I have nothing to hide that is on the planet's surface nor underground six feet to an empty core, sons
Monuments to the memories of nobody alive is a useless function of both younger and elder ones
DYK anything more than that you're thinking this, Alpha First Cause's psyche transmitted blaze
Of the nature of homo sapiens & both ancient & modern history, a civilization of utter malaise.
Used cars refused & abused transmitters of DNA from time pool to space pool, Jetson to Flintstone
Inside or outside the things themselves, a soul or safe, conscious Self observes sticks, skin and bone
Meat and muscle is all there is to eat other than the fruit and vegetables farmed over the curfew ban
Men humane of the homegrown from a Mfrs origins, One man & One woman? Yo, come on Man!
Imagine lonely people put into a huge pool to discover the cause is not proximity to people, it's smell
Stinking from the inner workings to keep the thing itself moving, alive and healthy as an ox in #Hell
What I'm saying in so many words that you and I chew as if it's the fat of leftover meat JOE sloppy
Kingdom never meant to be the Way, it was being alone as in dying by yourself, no ma or pa, nobody.
Monks and priests from ignorance to blinded, holy family of faith in the unknown, the occult of gods
Pre-Socratic to post-Platonic philosophy of language, predication of subjects and objective hot rods
People stay alive eating rice and you can grow enough rice to feed BILLIONS of people, check China
It is no joke, the reason for being alive, to survive in chaos' DNA, Chairman Mao's no Lady of Fatima.
Blown big and little bombs in the deep blue sea and mutated the creatures evolved from a Big Bang
Now and up until the end of your ability to disregard reason and rational syllogistic logic, bang bang
Ways all around the burning star's gas to get old enough to know better, Nothing DOES last forever
You may not know, feelin' kind of sad and low, I'm not her daddy but can't stop thinkin' about her!
It's over when it's over and there's nothing you can do about the love you hold sacred, it's all gone
It's never comin' back not because of you but just because that's the way it is, your ethics begone
Good, bad and ugly all in the eyes of the beholders who attempt to push their view upon sheeple
It's you and yours, people you find in black & blue Space & Time, walking around Truth's steeple.
You know my name, I rode my two wheeled machine, twin cams to complete the trip, a CBD eighth
Fully present in heavenly after-birth's experience, a cosmic comic, ceasing breathing of me, a wraith
Nomo arigato, mr robot, you and I will get to where we're headed, last One's ahead, I'm Adam Zen
Just play as long as you can, listen to the music and dance like you ain't gonna again, egg of a hen!
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, Freezember 10th, 2020 Anno Domini @1010 HOURS
{ Drafted jammin' @Clapton #LiveInJapan2020 #Slowhand @https://youtu.be/XeijlNfguYg }