
Sunday, July 25, 2021

#Genii #Genius #Geneless #Gina #TheSnake @KennyChesney @EricChurch @StrayCats @ChristinaAguellera #KnowingChit #NewRadicals

As one foot gets planted directly in front or behind the other, you advance in Dixie rhyme
To or from the target, a bull's eye of your visionary destination, in or out of sublime Time
Space is what you can't get away from since you're always in it, alive or dead in deep Space
First to last gasp of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and krypton atoms from a dot Matrix' face.

Mothers of the suckers who are born every minute, you and I know it's true, we're the Sun
Of the men and rats who ruled the world of holy ground, a dead star coined, gated & pearly
Yet it's not what it seems, it's not what I've ascertained, everything's wonderful, a liar's holy
One or Many are one & the same, like drops of H2O pooling in divine original sins, it is done.

Body of work, painted canvas or scribbled tree pulp combine into the sweet soul funeral pyre
Buried deep in the psyche with the beating drums and chanting while dancing around hot fire
Nobody gets out of this life alive, not even the gods who have come and gone, gods are dead
There was One & it broke into Many pieces of skin and bone, alone, all alone, all in your head!

Antarctica, Europe, Africa, Asia & the Americas, Australia all Earth left to freezin for no reason
The sun, our star is a mere 93 million miles away burning Hydrogen like there's no tomorrow
For someone, someday in the future there will be no tomorrow for them, it'll come to blows
There's no free will of the mentally ill, the ilk of humanity, philosopher kings to God's hobos.

Malfunction of the cosmic rhythm which is a series of random collisions of H2O atomic matter
Making this reality that is formed in a non-material, yet present mind, thoughtful mad hatter
Neither of us, any of us on the planet's ground, black, red or gold in the dirt, salt in the 7 seas
None of the living, the dead or yet to become conceived in wombs, nobody'll get out for free.

Prices are high when everyone has the gold, when the gold is gone prices come down, history
You cannot make this short story up or stretch it into a novella or an epic, dramatic #Talkie film
This is it, you wish you were in Dixie left to live, die & forget about it, it's over when it's over
Done had fun, pleasure and pain in the air, on the land and over seven seas' imaginary lover.

Now, the ends of Time, sitting on a bench, looking out for nobody but me & my baby monkey
He runs the show when I grind the organ and play the Italian folk music, monkey's got beats
Dancin' he'll do with or without anyone watching, I believe he's just trying to figure it all out
Why's he waiting for me to give him food and a place to sleep, neat & clean, like a boy scout?

Matter and energy concerned the gods who came before the Words were written in for a son
On walls of caves now underneath 7 seas, there's evidence of life afore my mama's invention
Of the mothers and fathers who came before us and who will be conceived in Time, so sorry!
Intent to be happy didn't work out for everyone, DNA defect is self-destruction, I'll be happy.

Care a lot less when you're breath is strangled from your windpipe, to smoke or to choke it
Burning wood, burning leaf, burning skin, bone & the holy soul, from Pope to pauper's of Id
Reverse engineer this present to the essence of the past, all for future referenced dialogue
Between the ignorant and the enlightened is a gulf no more than a millimeter, idiots' vogue.

Front door of my bungalow is never opened for anyone at anytime for any reason at all, et als
There is no mistake that living in a compound that's impenetrable by the good and ugly balls
Survival of the fittest, the luckiest and the most vigilant to the various carriers of dark doom
Meaning the End of your heart's beating because that's all it is man, bombs drop & go boom.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, July XXVth, MMXXI Anno Domini  * @PabloPicassoWomanPaintHeader
{ Dropped a dime on y'all's blue jeans, while listenin' to @Kenny_Chesney #SheThinksMyTractorsSexy link @ https://youtu.be/uWu4aynBK7E & @Eric_Church #Springsteen & #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/toswACjpvTs }

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