An amorphous blob of gold inside you and now effin’ up a hacking cough’s intent elbow dread
Where you came from and where you’re going when it’s all over, said and done, are we dead?
Nothing more nor less than the absolute Truth and Nothing at All but the Truth, duh, you say
Blues played me like a sharp harp on the way to pearly gates, paid no attention to, No Way!
Here and there you’ll creep like a bug but scared of US who want to survive, to be the most fit
Able to defend your own life and loved ones lives, middle of chaos and extinction immanence
Center of my personal attention is what is right in front of my nose, I am blind in the highlights
Sun’s explode now and then when gravitational collapse moves the unmoved mover, Shyster!
Smog and fog when it’s dark of night is a haze to die for, traffic with head and tail lights to kill
For me and you and everyone else that is animated with the dead food, plants and animal fats
We will survive, women & men, descendants of original denizens of caves in the holy grounds
Foundation in the substratum, deep inside the black hole we’re in, mother’s milk lost, found.
Last breath soon to come when you least expect it, you just do NOT want to know when, cuz
It will suck your hope out of your soul, which you really have no reason to suspect, L.L.T. South!
Deadly virus, deadly dictators all put us to death without the normal fan fare, just caput, dust
It was always like it is today but without radio, TV and NewsWords, Word of a mighty mouth.
Tattletales gossiping, flapping human gums, with chicklets, choppers and their spooky bone
I got a mask, it’s on your face and not mine, I won’t need to breath fresh air where I’m goin’
You’re a moron, you’re an idiot and no freak of nature, it’s the nature of the species’ genome
Run the gamut, ready, set GO y’all better move, #Windows are closing, I am skull’s gnome!
Mighty Mouse and Mickey Mouse they forced fed Disney to the kids, now they rule Earth biz
WTF are we going to do with this barbaric behavior? Get loaded and chill on the viral webs
Gods and men move the ways and paths as the world spins & wobbles in famous, fake celebs
Around the vacant Space between the matrix and the personality you claim is yours, OM is.
r j j stephan, i *hEaDeR is #DEATH warmed over!
c. Mercredi, March 25, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while alternating between Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE & the The Beach Boys #FiftyBigOnes on youTube link @ }
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