
Sunday, September 12, 2021

#NotYOU #NotME #EverybodyElseIsGonnaDie LOLs #BoneSkinSins


Confidence men and well-formed female skeletons merge and become Earthling tea
Loose leaf or in a baggie on a string with a tag, either way the heart and mind go to be
In Space and Time with Bravo One and Delta Four, All one for all & all for the real One
Prior to you learning to read words and understand the meaning, you were unborn '0'

Torqing my body in a fatal twist & turn on the way down from The Tower, upside down
I knew it was over when it was over but not before I saw the ground of being a clown
Made the friends & strangers laugh their asses off at some of my jokes, groan at some
Forcing momentum in the only direction there is everywhere, N, S, E & W from home.

No place like home from one day to the next only on Earth, spinnin' a bubble in a Void
No more than a pocket of air in the middle of nowhere, gas exhaust of Matter's forms
A multitude of mysteries becoming alive and multiplying their positions on terra ferma
Nothing outside to the moon nor to the sun, astronauts confirm Nothing's everywhere.

Poor Richards & their progeny who move in ignorance, 1's antagonism's protagonisms
Extinction of the species DNA staged tp be complete prior to the Big Bang's holy A-Hole
The Holy Hole end of the picture of reality's causes and effects of energy & matter Vims
Always thought I was a cell, a One among the Many, I was right, it's over, be cool Soul!

Neutrino love comin' in & out of atomic juice leaking out of a dying star's soylent green
#AskNASA if you can twist a bolt four or five times and break a bolt that is God unseen
In the end, nobody gets back to Earth, they're stuck in Space diggin' for golden cowbells
Wasteland of the plethora, invisible, fertile minds indivisible above heaven, raise hell!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, IX-XIIth, MMXX1 Anno Domini @7:55 Ante-Meriden (PST)
{ Drafted before I knew that I was #Woke & I am still not #Woke but this will awaken the dead at this youTube link of Rockin' @ #DeadPoetsSociety https://youtu.be/JfJLsWMpTkM & #RhumbaMan by @JessieWinchester @ https://youtu.be/snl2YGfk7VE }  
*SalvidorDali is my header!  God!

Saturday, September 11, 2021

#SystemOfTheUpAndOutDownAndInputOutput #BoogieStoogesOnTheLam #DevilDogsRuleEarth #NEVER_FORGET #ever #SeptemberRemember911

Counter-terrorism is insufficient and quite frankly, a fool's errand for the ol' sheeple
It's not that they desire the ignorant nudges of their gods or some such nudge to sell
Apricots to Zen candles being ingested deep into the wide-open bosom of DNA's ilk
My johnson knows as much as it did on the first waste elimination of mother's milk.

John Henry vomited all over himself due to the sickness unto death of an eagle's crew
From his mother and the gods of his grandfathers' origin, nobody's ever seen any facts
All of the stars beneath heaven above jet-fueled US, bombs away 'fore anybody knew
Molly led the gang of ne'er-do-wells tent camps at the side of alligator railroad tracks.

My woman of this planet is the One I would give up my life for, here and now, I'd bleed
Not going to happen to me but what would happen to you, a cruel king's queen indeed
Conscience of a consciousness which occupies Space at the rear of your mommy's bite
Neither part of happiness nor despair, causes of effects begin with spirit-maggot flight.

Mercy me, you've misunderstood and misconstrued the meaning of the eagle's inflight
To be or not to be the inevitable, fallen angel-bird with winged flight out of its insight
Going on with being on one's own without a co-pilot or crew of three or 12 o'clock high
Is the way it is and will always be from now on until the end of eternity that won't die.

Ma's & pa's spread wild rumours around 50 states of beings, all of 'em just too human
One fathered the realm of Spermine & Hermine, all about a dramatic, soul vaccination
Bad to the bones, all 208 of them, some broke, some fractured yet a jolly rogers rocked
Crossed tibias & bone-headed skulls. centered, eye-patched. bandana tricorns cocked.

Coming through training to get rough and tough to beat or kill the switch in God's hand
Iron left over from the sunburn that brought the supernova into this form of Singularity
Black hole everywhere in & out of a linear equation's complex calculus hi-trigonometry
Revenger of the original sin comes in the finale, a dream in an hourglass' grain of sand.

Bobbing for apples as if Woman didn't take a byte of forbidden fruit in the movie flick
Display of the good, bad & ugly in search of the miraculous & the beautiful, healing sick
Captive audience at the inception, thanks to natural selection the strong survive to see
Woke, awakened yet weak-willed, to be or not to be lost souls on ice of the reaper key.

Recollect the last supper you have never recorded to remember?  It means you forgot
An event from inception to the termination, atoms and nuclei, evolved whole shebang
Can't we be friends at the end when you want to move on down a high road's perdition
Eternity leftovers, a stop signal on @Dolemite way, goddess' orgasms & Originality sin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  NINE - ONE - ONE, MMXXI anno domini  9:11 AMPST
{ #RhumbaMan @JessieWinchester #Steps-Hans LOLs #KeepItLit baby!  Oh, It's on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/lCjdvLbJcp8 }

Friday, September 10, 2021

#ConcreteAndStone #AllThereIsLeftIsRight #VaccinateYourFreedom #AllInATowerOfPOWER

Do what you are told, obey your laws when they flip flop back and forth, idiots lead to death
Come on man!  Are you kidding me?  Facts of life and stupidity injected venom, blowin' hot air
Into your mind and body which may or may not be One and the same thing as Life on Earth
Stuck in the muck, mire, quicksand of lava bubbling up in the tundra of La Brea's tar pit, I care.

I want to survive past the life we live, above and below this Earth, I want to go Star Trekkin' now
Only because, I've seen evidence of death on Earth, burial of bones' drained of blood, burnt cows
You are what you eat & I ate a lot of cows, pigs, birds that I didn't kill or clean or package in bags
Who is they anyway?  Who are we?  Your gods ain't mine but go forth youngsters, heads of rags!

Be alive if you are still breathing, die if you ain't, you'll get burned or buried, ashes into the dust
What are you thinking about things themselves?  I think therefore I am and that's I know, i trust
Believe in the ancestors' evaluation of a divine unity we've here on sacred grounds of being One
I don't know a thing since absolute certainty is impossible, it's a principle of conception, it's 911!

Periods in threes . . .  dot dot dot . . . as if the unknown can be known by attaching random sound
Dots amend holes in the blackness we're in, this is what it appears to be lookin' out of a black star
Neither good nor evil comes to the rocks and stones but the sticks begin as seeds & burn in Hades
Light souls of the evil fruits of the vines, spontaneously combusted, random collisions gas' Grease.

Originate the variety of Oneness from a Big Bang of anomalous hydro-oxy gas, God's 4-way stop
Choice to be free when you have death to look forward to's no choice at all, buffoon to a Cornpop
Eatin' and drinkin' and bein' merry like the survivors of their random relations, DNA alleles' RNA
Zygote to corpse is NOT my fault, just the facts ma'am, don't ask, don't tell, forget about it, EHHH!

Slavery is here, now and it will always be there then, before and after I'm here to perceive the ilk
My kin, my family of beings who are all too human to be true, yet here we are, true mother's milk
Suckle away until THE STAR's life source dries up to be dust in the wind, as It was & will always be
Only when you believe the Truth about the Life in your body, will your 3rd eye be wide open, See!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, September Xth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:29 AMPST
{ Drafted in part while listenin' to the #MightyWhiteys @Armstrong_GettyShow on @kste650AM link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/?sc=inferno&campid=a&pname=KSTE-AM ]
 <3 <3 <3