
Thursday, April 09, 2020

#cov-19 on the #BlurredLines #ExtinctionOfSpecies #ZList #LeadIntoGold #JellyRoll & the #PhilosopherStone #AlanThicke #BobDylan #LadyGaGa @StevieWonder @VanMorrison

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, April 9, 2020
------------------- #GuideLines #BlurredLines --------------------
Naturally you will look down river after the current pushes the snow-melt away from the hills
Way down to the delta westward with the stones and diamonds, a hop & a skip and a jump up
Chucked up my breakfast, regurgitated as an unregulated form of essential national treasure
Compared to being on the stage in front of an empty seated audience, a written word is mum.

One or two drinks leads to an empty bottle and a few confused linguistic anomalies for soothe
Philosophical waxing of the arguments’ pros and cons about the nature of being a naked ape
With or without you the water will keep flowing under the bridge of tears, none of them mine
Watershed of the happiness and sadness variety of tears for all of the fears of bogyman opine.

Finished Ends of the story before I began the preface or epilogue, on my way, germs & worms
As far as all of that goes, shapes of the things themselves is all I’m concerned with, just Forms
Never gonna change my mind and start believing there’s a devil and a hell to pay in the hood
Raised from punk to citizen by the Great Lake Michigan, drank hot water, God knew I would.

Stay with me and follow the bouncing ball down the word, the lyric, Hollywood to Maine East
All good for me, you and everyone else, all #InItTogether #UpTight #OutOfSight #GonnaDie
Bad roads and dead end paths to the destination, out of sight, snapped out of an ape’s mind
On a red ALERT because #ThingsHaveChanged indeed, lies are true and Truth is a holy lie!

On a plank walkin’ to the electric chair, the gas chamber, the gallows, empty pit of dry goods
Beverly’s hills and the Bowery of the NYC are not exempt in any #Boystown gaggle of ‘hoods
Grassy ground without rain dies with the gold, paupers to be locked & loaded, royal foresight
Armed and dangerous in trees and caves, mankind let’s you down but I Will to win this fight!

c. Jeudi, Avril 9th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Too hot to touch this, can’t touch this but I can, I cooled it off for ya while listenin’ to the #Breakdown #ThingsHaveChanged by Bob.Dylan in an infinite loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/L9EKqQWPjyo }


Wednesday, April 08, 2020

#KillerLivers #PullinInToTown #RIP @JohnPrine @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

--------------------- R . I . P .  JOHN PRINE --------------------
Homeless and on the ground like a jet airliner just landed in the wrong airport, wrong time
Out of fuel and the pilot and co-pilot have passed out from the honey pot of the busiest bee
The One in me, the only one I know who can survive the entry and exit of the plethora, OMG
Now I’ve given it all away to the minions, oh I am one of the many but with one defect, I am!

Who are you and where you’ve come from and where you’re going is not germaine to the Void
Importance of the breath of air going in and out of my lungs is tantamount to everything’s life
Without me, this reality doesn’t exist anywhere in the universe for me, just like being on par
Just a flesh wound won’t stop me from surviving as the fittest in my realm, 208 bones of tar.

La Brea has the tarpits but I Am what exploded and left this Earthly apple core for grandpapa
Where I left Adam to do his best, with his very short tool to populate the rocks of a supernova
Although not the First Cause of the Event Horizon nor the Singularity, I am still way too high
My friends, relatives and mortal enemies, maybe not today or yesterday but soon, you’ll die!

A random flight from one point to another point in Space and Time, caused this existence?
That’s a bit too rich for my humble poverty of wisdom and knowledge, random chaos sense
Accidents happen, the intent of the Will to Power is the only important tool for the One, me
“I am what I am and I can’t stands no more,” as the Great Popeye used to cartoon chant, see?

Protect the honeycomb and wax in the hive or home will be gone, have to begin again, again
Ad infinitum, as if there’s nothing else we could be doing other than struggling for the grain
Like pickin’ the fruit from the tops of plants like the hairy apes do, or nakedness is a shame
Freezing cold away from the equator, away from the living birds and worms, it’s #FakeFame.

Non-disclosure of the memes of the minions is tantamount to denying the truth about my life
Nobody knows anything but everything is obviously nothing in the end, God had no alewife
One infinite, amorphous lump of DNA & a pinch of deep Space, out this world as we know it
Monkey sees and the monkeys do, copy cats of the Way, narrow down the middle, aw sheyt!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, Avril 8th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 06:66 AM PST
{ Drafted & taken to the bridge as I #StayedOnTheScene #LikeASexMachine #Word conglomeration from #Scratch listenin’ to the mighty James Brown -The Godfather of Soul- #SexMachine on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/1UzZUfFUnxY }

#ToolsOfEvolution #AnnhilationOfMankind
