
Sunday, September 05, 2021

@Triumph & @ACDC

Simply the complex helix that magnifies the north wind's atoms into things themselves' form
Many to One, a formula from above or below, I'll never know, nowhere in a book with a worm
Into the books to eat Easy Rider words on the slices of pulp & leaves of  grass, inked Elmer Fudd
Full of the wonder of what the sun couldn't contain in the seeds, the plant, holy flowered bud.

Pleasantly challenged by the impossible way of the third stone, what we always were, holy trolls
From the rays of a dying star, it's how they all atrophy into 7 white dwarves and ten black holes
In the dream after the white snow turns to grey smoke and mirrors, a distortion appears to be me
It's not my choice or any error on my part, the destiny is all it's cracked up to be, the karma's sea.

It's not anybody's guess unless you guess I'm right because I always am, so complicated in effigy
Not that I'm dead yet but I'm gonna be and it's through no fault of my own, on sevens & a deuce
Or was it the elevens, a six and a five on the dice, blown on by my honey bee, she's got the juice
Soft and sweet you always helped me define that as the love of my life, all else is phuqin' crazy!

Played music until you looked over at me and caught my eye or was that me that caught yours
Anyway, I could have said this at the first moment I gazed upon your countenance, MGB's doors
You can't win this game unless it's the one you're playin' with me 'cause I married your daughter
For the love of God and money, there's nothing else to care about other than fire, air and water.

Protected the treasure of gold, silver, diamonds, rubies & sapphires, I'm superman's crosshair fire
Christmas won't roll 'round anymore, nobody'll visit my unknown ash and bone, be at one on ice
Pushups & stretchin' muscles for maximum performance with no injury, lime Kryptonite clay dice
Crows picked guitars and fired lead, rhythm and blues, beat 88's on hard rocks, got octaves higher.

Vitamins and minerals to enhance your holy mothers, even the orphans and bastards, it's no joke
You move from one place on Earth to another but you just can't get it off, if you know, pull a toke
If and only if you triumph as being all too human, no more than eight miles higher than gold dirt
Then & only then, reduced to Me, I laid her right there on the line, in an alligator logo polo shirt.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, September Vth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 3:11 PMPST
{ Sifted from the star ash while jammin' to @Triumph #StudioJam1979 link @ https://youtu.be/GAn3in4i078 }

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