Black ice and snow don't matter much when it's all over the place, in every nook and cranny
Opened the holy hole in the wall with a cannon blast, there was no other way to be so free
Closed the gaping crevice so tight that microatoms merged into a long jacket & a short skirt
Gas uploaded into RNA/DNA forms on Earth, no evidence of life, planted animal on star dirt.
Pierced my ear & allowed my wife's bestee to stab my lobe with a hot needle, a shot of JD, done
Fabulous to have the holy lobe, nearly like havin' a @RollingStone lips & tongues in cheek drone
Monkeys and other australopithecines deep purple hearts of seven continents pretending so well
That their life means more than just surviving until you die for an unknown reason yet it don't!
You want immortality outside of Earth in heaven or hell, your mind made up the place in Space
Couldn't handle being here and now and then dying with no hope of any after this life Life's race
Start to photo finish, it's a blast from the past and an inkling of the future, but what do you care?
It's a dream within a dream that's out of anyone's control because they don't know it's God's face.
God's face is the face of nothing you've ever seen with your eyes because it's invisible ultraviolet
From Sidney to Juneau, Time in Space ticks off digits, cranks the hands counter-clockwise infinite
My own claim to fame is being the most unknown absolute in the universe to jack around the Id
Personality disorders cover me up from the base egg to the ash & dusted bitch & stud, a grim kid.
Living in color or black and white doesn't matter at all if you find no joy being alive, staying alive
If you've gotten past the adolescent stage and you're learned ethics and morality, you'll high five
Not high three or four but high five way up there above 8 feet high, where angels fear big dicks
Going to home now, I'm fine, it's all good, old Stones are eighty years old, monkeys on river Styx.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, July 26th, 2021 A.D. @ 3:20 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to LAVA overflowing @RollingStones concert (LIVE in Newark 12/15/2012 link @ }