At the finale of the story, one’s left, killed all of the pain and doom, settled gun & sword duels
With everyone in the deep gloom problem, a reaction of the mind to It, shamed and shunned
You live, you die, everything does, no exceptions to a Categorical Imperative of a creepy tools
Ends of the origin is inevitable, immortality is a fine imaginary notion, an illogical induction.
Think about being left to one’s own ingenuity instead, civilizations of 2020 AD’s viral nudge
Out of cash, out of savings, out of food, out of a job, out of my mind, out of the closet’s chest
Gypsy freedom comes down to this, no fear left here, prisonors jumped off of the cliff’s edge
Where the bad and evil are one and the same, mama & papa all good, bad & last hope at best.
Gravity is the name we’ve assigned, where the graves go, underground, even urn ashes do
Eventually, the mass and the pity from the Origin’s left over data bank run out of steam too
Coming to know the power of wisdom means Nothing matters but feelin’ up a pretty gown
I’ve gone and come back, went back a few times to make certain, it’s alright, atoms blown!
Before the conception of the 1st plant and animal, a rockstar atrophied, a dream to be human
Fault & blame of nobody or nothing, a random collision of subatomic particles of sand, man
Just the dead star it’s always been floating around pretending to be just another speck of dust
Gold and lead are the matter and divine, burning gas is the fuel, what I am is what I am, Rust.
Stand up and sit down, lay down, fall down, get down and the last is all you have to do, for It
It being the thing itself, to know it, what it is that exists and why you’re part of It at all, in Ra
Meaning the One that is asleep due to it’s existential essence not allowing any alternative, Ga
It’s matter, it’s energy, it’s a logrhythm of keys & notes on an infinite xylophone scale, Schit!
r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, May 1st, 2020 Anno Domini @ 4:44 Post Meridien PST
{ Drafted to Genesis Band #HomeByTheSea link @ https://youtu.be/XyMSOJJPdws & David Gilmour #Marooned #ComingBackToLife link @ https://youtu.be/fLYeVk9Sk60 }