
Saturday, December 11, 2021

R.I.P. @Michael_Nesmith #SpreadTheHonkyTonk #JK #HillbilliesAndCountryHonkies



Grim silence inside of your mind's eyes that used to be right there atop of your two pig iron jaws
Sat in the only chair with a table, a bong & some booze, seasons greetings for me n' Sandy Claws
It's not going to be forever man, all you can do is wait and some day like magic, intake downlow
Astonished gods of Earth grin, at a woman's love spawned & lost to heaven, as above, so below.

A god put to death and all he gets is 2000 years of sorry about that chief, we'll just grab bag gifts
From the wise men to the prince of the paupers, born in a barn, in a manger, homeless like a bum
This is it man, all you're gonna get, hope you like the sweater, i got the receipt if you exchange it
Bells were ringing all day & all night but nobody knew why and only the gods knew, I am the shyt.

Test me and you'll yield an excellence beyond your low expectation, surprise, surprise, surprise it
Mentally challenged & ready for happiness or gloom, it's what I bargained for, an illegitimate kid
Without soul, conceived in a testtube of egg & code gamete, no love in me, not of my intercourse
In the dream or woke in the new or old years, in front or behind each of us, end all of discourse.

I couldn't move away from the table anymore, I had the blues too long, my baby's gone, it's over
Grim news I brought on by my reportage, I didn't have to listen, I didn't have to be a good lover
But I was, just like the stars shinin' above in the empty Space, I'm here, soon I'll be sans cellphone
It ain't my choice or my fault, this sorrow & pain, world war & battles of good, bad & ugly bone.

You and I ain't gonna get away with pulitzer prize peace or nuclear war missile extinction, it's true
False as the pretend forms fillin' the 'round the shoulder boulder holder, lies repeating the blues
As above this hard rock planet, below it's revolutionary orbit and spin, only women cry and come
Up above the clouds and down six beet below my tombstone, recollect grandma to daughter fun.

All my sisters and brothers know me and hope the devil won't be so harsh on rubber soul foods
Some of my actions were involutary and some were mistaken decisions based on old scat moods
There's no essence of Time and Space, no matrix or foundation substratum of infinite boredom
Full of the scatological programming founded by the men and women who craved survival's cum.

Screaming and smiling on the way down the hill, my toboggan rolled and all of screws fell to Eden
Here & now we're writhing for reasons for being, appearing out of the dark web spaces, "I Win!"
It's always something, if you've got nothing and appear as a leper, live, evil men give hidden clues
Hobos, spirits in the process of species' extinction, holy watered poppies & boogie woogie blues.

Talking out loud or thinking quietly to yourself, the traffic of your brain function'll get in the jams
Probable affection from those pretty legs and backside of the bones, given to me like god's dams
Fathers smiled at the mothers, all of the love opened up the gash and the duplication of a thread
FedEx xmas dances in perpetuity, a ghetto's junior beings, gal & guy, god heads, we're all dead!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 9:11 AMPST
{ Jammed in a loop of youTube @MaryWells #MyGuy https://youtu.be/4WT7nBGX5eU?list=RDMM #WordOfHonor? }

Friday, December 10, 2021

#Legendary #ShotgunBetty & a #TomCat @USN #HellFrozeOver #BlackJesus #EVERLAST #EMPIRE @JussieSmollett @CamillaCaballo #InASenseInnocence #Eagles @EaglesBandOfBrothers

Here & there, a bottom line appears & you stand there, staring at divine, ice-frozen heat
In the rear of the arena where the Christians are sent to be the food of the father's wife
Bones crumbled to dusty fuzz, blown away with the Earth's wobbling revolutionary teat
Sucked on until bone dry as it should be, bones are like that, holdin' on dry, for dear life.

Bongs blown from here to eternity just because there was a need to use blue bamboo
Pretty or ugly are the fashion of the high society and the grinches fighting the evil Foo
They come in peace as UFO spots in the darkness, moving to and fro, as if there's Life
Within and around the thing itself, a form of matter created it without a divorced wife.

Spontaneously here and now, killer winds and mother's inseminators who walk one line
Around in the hole's empty skies and grounds, I slide in and out for a climax, oh so rude
Better the last time than it was the first time, what in the name of God was that design
Bums, junkies, scholars, professors, fatherless children of single mama cats, God, Dude!

Calculus of the higher trigonometry, you can repeat it all ad infinitum or terminate it all
Stop the beat of One heart, the exhaling will never resume, always all been a screwball
Hit & threw it up in the air, caught it and threw it back and forth, homerun fly to an out
Game was over before it began with no random rules, Love wins in the 1st round, knockout bout.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER Xth, MMXXI @ 6:06 AMPST, Vendredi magic spells forgotten by moronic idiots!
{ Drafted listenin' to @Everlast #BlackJesus on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/dVeLYAgiJxg }

Thursday, December 09, 2021

#FourScoreAndSevenYearsAgo & #NowIsThenFathers #VengeanceVendetta @NicoletteLarson @JessieWinchester @LittleFeat @MarvinGaye Croonin' #FlimFlam

It isn't going to get any better than this but I've got some blind faith in some fire, a high hope
In the out door, it came and blocked the exit, old ladies, mothers and sisters all skippin' dope
I hope you're not kiddin' because I'm going to react to this revelation, it will not be so pretty
There is a force attempting to extinguish the species' genome, undermine humanity's vanity.

Don't take any of this personally as if you need to defend a family of faggot #RedRover grips
Take me back to the squadron's words went in one ear & remained inside a head's loose lips
Felt like burying all of my gold but I had none, in my burrough or county of backroad overkill
Underground or far up in the air, higher than eight miles will give you vacuumed space to fill.

Smoked, burned up with the fire and brimstone, still hot as a Texas chili pepper's pod of pests
In and out of the drive-thru lineup, movin' as fast as teenagers can between homework tests
Heavy rain is comin' for you, there aren't enough ditches gouged to the river, aw man, it flows
Haters are never gonna love anything, factoid of life, prejudge reality, lovin' haters low blows.

Excuse you after your final blow of air, as rigor mortis begins, I'll forgive you for your trespass
Then and only then but prior to that, never cross my path, never speak to me, be out of sight
Horror is terrifically horrible & I am not privy to the feeling more than brief moments in a sea
Of salt & scat, mice & men, united steaka amer for godsake!  Come on man!  Remember me!

Only eyes can be seen, eyes and hair because the noses and lips, teeth cavities undisclosed
Sweating until the heart's beat ends with a whisper, as if there was never a life, dead rose
Looked like it was gonna last forever, an illusion of running from the fears of eternal death
Grace and love for the creator has no bearing on the madness, reality of Poe & baby breath.

Inequality of bones, we all have 208, plus or minus, but some get broke, some all amputated
It's loud and clear when you're deaf and dumb, doubling down on stupid is as stupid does It
Cause of ignorance is the same as the effect of intelligence, all a woke duplicity to wax poetics
Bays, penninsulas, coasts of all seven continents of sand and rock, archangels workin' on a fix.

Dead and gone, you'll never know how much or how little you knew, in a book, it's all written
Pronouns' adjectives of nouns, predicates, verbs & adverbs, articles, preps, cons & interjection
Junk in your tent, bums living there because nobody's there at night, kids become them daily
Fired up and burned to a crisp, second degree melting sinew, muscle & bone, crucify the silly!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER IXth, MMXXI  Anno Domini @9:11 AMPST #China #Mexico #MamaMia
{ Drafted jammin' to @John_Mellencamp #AintEvenDoneWithTheNight link @ https://youtu.be/DagIivbPlCU }