----------------------------------------S M O K E D--------------------------------------------
You may be me, maniacal but you may be a normal phenotype of the genome, y'all know what I'm sayin'?
I didn't think so, but you will by the end of this tune, you and I are on the same page right? Let us rock chit
Simpsons are fictional and you & I are the real things, you know the thing itself, it is the Ones and the only
A mean man and a mean woman who come to your home, knocking to see who lives inside, comeon man!
Crypt I'm buried inside of cannot be located by the minds of humanity, such geni cannot be found in/out
The con is within the code written by nobody alive anymore, commandments & theorems of God's shout
Morons left over from the idiots and imbeciles who crawled out of muck and mire, proud sponsor of my Id
In the Oak or in the Sac, there are homeless camps on your corner, humanity from the netherworld, no I.D.
Karmageddon of L.A. & the S.F. baby boys who grew up hittin' & catchin' their balls in jocks & their tea cups
Nothing inside of the grooming of the boys other than, catch the ball, throw the ball, swing the bat, oh pups
Dogs of war came home and made grandbabies who camp in lean-to'z, under freeways, a portopottez stance
Unmoved mover cannot clean up the matter and it's poisoning the energy of the Marxist lovers of ignorance.
Still the bare and naked ladies show their skin and bones, only to give up the Spice of scatological, holy Spam
Unmoved from the porches of the middleclass now, they come into your house now & take all your bad goods
Messed up hair, pretty faced i-Phones ready to take your icon away, pretend to be a genius ' college grad scam
Here, here, listen to the town crier opening ears to the Truth, survival of the fittest dolts, revolutionary broods.
Cease and desist all of your Philosophy of Ethics, cancel culture using Plato & Aristotle to annhilate a wet dream
There're many forms of a few important things roaming Earth dirt, planet just rocks stoned, it's how they all roll
Downhill and from the core to the vacuum of intergalactic Space, not just this star's system, the All Star, we One
Seventh son or not, it's a dream within a dream as the story of Poe goes, props Edgar, nailed One to a cross, Son!
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, ROCKTOBER VIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini
{ Drafted while jammin' to some @BareNakedLadies link @ & @BrianMcKnight 2019 concert #Still & HITS link @ }