Hey, if you can’t poke it or smoke it, what good does it do you or me? Let’s start the stroke
Bubble movin’ attracted me to the young thing, I said hell no I ain’t playin’ the I playe it out
My cluch broke down in middle of the road so I started power shiftin’ the Hearse, no choke
Pink panther or singing girls runnin’ around on a ramp, playin’ the dozens, it’s all she wrote.
Time and Space are random and the being who get lucky to be here, either are happy or sad
Recommended for happiness in philosophical ecstasy but that doesn’t exist on Earth, it’s bad
As I said, didn’t I say it once? No ass, no grass, no ride...you ain’t got one, a happening moan
If nobody can see your body, it means you’re either dead or you’re a living ghost crossbone.
You have no free choice until you decide that you have freedom while in a grave, a dilemma
To be or not to be, for a good reason or none at all, just bcasue it seems ridiculous, oh mama
Either it’s a set-up, a staged happening just for the sake of playing the fool, ennui to pacify
Unguided by the men and women of the church but by the brave men of the revolution, sigh.
All along the drawbridge across the mote, the wood creaked and suddenly caved, on demand
Nobody could leave nor enter the only entrance and exit, it happened to the castle in the sand
Smooth as silk and rough as the cat’s tongue lickin’ milk off your flying saucer, blinkin’ flinch
Like the day after your life ends, the day before your birth happened, you know inch by inch.
Melodies of harmonious sounds and then sudden impact of waking up in the speed of light
Watching and learning if the brain hasn’t dysfunctioned and failed to survive, only strong do
The Weak baby boys and girls become the useful idiots of the superior apes of the troupe’ ilk
Ends is the only way to go, toward them since the beginning is no longer in play, #DrinkMilk!
r j j stephan, i *Header photos me, me & my pops (Al Stephan Jr.) before my 1st #ShotgunWedding & grandpops (Big Al Stephan the 1st) ! RIP EVERYBODY! X’s & O’s
c. Wednesday, April 15th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 17:30 hours
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #ShakedownStreet The Greatful Dead on youTube in a loop @ https://youtu.be/MccLsc5YzrI }