BELOW: OUTSIDE OF OSAN AB, S.K.O.R. (FAR LEFT AS USUAL) & 2 hookers' GI #YOBOs circa 1974 December -

Simple mind pokin' me in the eye, evolved from a #NobleLie of rock, solar-wasted night and day
Punks on the corners with a hustle on turf of their forefathers' blood, sweat & tears, let us play
Games 'tween competition for survival of the fittest, fatal disease cannot be cured of humankind
No fault of their own imperfection, evolutionary mutation's nature of a beast, a herd's hind end.
I could save you a minute or two on your eventual quest to discover the Truth of what this life is
If we're not the food for thought and just the contents of coffins and urns and a plethora of Fizz
Meat on bones not to mention the plants grounded in gold & dirt, money grown on Weed trees
Vaccinate your arm with an unproven, experimental Chinese company called USA, no surprises.
There's no proof that billions of dollars behind the Chinese bat fever, invested within a fake 401K
Or was it my 30:06 Remington gotta be useful to do nothing but terminate lame and docile prey
Inject the cat-feed, inject the venom in the posterior of the forms' largest muscle head to six feet
Incorporate the Ends which inevitably favor Time in Space, your intent and feelings are obsolete.
Shooting the messenger for an unfavorable Truth which can't be disputed by humanity or divinity
To remedy the problem of inseminating the empty minds with the infection of undeniable ecstasy
It's all becoming Man or Woman on Earth, obey rules of ones who prematurely came in big bangs
No pistols or long guns, take my word for it, it's a WORD that's feared, not gunpowerless fangs.
Mind your own P's & Q's which the nuns in my old schools used to drill into my head, I was social
Being taught to be anti-social by the socialites' faceless leaders in a secret berth on a yacht at sea
Nobody sees & nobody cares if the #Homeless abandon junk, tried to be a taste of sweet nothings
Meaning that Nothing's more important than Understanding random, natural birds & bee stings.
Where is the refused and homeless by the golf course's fence, near the railroad tracks to Roseville
Where the bums and junkies congregate because they are unpresentable to be employed by shills
Men & women who built a business and await the competent young people from professorial fun
Knowledge & wisdom of the unknown is still the same, I'm still the same, we are like the top gun.
In our own vehicle in the direction a bullseye's target, random or intended vaccine's high efficacy
Spectrum of Light from a star, a sun, ultraviolet to infrared burning, wavelength's low frequency
Atomic fission and fusion of microscopic neutrons, protons and electrons yields fire's gold powder
Close your mind, cover your face, cover your eyes with a whole lot of Rosie, a dead, rosy flower.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, August 3rd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST #TransubstantiationOfDNA
{ Drafted while listenin' to @GretaVanFleet #HighwayTune link @ }
Punks on the corners with a hustle on turf of their forefathers' blood, sweat & tears, let us play
Games 'tween competition for survival of the fittest, fatal disease cannot be cured of humankind
No fault of their own imperfection, evolutionary mutation's nature of a beast, a herd's hind end.
I could save you a minute or two on your eventual quest to discover the Truth of what this life is
If we're not the food for thought and just the contents of coffins and urns and a plethora of Fizz
Meat on bones not to mention the plants grounded in gold & dirt, money grown on Weed trees
Vaccinate your arm with an unproven, experimental Chinese company called USA, no surprises.
There's no proof that billions of dollars behind the Chinese bat fever, invested within a fake 401K
Or was it my 30:06 Remington gotta be useful to do nothing but terminate lame and docile prey
Inject the cat-feed, inject the venom in the posterior of the forms' largest muscle head to six feet
Incorporate the Ends which inevitably favor Time in Space, your intent and feelings are obsolete.
Shooting the messenger for an unfavorable Truth which can't be disputed by humanity or divinity
To remedy the problem of inseminating the empty minds with the infection of undeniable ecstasy
It's all becoming Man or Woman on Earth, obey rules of ones who prematurely came in big bangs
No pistols or long guns, take my word for it, it's a WORD that's feared, not gunpowerless fangs.
Mind your own P's & Q's which the nuns in my old schools used to drill into my head, I was social
Being taught to be anti-social by the socialites' faceless leaders in a secret berth on a yacht at sea
Nobody sees & nobody cares if the #Homeless abandon junk, tried to be a taste of sweet nothings
Meaning that Nothing's more important than Understanding random, natural birds & bee stings.
Where is the refused and homeless by the golf course's fence, near the railroad tracks to Roseville
Where the bums and junkies congregate because they are unpresentable to be employed by shills
Men & women who built a business and await the competent young people from professorial fun
Knowledge & wisdom of the unknown is still the same, I'm still the same, we are like the top gun.
In our own vehicle in the direction a bullseye's target, random or intended vaccine's high efficacy
Spectrum of Light from a star, a sun, ultraviolet to infrared burning, wavelength's low frequency
Atomic fission and fusion of microscopic neutrons, protons and electrons yields fire's gold powder
Close your mind, cover your face, cover your eyes with a whole lot of Rosie, a dead, rosy flower.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, August 3rd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST #TransubstantiationOfDNA
{ Drafted while listenin' to @GretaVanFleet #HighwayTune link @ }
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