
Sunday, August 29, 2021

#BackInDeepPurpleBlack #WhiteManNoise #YouTheUFOFoo #PapaRoach #MyOldenDazeVideoTopside #DoubleFunkJamz

Uncompleted missions always atrophy and reemerge into the plethora of the singularity
Beasts and losers will win it all in the end, they are all one part of the whole shebang's sea
I don't want to spill the beans on you and your schtick that rubs on and off so easy, I got it
For once in your life, breathe in, breathe out the burnt dirt and foliage of Earth scum-chit.
There's a lot more where that came from, it's a salad of a cornucopia force-fed to the infant
In me and in you and then boom, here we are and away we go with the cow jumpin' moons
Every month, it's a cycle of infinity's humorous nature, relentless, random pity party's scent
Alcohol flowin' in the veins and burnt leaves of the natives in an Adventureland of goons.
Up to nobody but me, the ebb and flow of the thing itself that moves without any punk kids
Just because it's a dream and you're in it, a character in the panorama of jacked up bicuspids
Orion or Isis didn't really care if you read this or understood it, yet there it is, quicksand bog
To see or not to see, that's the question from the history, a record of comin' out of doom fog.
Merry Christs never got here all alone without the help from above, ad infinitum, dreamland
Neverland is being aware that this is it, it's all of it so spend all your money without a care
Friends and enemies can't anything more than good or bad times, champagne & wine in me
Isolated in the smoke, so thick you can't see a jet fly, barely can hear engines cry o'er there.
Milky teats drip what I need, I am the One you've been waiting for, maybe I'll git on the bus
On the other hand, there's still one shred of possibility that the uncertainty principle rules us
Emptiness of the Void in my original concept of the creator of the heavens and Earth's sand
All stars shining from the alpha to the omega, it's a slick trick from a mad magician's wand.
Nobody knows it like you when you're down & out, you ain't gonna share that ol' suffrage
Boys and girls are gonna get it one way or the other, if not from you from strangers at large
Nice compass pointing Truth North, South, West & East of centers of our beings, you too
You ain't all that but you are everything and nothing at the same Time in Space, OK, boo!
Suckled on Adam's teats before Eve became alive right out of nowhere, like from a UFO
Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in, a New Edition, Rogers is out
Waiting for the answer to the question never asked, still and silent for the rest of the bout
With relatives, friends, enemies and just strangers in the night, Knights gotta find the blow.
To enter the happiness that will never remain in One place, it bursts with the happiness' bug
Infecting the cell's DNA and invisible supermen and wonder omen of their better halves' tug
On the sleeve or a glance & an appearance of "#StopEmbarrassingMe," I'm gettin' you blue!
Famous Amos & Andy, Abbott, Costello or Laurel & Hardy, man's death beds are funny too.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, August XXIXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST
{ Drafted with my baby bro & sis present in the house, while jammin' to @DerekAndTheDominos #TheLaylaSessions20thAnniversaryEdition on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GH0IaqWkpAs }


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