It is no joke, it’s the meaning of living and dying on Earth or anywhere in the solar system
I am a comedian and I can’t make any more jokes out of this, no woman, no pain to them
Men move it as human beings, back and forth, to and fro but there’s a reason for madness
In the middle of the tidal waves comin’ in off of the NorCal coast, I saw a fish bigger than I.
I see what I saw when I saw it, I go faster than light but I slow down to get debunked by God
Leap of blinded faith that you and I inherited from either Adam and Eve or monkey bloods
As if I’m not here and now, relating this theoretical probability theory abound in deep floods
As if the Earth had so much water in the past thousands of years, what’s left is the deep sea.
Nothing is absolute nor free to be, that’s an irrefutable fact of living here & now, to die for it
Everything is here, it’s all right now in the present, the past is history, the future is a lit debit
Amazed imagination is unqualified to opine on the unseen yet obvious to the blindsided dead
What do you know about me not bein’ any good at kissin’ you, you like to lie about that, eh?
I’m the best you ever knew, the best you’ll ever know after I’m dead and gone, game’s got skin
I got a bottle of CAMP & rack of #OldStyle, we’re goin’ down to the river by the holler, you in?
Lake Michigan rolled me on down the Mississippi to Biloxi, got an accent from Texas on my C
Lovin’ the y’alls and none of this is my fault, I got here and it was just like this, it’ll always be.
Miracle that this and that got here from an exploding mass of amorphous particulates, a hole
Now at this shootout there’s nothing fair anymore, the backstabbers are your sisters of blow
No warning from my daddy or mama when I left my boots by the bed, nightmares were afoot
In a four cornered room you go, windows and door wide open, nobody but murder she wrote.
Girls and the booze and the smoke were all I knew on the last night at the steps of the Doom
I went out to chop some wood but I never came back, it was not easy without an axe or a saw
Used up and still alive, breathing, scratching for a cure for starvation and bleeding heart sin
Think it’s all about the reproduction of the DNA, attraction of the sex to implement the skin.
Price to pay is the ignorance and wisdom switching from on to off, all good to evil out in back
Nothing to know once the ending’s become the present, recollecting dreams in a dream pack
You never were alive when you thought you were, died and then became immortal as an atom
Happiness’ whistle is blown in sweet home of my bones, homo sapiens’ 1st Cause of The One.
r j j stephan, i
c. Monday, August 17th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted listenin’ to @MorganWallen #CoverMeUp & #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/KEnFCa-5p9E }