I always thought historical records got taught, things to think about, important substance my son
To be or not to be, to adapt to the One or its variables, moment to moment becoming extinction
It's not your fault or your ancestors but the way it is, not a fantasy of illusory phantoms of hot sin
Belief evolves, minds orbit in search of the Resting One, asleep in the Supernovae attic from hell
Armed and in perpetual denial of death's Thor hammer ready for a down stroke upon my daddio
You shouldn't say the right thing with words of the English language, proof the stars are at war
Life from other solar systems looking for our keys to Montgomery and Salem East & Northwest
Where the potions have been set aside in recipe form, to change the matter at hand, i digress.
No free lunches here in the valley and there's no gold left in them thar hills of El Dorado's plateau
Comin' out of the dream still groggy enough to slip right back into the somnambolistic sky of blue
Fences built and then I leveled them to expand this piece of pie into the whole God danged thang
Wiped the windshield clean and the vision ahead was clear, only one way out but it's gonna sting!
I wondered then I followed the middle path without the magician, eyes wide open for shirt skirt
Divine pension in a coffin awaits all of the many who wanna return to the One, it'll happen later
Don't want this last thing until the very last one that can be put in front of you, to live & die for
Recollection of memories locked into old skin & bones, PhD's caskets plugged down in mud's dirt.
Before we die, get way low down, six feet under or higher than Mt. Rushmore and Rainier, signs
After a last gulp and gasp, one more song sung, goodbyes all around to the ones you leave behind
Knowledge is almost everything except wisdom but who needs wise cracks and the answer backs?
Talent with a microphone & a big mouth, told to stand down & reverse engineer the gods' hacks.
Booms from Bam Bam Flintstone make the solar system a better place to be in outerspace, dead
Living and then dying in the water, the air or on the land, no reason at all other than legends fed
To the infants who believe it all until the young thugs and molls roll their eyes at the innocence
Life moving quicker as days roll on by, getting older every second, I was two of us on the fence.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, March 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 12:00 #HighNoon yup, it is!
{ Basted while listenin' to @RushHawkinsSingers #ThankTheLordRushLimbaughsOn, @RushEIB link @ https://youtu.be/6pM-r_DTSls }
Tuesday, March 09, 2021
@BishopBullwinkle @Bullwinkle & @RushLimbaughEIB @BobMarley @EricClapton #IShotTheSherriff #HumanGusAfterall
o n l y ONE . . . to the NINES
Surviving past the day we gonna die is impossible, it won't happen, ever, I wished It upon a star
Things themselves never change even if you didn't know that fools trip on karma, so good, so far
Neck in a noose, water underground, so I speak, locked in tight as a square knot, golden dawn
Explaining that the dream is all you get when you're asleep, when you awaken, it's all way gone.
Permitting the licensed to hunt for certain species of life on Earth, to eat or not to eat is all It is
You die if your mother doesn't breast feed you teat after time or at least until Hell freezes rights
Ten times ten is the variable I begin with, the origin of all infinite expressions of blown itsy bits
Wheeled over the cliff because it has only one slippery slope, a rational conclusion's prize fights.
Substitutions for the starters when the game's in progress is a fool's mission, a mama's intention
What I Will to be Is and vice versa with assassins heads in a noose, givin' the divine the face of sin
Poor jitterbugs all jacked up on the perfume smellin' like the musk of monkeys, apemen baboons
In step and in the mood for completing this complicated equation of inequality, front man goon.
Win the games because I can never lose, I know all of the rules & regulations, a law's made to be
Broken or in fine shape, nothing matters anyway, I mean the vacuum of the empty, a sandy beach
Miracles of causes after the First One happen due to being willed by one or more souls, eyes agog
Believers in a will, pray for homeless trolls as proof by grace of God, unknown power, Zappa dog.
r j j stephan, i
c. March 8th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 20:20 hours PDT
{ Drafted after walkin' 40 miles and 3 stitches removed my human mind's losin' hand, link to @BobDylan wheelbarreling @ https://youtu.be/L9EKqQWPjyo & @TheTravelingWilburys #TweeterAndTheMonkeyman @ https://youtu.be/PabG3nJRu3k & @FrankZappa #CatholicGirls @ https://youtu.be/YMdhWRO4-dQ }
Monday, March 08, 2021
#HighRadicalsLowIntelligenceQuotients #MultiplyTheDivisionBells #ShitHappenedInMarchSeventyThree 3-8-73 #HappyBirthdayRichieStephan #ItIsDone #NewRadicalsPilotHills
If I were you, I'd listen very carefully to what I'm relating to you in a Word, Bon Scott's eyes to scan
Put that failed kidney, ulcerated, organic malfunction back where it came from, an idiot's royal scam
Barking, purring, whistling the star spangled banner type of parrot heads that talk turkey with gusto
Ends of the pinks of inner realms' cool to the hot but pink's just purple-lite, my go to guy, de facto.
Forever and an Earth day, wobbling in a circle on an invisible axis that doesn't exist, Nothing at all
Nothing matters even if it used to matter before I got here and opted out of my contract, as I freefall
From ceilings and domes, even the canopy of the atmospheric pressure upon the poles, in perihelion
Portions of the superior and inferior are imprinted indelibly upon the acid of the genes, code of a jin.
Stuck in a bottle with a cork stoppin' the gaping hole, it's all I've got in the world, my pillow corner
Nobody knows and nobody cares about anything I'm saying or what I'm doing before their very eyes
Like magic, causes have no effect & some effects lack a cause, in retrograde of Mars' & Jupiter's sin
Fate's finger is complicit and the rest is history, animals evolve and put the nature of a beast within.
Noodles and soup to soothe the savage beast that walks on locked in bones, no causes & no worries
Nothing to feel ashamed about and nothing to be proud of because it's just the motion of the ocean
Moving the unmoved into an eternal, perpetual motion of atomic love and charm, H-bomb of peace
Without me or right when I stood upon some of the concrete and steel from ZZ Tops crib, Rock EZ!
De facto defunct, by it's very nature, neither here nor now, earthbound bones from a maroon's zipgun
Comin' in and out of consciousness, asleep and dreaming or wide awake and in a stupor, to have fun
Games played, finished due to exhaustion and ready to turn off the projector and recorder, all to sleep
Not enough gives into hallucinations and too much allows disengagement with this living in the deep.
Horizontal bopping me and vertical leaping the divine innocence, puts me in a place in Space of envy
Nobody will take this away from me and none will know it's power over One soul and no other, saavy
Like soup and crackers, the rest can just eat cake like their mothers and fathers used to do, love of God
Unseen yet deposited as the Matter that preceded the Big Bang, an illusion of pirates & kings of blood.
r j j stephan, i
c. March 8th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 3:33 Post Meridian PST
{ Jammed while listenin' to @BobDylan #ThingsHaveChanged link @ https://youtu.be/L9EKqQWPjyo }