All Time and Space in a thimble when you needed to mend the holes in my jeans’ knee rips
Just so that the scratch pops and you bled out of the holy 50’s & 60’s economy, rewards, RIP
For some ungodly reason, unknown to mankind, a matter of forming blind faith to control It
The Soul of the creature species which roll and rock with the evolutionary meandering of Ra.
Sun, moon, Earth, planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies and the whole shebang’s universal It
A thing itself, so very far away from all of us, none of us can see what it is, we know it’s there
Present now and in the Past when we weren’t here all alone, in the future when we will not be
Just an extinct thought of being alive on Earth, purpose just because you got lucky, so did He.
Now, then what is the explanation for continuance of the Absolute criterion for going infinite
Finite balance you see with your eyes, in and out of Time lines before you, I show you’re right
On to the Off position, lights out of your conscious awareness, Ego search for the miraculous
Law of the Substance of an unmistakable ethereal Nothingness, it’s all you got, that and MTV.
What was working? What was labor? What is your spent Time from birth to death? It’s me
What I am is what you are, species of seven continents that ne’er used to be here, #H2O free
In our church, under the dome of the place that keeps out the Space, the vacuum of our scum
We need every bit of it, here inside of the bubble, Nothing can escape or we’re doomed dumb.
Peace of this piece will move some and get a double take from others who can’t grasp reality
I didn’t make this up a minute ago, this has been evolving for thousands of moons’ epic bang
Thrust out of the cosmic spray which all of This was and still is, in atomic mutation’s dirt ball
In the end, it will be the way it always was, all money is for nothing baby, just Nothing at all!
c. Jeudi, August 27th, 2020 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST