Variable decibles and numerical unknowns on a linear "X" or multi-dimensional trail
This is It, All of it and there's nothing more nor less than this fictional, fake fairy's tale
Bringin' your conscious awareness home to the Sun we see above in the daylight's din
Computers cannot prevent mortal bodies from expiring their efficacy, lights go out/in.
Following down a rabbit's wormhole, freefalling is as easy as mom's apple pie a la mode
Pure impudence as a spoiled baby, a spoiled child, spoiled boy, a perfect hominid of odes
Heroes & the villains who've perpetrated dastardly deeds for kings & queens half courts
From Montgomery on up to Puyallup, land has been occupied by non-native sex perverts.
Mother nature allows the genome to move about but the price for evolution is revolution
Check your skull's bleached privilege at the door, skin color is invisible in the UV, One Sun
Other stars other than our own #Sol are trillions of kilometers away from my iced up soul
As above this planet's concave caves, so below our grounded bones, electrified snake hole.
Where and when, how and why are very important origins of The Awareness' mental selfie
What I'm attempting to convey in my less than humorous attempt at being #Woke is #ME
I really don't care if you have read this far to get the gold nugget of the #FakeNews ala gist
Yet, I care greatly that you know the Truth, a true knowledge is a wise decision's ZaZen kiss.
Things themselves appeared before conception, during our life & retain a mythical immortality
Through bones of animals like us, plants & water will eventually hallucinate a Supernova suntea
Everything you think, everybody you know, every place you've been and will go is now, at One
As if it was never the Many, as above the stars, so below the stars, money makers, son oh son.
I'm really not sorry but I apologize anyway because I'm Roman Catholic and avoid guilt for real
It's impossible to say but I believe I have sinned against the ten commandments of Moses' kill
Tablets of emerald rock or diamond studded on a ruby ridge of atomic waste from a Big Bang
No cannon or any powder weapon nor any nuclear war heads will matter to Cupid's asp fang.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, May 22nd, 2021 Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{ Draft 4:00 AM beats/vibes of #DeepSpaceNasa #4K link @ & #ShesGone by @HallAndOates link @ }