
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

#SingASong #CashComesFlyin' #KeepItTogether #LeaveItAlone

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, October 16, 2019
My knees were five feet in the air when I slammed the pea down the chain net of the rim shot
It was actually just an apple bushel basket from the Leamington grocery store’s garbage plot
I nailed it to a piece of 5’ x 5’ plywood my dad painted midnight blue, one night’s cool trips
Big boys came around midnight and ripped down the new toy, I got a real rim for Christmas.

Sweet dreams from then until now, sunny days and starry nights in the golden state of Ra
Place where the gold hides under the red dirt of the sierras, the material world of 3rd class
Pine trees from the oceans to the valleys and through the foothills and mountainous Sierra
Showers of thunder and hot rain to fill the empty holes between the deep blue liquid gas.

Do not even show up when all you have in mind is a walk out in disrespect of the #CIC oval
Now you’ll have to get a real job after the term in office you occupy for the duration of it all
A daughter or two being bullied by overbearing, uncircumcised dykes with no mini-golf balls
It’s not their mothers or fathers who are at fault for their failure to communicate my cat calls.

River rollin’ from mountaintop snow-caps to the end of the mouth where H & O flow merge
With or without all of us, this thing happens to the Earth, we are lucky to live in a brief surge
Electricity, fire and ice, consciousness evolved from stardust in empty space, god’s awkward
That’s what priests taught us in the parochial brain trust of the pope, #WordUp #RedHorde.

Up in the air and back down the court rushin’ under #nikeLight Chinese rubbers, size 19
All I need to fly high and land on the ground of my being, flush with a new bogus love scene
So it is what it is whether I give my two cents, in the surf’s sweet curl, high rip or ebb tide
Moment’s over now, dead leather hand’s bones left in La Grange, on the range’s girls in-glide.

r j j stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, ROCKTOBER 16TH, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 PM PST
{ drafted while jammin’ to my radio station #RicosFavoritesRadio link @ https://www.iheart.com/artist/jimmy-durante-13750/ & you will need max VOLUME! }
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#GoodBuddiesNeverDie #HappyHours #FastTrackin

It’s a matter of complete fearlessness, armor is the power of knowledge’s wisdom, a pariah
Function of the calculus is to figure out what equals another thing, one cell compare to God
Alone between rocks and hard places, sometimes stoned, sometimes drunk or both, I forgot
But the important thing is, it’s all right there where I left it, deep down in the secret 3rd eye.

Pumped up with the gas, neon lights shining brightness and words of language signs & bums
Beggars everywhere lookin’ for a handout because they’ve failed, got sidetracked by the slums
Places where the babies go with their mothers who spread their wishbones for a spoon’s tuck
Can’t say enough chit to my sisters’ sons and my brothers’ daughters, no wait, what the heck?

My nose kept me headed in the correct direction through the twilight zone, Chit-own to L.A.
Shots of whiskey poured for free until addiction got planted, an alcohol fix for a fool on weed
Songs on the radio speakin’ to my holy, inner 6th sense, protected by a mean, bad poppy seed
Old man’s bones and skin, single, married, single, married, chasin’ you, still chasin’ #Payday.

Juice in the glass or in the milk carton waxed tree pulp, it all goes down the hatch in a gulp
At some point, on the way down the road goin’ straight to the place at the center of Atlantis
Nowhere outside in space to go, it’s emptiness out there, you can only go down without help
Nobody will save you just like an orphan, when you’re dead, that’s it, caput, the end, Finis!

To the infinite power, I come to a screechin’ halt, down at the bottom of the white trash talk
Hell with place in space, it’s all there is but I don’t GAF and neither do your mamas and dads
All the dead saints and dead mortal souls who never asked for life’s conception, suckin’ milk
Toothless and clueless from birth until a finite age of adulthood, barring bleedin’ out blood.

I got blackened eyes and broken, bloody noses for saying words of the free speech lexicon
Got my arse kicked by Johnny Walker, Jim Beam and Jack Daniels on any faded away fun
Makes you forget what should never be recalled for any reason, a missing person overflow
Me, not you, I’m the one who got lost on a one way street, can’t look back, I’m gonna blow.

Gangs’ head-bangin’ ‘cause it’s either fight or flight, no other reason, odds’ even fake choices
Towns and metropolitan matrices erecting towers of Babel for the minions’ with Rolls Royces
Living and dying under the impression that this is not the end, when it is, it’s all there is fool
Talkin’ to myself not y’all, down the purple Mississippi, on a roll ever since 1971, Biloxi’s tool.

r j j stephan, i
c. #Mercredi ROCKTOBER 16th, 2019 A.D. @ 05:00 hours
{ drafted in effigy & listenin’ to Morganwallen TheRealBigSmo Eric Church & deep in the The Milky Way Adventure Park on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/PRcl5L11yjM }


Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Birds and wild dogs put the mothers right in their places, back up against the cave’s wall
Inside the mountain where only one entrance it the one and only exit, ‘cause she up n’ fell
Fell into the flesh and bone and succumbed to the heat of a moment or two, anticlimactic
But it’s better than the alternative, no light, no eyesight and can’t fight with a sharp stick.

Rocks can be thrown, boulders can be rolled down hills uncontrolled, bouncing, spinning
Knives and clubs can be fashioned, swords and spears, small and large lead balls to throw
All of it for the territory and the female reproductive function to multiply the herd thing
In an ooze of invisible gas, the atmospheric pressure is lost to the outer space of air flow.

Far away from the place that’s too far out to get to, it’s not my choice to miss the space
But since it must be done, I awaken from the dream that’s been disguised as my face
What looks out of the eyes and smells through the nose, tastes and touches, who hears?
Veils over the faces, reputations precede us all, lead, follow or get out of the way, Fears!

Nuts from the trees grew more and then women made a man come to high heaven’s sky
Bringing the DNA into the gene pool to achieve the survival of our animated acid, I lie
Truth is empty of meaning, it’s what it is after the sound has ceased, post rock and roll
Spun, weaved, wobbled and thrown into a boomerang orbit, this is it, all there is, GOAL!

Marks and scars from the damaged epidermal layer of bone cover, from toes to the schnoz
If I get too sozzled, I’ll need to substitute a pinch hitter into the line-up, to foozle the blood
Pain and suffering all in the mind of the adult babies in pampers, can’t get to the commode
Multi-celled protozoans on crack, on a playground of snakes and worms. as I play the blues.

A phenomenon out of the twilight zone matrix, unidentified object of the predication’s cross
Players all alone or on a team, it’s the nature of a plan to reduce the chance of failure, of loss
Practicing the same thing over repeatedly to embed the behavior and reduce a chance of ends
Too human or not, it’s the way it is, there’s nothing we can do about it, it’s out of our hands.

r j j stephan, i
c. ROCTOBER 15, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 PM PST
{ drafted while listening/watching Jonny Lang HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/bb6wkH7g7zM }