Death's significance in your lifetime is paramount, a universal movie of Ones
Mixed cornucopia of flooded matter, liquid, solid & gas, planetary moon rock
Many stars shine upon Darkness yet It remains a black honky's exit of doors
Mocking my spirit for having no skin in the game, only glass, smoked mirrors.
Grandparents may have been black, brown, red, yellow, tan or blue, it's Truth
Lies and stretchin' it all out like pie crust rolled in flower, under the table of Jo
Spirits in the liquid to modify the bosons in the brain, charm, love can of blow
Knowledge and wisdom cannot compete with the ignorance of the failed Jew.
Who thinks that the family of a Moses or a Peter recalls more than forgotten
As if the death of matter means more than the food, the low hanging fruit sin
Apples, oranges, cherries, limes, lemons & cumquats pies, eat up cool schtick
In & out of me, reason, logic, intelligence & the idiotic moron's people politik.
Perfection from double A's to a ZZ on top, the dream begins & rams into RA
Seeing & believing things before our eyes are real, down under doom's cough
As in the dreams during the sleep times of unconsciousness, mind turned off
Rested unmoved mover ensures one extinction won't arrive prematurely, Ga.
College's industrial disease without a cure, a power tool, a carat of Karen's reboot
Punks havin' fun like Nero pluckin' string while Rome burned his hot rockin' foot
Kicked that king's hind end behind the last man's hunger for deep, dark, moon pies
Dead & gone download of a Void's winning-loser role, way gone, all too humanize.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, September VIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini
{ Barfed from the bowels of Rockin' Rolls movin' down the canal, while jammin' to @ZZTop #Deguello @ }