Separate the oceans from the rock of the planet Earth and the crust left over is an asteroid
Earth is NOT a round or Leif Erickson globe of gravitational collapsing Space, live hard-rocks
Flung out from stars above as an explosion of gas, ready to freeze Time beaten on the clocks
Stopped in the present from moving on into the inevitable past from the future anthropoids.
Hydrate and dehydrate at your peril, in the space around this Earth, there’s no importance
I am the messenger, don’t get mad at me for ruining your previous philosophy of existence
An accidental and ignorant species, this human of which I am merely one out of two on high
Those two, ma and pa, are the origin of this One existence, my own, named, me, myself and I.
Fools enlightened rather than pitied for their incongruity, every body turned into God’s food
In the form of the soul, not the body of two hundred eight bones, skull to ankle in the mood
Protein and fat to burn, to animate, to annihilate into the eternal vacuum inside your head
Put no cork back in any popped bottle, swill it down and throw the glass away, it’s that said.
What in the world, who in the world and why are you and I in this position? You are FAT!
Do not doubt the facts right in front of your eyes, other people and things die, ‘sup wit DAT?
Find a vein to puncture and bleed out your life’s blood, before the oxygen turns it to love red
Dark with the vitamins and minerals that flood the organs, a hope that blackface never said.
If and only if I MMOB will you succumb to MYOB, I think so anyway, maybe and maybe not
I believe, I have faith and that is the power of the wisdom it brings, you fear the Truth I got
Not that it’s mine, it’s just a little something I found buried six feet under, ashes of God sins
Disintegrate souls, infrared to ultraviolet prismatic dreams of punks, EVIL SCREED notions!
r j j stephan, i {the header is the cartoon orifice of the mighty Mickjagger #SafePlace }
c. February Eleventh, 2019 AD @ 5:55 AM PST
{ bashed out of my cranium @ 4AM listenin’ to the Silent Banging of Nails on Heads & the Grateful Dead #GoodLovin & HITS from #ShakedownStreet CD on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/OM08tzeM1OE }