I'm unable to contain my plethora of glee from overflowing into the range's domain
From an unknown "x" factor and an unsolved equation of exactly what Energy is in
This shell of a universe containing atoms of gas in forms of matter that survive birth
Becoming the innocent & defenseless thing that might become a thug without worth.
A wake-up call in a dream within a dream, can modern humanity be without a ticket
To ride the soul train up and down easy street, lookin' to hustle the muscle into debt
Workin' for a livin' until you're retirin' before dyin' on the street or in your red corvette
Parked in a no parking zone in front of a nightclub where a tone man's allowed to set.
In a black market of untaxed production, you make money for nothing, checks are free
Money under the tables in the shadows of the nights and in dark rooms of the days in
Free countries without the gestapo or sheriff comin' in your business without a cause
Of freaks who rule the world there's a realization that the Zen nature of beasts is boss.
From birth to death, you're gonna love the animation of your fuzzy logic, irrational sins
On expecting everything on silver platters & on a crossroad to the struggle, loose ends
Absolute certainty is impossible until a post-mortem state of being, only by then is it so
That you are neither mother nor the father of the last man on Earth, extinction's blow.
Dividends resulting from investments in futures of commodities & consumption's trash
Fortune to be spent on Things to accumulate and the Places to visit gold's ice-cold cash
Laboratory of cosmic menudo, mixed up, dirty rats are WINNING, ape got gorilla glues
Above & below stone walls, DNA's creepy creeps creepin' pig love's COvid batflu blues.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, August Vth, MMXXI Anno Domini
{ #AirMarshalls rule! Drafted while listenin' to #ThusSpokeZarathustra by @FriedrichNietzsche link @ & then OFFICIAL #Ends @ & FINALLY, #TwilightOfTheIdols @ }