Frequency of the minutes and millennia scrubbing the surfaces of my infinite mind blocks
Causes what you see and it’s all you’re gonna get, just try to imagine a planet of crickets
Chirping away, rubbin’ the sex toys for a date at night or in your walls, all night, too long
Ego and Id get along one way or the other or extinction results, it’s the coldest shoulder!
You know what I mean, frozen bones not givin’ you the time of day, even the land of the Free
Digital or face with hands and numbers, alpha or roman numerals, it’s all same old, 1,2 & tree
Forgive the sinners who kick your ass into a corner when you’re as happy as yo mama’s bust
Compass of 4 directions up, down and all around the globe of dirty air, broke down stardust.
Philadelphia or Chicago, New York, L.A., Miami, Seattle, seen the trips of the maiden hustles
I was not amused or confused, I knew just where I stood in the middle of nowhere without us
Nobody left to stab in the back once everyone’s bled to death, left nothing but a little smoke
What do they do when they see it doesn’t bother you to laugh right in your face? Stab y’all!
Forever and two more days, for a bloody moment, I thought you were on the same page signs
You ain’t and I don’t give a flyin’ hoot one way or another, it’s a journey-trip and landscapes
With the flu or the cancer or the gout or the blues that won’t go away from your blown minds
Feature of the creature, playin’ musical arrangements of wind, percussion and organic pipes.
It’s so cold when your bones get down below the surface of the ICE, you forget about the sun
Heat is a long gone memory of the way it used to be, sweet love and warm heart makin’ Out
Or in and out if it ever gets all the way, down to the immortal part of the mortality, a soul son
A man’s or a woman’s matters not one twit, there’s no option of class or gender in the scout.
Way down at the bottom of the frozen piece of Hydrogen and Oxygen, it’s money, hot & dark
It is what nothing is, it is what we’re made out of, nothing at all, think I’m kidding? It’s stark
But it’s the reality and it’s a given, without an expectation of return compensation super stink
Bringing everything together in a sweet song of notes and chords, a melody gets got, in synch.
r j j stephan, i
c. September 23rd, 2019 A.D. @ 3:33 PM E.S.T.
{ DRAFTED Daryl's House Club stolen from my dear mother in law’s ( @PeggyVentura ) residence, my B.I.L.’s @RickieVentura the #SportsNut office/bedroom supercharge PC link on youTube for #ForTheLoveOfMoney (give it up, gotta have it, gimme, gimme) link @ }