Cisco and Poncho arrested me, yea, I bit her arse on the web, comin’ mi amigo!
No knights in shining armor needed when you’ve got drones, poison scones’ & a slab of bacon
Do no good and have no idea what it means to be compassionate, it’s a crock, get on the con
Not that humans aren’t animals but their privileged due to their place on the food chain, fool
Who eats man and woman? The Earth dust annihilates the body of rocks, it’s fighting #Foo!
r j j stephan, i
c. FREEZEMBER 5th, 2018 A.D. @ 1900 hours PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to #TheRollingStones new CD #ABiggerBang #RoughJustice & other new HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/D3dKCVMHrCs }