
Friday, December 27, 2019

#GreenLight #KeepMovinOn @ricoSacto #ricoSacto #MightGoOutToCalifornia yup!

----------------  #SlowRideToNowhereSpecial ----------------
For absolutely no good reason at all, the time on Earth is an illusion of evolved, lame brains
Trusted by the DNA gods to randomly recombine to function as a unit of the herd, the steers
Hold on for dear life while you entertain a divine notion, so easy, it’s a black hole sun’s veins
We’re a strain of mind, full moon of what’s goin’ down in front of sightless eyes and deaf ears!

Educated in the languages of mankind from the first to the last, gibberish and wisdom all one
Same thing over and over again, ad infinitum in a vortex without any direction known, a sun
Black hole outside of your head or blinded by UV light, damaged rods and cones, your a bum
Sensation of the feeling of skin and bone to skin and bone, all that matters to deaf and dumb.

Whether you live a second as a zygote or a century, all is the same, it’s the Way of the human
To be or not to be is only a question to ask or answer when you don’t worry about us searchin’
Getting room & board for liberty, just because you’re born US of A clan, as aliens’ kiss the sky
Over borders, overstayed legal VISAs, bringin’ citizens of the good, old night-fire blaze, a Ray.

Without legs or the fleet feet to animate 208 bones’ locomotion, there’s still a will, a Cisco Kid
Power of the Will to create something impossible to exist for a time, here on the planet’s grid
Encompassing the zone of a third dimension, not just a flat two-dimensional DNA twist of Id
Lead you to the water, drink the life deeply, die in an unknown future shock moment, I did!

She loves me not and I don’t care about that much since I’m dead and gone to the world’s Id
Not one thing has become more than it was before this moment, nor will it in the next One
In fact, just speaking the words or in this case typing the words on a blank screen, it’s so blue
If I didn’t know better, I would conclude that my deductions are compelling, without you!

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, FREEZEMBER 27th, 2019 A.D. @ 9:49 PM PST
{ chilled to the Grateful Dead 1977 - 2 hour & 57 minute #WarMemorial link @ https://youtu.be/iMliqjDjU_g }

#ReadyToRock & #ReadyToRoll #FromEternityToYoMama #BlackHOles & #WhiteDwarves

----------------  AVOID THE VOID  ---------------
As everyone knows by now, this is a quid pro quo and it’s a contradiction of mighty power
To be or not to be is only a Shakespearean anomaly for one man, 208 bones, mine’s deluxe
I have the skull and crossbones, I have the hidden volumes of sacred texts of Babel’s tower
If the condition is to be or not to be, I have the answer, it’s #ToBe always, to be the Vortex.

Nothing tends to get physically on my nerves, psychologically or mentally, I ignore it, be glum
Static electricity of dead poets’ voices, a futile race for trivial pursuit of 9 necessary conditions
Of a sufficient nature of this being alive, functioning DNA in Formed Matter, ala ad infinitum
Upon 7 seas or a hike to the top of mountains’ rocky rivers of snow, immortal, F you, my sins.

I was not here way back when to the time you take full responsibility for, Adam & Eve prank
Thought God would never see the bitten apple and give a log to the corporate, putrid upchuck
It wasn’t always what it is today, it’s been different, it’ll be unrecognizable soon, genome bone
No real secrets except what happens now, this illusion of yourself when you die, a tombstone.

Changing the things you can and watchin’ the rest of the story like your own selfie short flick
Love has something to do with it, whether you get some or not, it’ll affect the flow, head derrick
Bullets taken for the ones I cared about, in a #gat or just a piece of blue steel, .38 six shootin’
Got a bull whip and big bottle of whiskey, Black Jack I think, muscle in black #49, I’m all in!

Bit bon fire full of the old lumber yard redwood and pine, the sunrise came down at midnight
White trash and honkies that showed from the JV team, twisted before and after dotted eyes
Bare knuckles and steel rings tryin’ not to get hurt too bad, keepin’ the bloodline in vein, tight
Pickin’, grinnin’ with body and soul drinkin’, appearances of BJ 90 proof, God’s soul’s on ice.

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, FREEZEMBER 27th, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ jammin’ to youTube link https://youtu.be/ukivqD3X688 #SouthernRoad & HITS ala Alexander King - "Southern Road," ft. Yelawolf & Gracen Hill }

#SprinkleUponYourFairyDustedMind #JustAddH2O #KryptoniteHeavyOnTheAvenue #VanishedAndGone

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, December 27, 2019
-------------  #WTF time is it?  4:30 AM spinnin' ------------
Took it all down to the bottom of the lead bowl, where the gold lies with Jack’s mixed coke
Developed a taste for the good and the evil protruding from the orbital wobble of the dope
Where my mama crawled around the alleys and roads of the DoDo Popped funny faced ilk
Nothing at all destroyed when the life’s accidental geometric progression total living Hehl .

It is here, where we go to pretend we matter to the gods, to a God or a pantheon of an alien
From a planet orbiting this or another star in the universal solar systems of galactic foment
Bubbles of gas, broken open and spilled out into the Void, a night and my dark knight skin
Pricks with needles in arms and bony arse of the thing, this thing I call my self, papa’s kin.

Coming down from a snow capped mountaintops, volcanoes of the Big Bang’s chafe, AHA!
From the wars that come in between the pretenders’ peace, blood and guts spilled for a Ra
Gods of ancestral tribes of descended, evolutionary dead ends, population of the extinction
Species specifically, a 32 allele genome within invisible walls of imprisoned DNA, morte sin!

Compared to you, I’m a confused dolt, you know more than you choose, Truth be told to me
Or it may be a white or a black lie, a prevarication of the Reality, blind, deaf, I muted Death
Saying nothing, just breathing the gas in and out, in rhythm to the rocks and rolls of reverie
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers put it all into perspective, hearts & minds of empty breath.

Instituted the ants and bees into the ground and trees, outed dark caves of undersea octopus
For no reason, for nothing and without rationale to extrapolate the consequences of Stupidus
Mind games and just innocent babbling like infants on pablum and formula for a roustabout
Wine, dine and a date for a last supper before the deed’s done, intercourse of love, I in, I out.

Udders full of transformed grass/grain matter’s wet, calf mammary gland product, I’m drunk
Life as the cows know it, our mothers didn’t have the formula for sustenance, broke, in a funk
Now and then, here and there, I have come to an inevitable conclusion, I am the One & Only
Always was and will be, All of It, Alpha to Omega, I am, I will it to be, I’m mama’s Holy He.

r j j stephan, i { Love’s heart’s in my pocket, it’s early, it’s 4:30 AM, I Am in Time, I’m Out! }
c. VENDREDI, FREEZEMBER 27th, 2019 A.D. @ 4:30 AM PST
{ Jamout @ 4:30 AM, late? No, it’s early...to the @SpinDoctors #WhatTimeIsIt ...hey, you know...it’s FO THIRTY! youTube link busted on link @ https://youtu.be/e86omL8uzks}