Finding your guns are all unloaded is one way to find Truths hidden by the wall of fog
Bombs away to you and yours, you paid to explode the ground you walk and bleed on
For better or worse you can kiss my ain't that something, a tasty trick or badass treat
Compared to the origin of life the extinction of it is a no brainer, you live deal the flack
It is what it is and it's not what will never be, no free choice of freemen, it's in the stars
No linguistic certainty with you and I, I am amazed you can even walk & talk smack jack.
In the whole scheme of things, you can always run home to mama if she lets you up down
Keep keepin' on the same road traveled by the many since splitting from the mighty One
Manfred or Penelope run rampant among the stars' Earths progressing into the stardust
Where and When is not as important as the How and Why, that's the million buck quest.
You and I somehow have decided to be and avoid the not to be, fearing, all inevitably
A dream in a dream no more, only reality of awareness, of being without any body bag
To hold dear & cherish forever a moment granted to unworthy sap of a knowledge tree
Cement shoes an acid trip to the bottom of a riverbend's eddy, fish wonder why not me!
I took a poll & found a dream within another dream is the Void of me & devoid of me
Being two or more, a duplicated copy of the One is all it's cracked up to be or not to be
Question remains begged, answers from reason and logic formulate the thing itself, kiss
The sky or the lips of the loved, both One and the same, insanity of solitude, it's obvious.
Penetrate the clouds of nine and the rest of the perpetual blues machines comin' clean
Up front and personal as it should be, as it always was in fact, before you became mean
You recollect those days my friend? I know you thought they'd never end, world stopped
A day we'll gasp friendly finales, returned to rock's dirt, after the sweet roll, gods be dead!
Perish the thought that you'd be using me just for the nights to run, about to be the float
Just kept up rowing the boat, sang it a million times give or take, go row your own boat!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, August 30th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 08:00 hours
{ Drafted in the vacuum of a four-cornered room's Void, airless & breathless while listenin' to COMEDY of a ROBOT link @ }