
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

#SingASong #CashComesFlyin' #KeepItTogether #LeaveItAlone

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, October 16, 2019
My knees were five feet in the air when I slammed the pea down the chain net of the rim shot
It was actually just an apple bushel basket from the Leamington grocery store’s garbage plot
I nailed it to a piece of 5’ x 5’ plywood my dad painted midnight blue, one night’s cool trips
Big boys came around midnight and ripped down the new toy, I got a real rim for Christmas.

Sweet dreams from then until now, sunny days and starry nights in the golden state of Ra
Place where the gold hides under the red dirt of the sierras, the material world of 3rd class
Pine trees from the oceans to the valleys and through the foothills and mountainous Sierra
Showers of thunder and hot rain to fill the empty holes between the deep blue liquid gas.

Do not even show up when all you have in mind is a walk out in disrespect of the #CIC oval
Now you’ll have to get a real job after the term in office you occupy for the duration of it all
A daughter or two being bullied by overbearing, uncircumcised dykes with no mini-golf balls
It’s not their mothers or fathers who are at fault for their failure to communicate my cat calls.

River rollin’ from mountaintop snow-caps to the end of the mouth where H & O flow merge
With or without all of us, this thing happens to the Earth, we are lucky to live in a brief surge
Electricity, fire and ice, consciousness evolved from stardust in empty space, god’s awkward
That’s what priests taught us in the parochial brain trust of the pope, #WordUp #RedHorde.

Up in the air and back down the court rushin’ under #nikeLight Chinese rubbers, size 19
All I need to fly high and land on the ground of my being, flush with a new bogus love scene
So it is what it is whether I give my two cents, in the surf’s sweet curl, high rip or ebb tide
Moment’s over now, dead leather hand’s bones left in La Grange, on the range’s girls in-glide.

r j j stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, ROCKTOBER 16TH, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 PM PST
{ drafted while jammin’ to my radio station #RicosFavoritesRadio link @ https://www.iheart.com/artist/jimmy-durante-13750/ & you will need max VOLUME! }
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