
Sunday, February 10, 2019

#DreamsKillMe #LatheOfHeaven #UrsulaKLeGuin

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, February 10, 2019
It’s a holy Hades awaiting the sons of the hot star called the Sun, it’s the Sun of a Cosmic god
Worshiped and sacrificed the goods for centuries, millennia and for the same stars up above
It was born from the nothingness, the void of matter, absolute emptiness of automatic fission
Fusion is all that’s left, stuck in a fuse, all of the things themselves, forms of #Charm, #Love.

Perfection as a whole of the holy hole, holistic and First Cause of this First Effect, Life’s alive
Coming form orgasmic shrapnel of loaded gas bubbles under pressure of a billion metric tons
Upon the smashing of the last One, the process repeats ad infinitum, as breathing breath dies
Your mind, your consciousness, your soul, your awareness of Self disintegrates, lack of funds!

Then again, maybe a blind man cannot comprehend the nature of darkness in the bright light
Turn off the sunlight, go into the underground darkness near the core, still alive? Take a bite
It won’t bite back, it’s the nature of Being, to Be or not to Be in question but don’t answer fool
I am what it is, you are not because you don’t believe that you’re all of this, you’re just a tool!

Cork in the bottle to keep the genie inside, three wishes may not be the best possession in life
Unknown catastrophes may result from babies and ignorant morons who have power to rule
The mes and the yous of the Earth, seven continents full of animated cro-magnons and herds
Of their food near their rivers and lakes full of snow melt from mountaintops, H2O gas birds.

Melted into the menudo, the hodge podge of lightening and thunder from friction revolution
A civilized throng of matter eaters, energy transformers, private matters of a putrid outhouse
Took over the third stone from the sun, called it politics and cultural hubris, mortal in the sin
Disobey the mighty maker of the whole shebang and the disrespect for authority yields death.

In jails, in high security prison blocks, we hide the outliers who come from purged DNA yolk
Raped, inseminated or loved like there’s no tomorrow, this here, that there comes and goes
For the good or the bad, the lawful and legal or the evil and disobedient, it is all the same folk
God’s dams, God’s falls of water, God’s diamonds and rust, no heaven, no hell, sisters & bros!

This is it, you know it, I know it, the unborn will know it, the dead are all there, a state of lust
In the Unknown, the occult nature of being, origin of God, origin of your mama’s song singin’
On the #LatheOfHeaven where everything on Earth is created from a Big Bangs of stardust
To please you and thank you for the First Cause of the First Effect, my body bends, bows low.

In the silence I still feel the vibration, the feeling of the humming that I cannot hear or taste
It smells like the spirit if I cannot hear it, it smells like a star burning gas for no reason at all
Cosmos’ natural tendency of Matter to collapse and expand in a Void, gets it off of my case
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers all become the Force of Gravity, have no fear human race.

There is no big daddy in the sky or a great spirit you’ll meet after crashin’ into a myth’s jail
Bring innocence and understanding to the table and absorb the Truth, if you follow the trail
From learning language to analyzing the nature of the Truth of the Past, Present and Future
Wisdom from the understanding of the facts of life is provided by me, I adore Earth’s cure.

Raised my hand but I had neither the right nor the left, a featherless, wingless angel I am
Opened third eye for the 3D inner enlightenment, blinded by the prismatic star wave scam
Hook, line and sinker blind faith belief in Sins of your mortal kin, your sisters and brothers
Skin colors, adulteration of the reason why the sun shines, the star burns my bird feathers.

An eagle is the messenger and the message is that there is more Nothing than you’d think
All around us and everywhere else in the solar system, the galaxy and cosmos, sink the pink
It’s all you can do, it’s all you will do because there is nothing else to do, live or die, #boom
That is all, that is it, there is nothing else to say about it, It’s done, we’re forsaken in #doom.

Richard Joseph Stephan, I
c. Sunday February 10th, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ drafted while in the middle of a dream, alive on Earth (with my pharmacy card) and gettin’ ready to jump into the #LatheOfHeaven by #UrsulaKLeGuin treatment of her seminal work on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/vbqxEtNx-VU }

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