Hark, I fried up some perch & blue gills, that's all there was to it, I licked my fingers
Helped myself, fixed myself up with a pine twist, blue solo cup & a dixie plate dish
Read the words and understand the meaning meant behind the sounds of the mind
Peers are not on the planet anymore, they're all gone except the old, silent geezers.
Out in the jungle or in the rice patties, you're gonna get the jungle rot in a hot screw
Keepin' your toes under your knees is a great idea, no kiddin' they cut 'em all off too
On crutches, fake feet and wheelchairs to keep my gods in check, eatin' glue & paste
But I don't know what happened to the digits of the 10 digits, up in medicinal waste.
A god dies every year whether you like it or not, it's a happening of epic proportions
Things themselves all collasping into one nucleus of Earth's red hot, immortal cosigns
In the middle of a silent, holy night, the silence & the calmness escaped once again
Asleep in heaven or hell isn't going to get anyone off the hookers hooks of holy zen.
Liberty & indentured slavery to the corporal punishment of whips, chains & ol' gaols
Where the good, bad & ugly go just 'cause a jury of peers says it must be so, fool-bots
Again, it's matters of time until the space closes upon itself & implodes into tiny dots
Joy & the disappointment of living life without meaning anything to anybody's holes.
Studied, learned, graduated, rested on laurels, headed tot he finale with or without me
If I have a soul, it's mine and not the creator's, I have it right here, right now, God don't
So, think for yourself, fish or swim, we're all alive & exist for a reason & only one, to be
Last gasp of a new, badass gift gathered glory of gods, Big Man is above all, Magic font.
r j j stephan, i
c. FREEZEMBER 13th, 2021 A.D. 303 PMPST Lundi, #AllIWantForXmasYouKnow
{ Drafted out of the matrix without a map & listenin' to #ItsFiveOClockSomewhere @AlanJackson link @ }