
Monday, December 13, 2021

#WhiskeyGlasses #CantSeeTheEndsWithoutIt #SippinRoundTheTruth @MorganWallen @Santana #WhereMyFatherMotherBrotherAndSisterLIVE @pink

Come home now!  Do you hear me speaking?  Do you know that I have a voice?  Come back now!
You & I know nothing but we've been programmed like your laptop, your notebook full of a cow
It's the movement of life, breathing & walking, slithering, swimming or flying in the purple feet
Bombs away on the punks and junkies who run the Scatshow, they'll die like the food they eat.

Trains moved, I saw them leave the station, kill the gods that never existed from the old X-file
Origin of you and your soul, your mama and the whiskey, wine and the shine at the mudshow
Kickin' it in the styx is all I ever wanted to do since high school's all night senior year binge flow
Kegs and bottles empty the day after when everybody woke up on the floor, wet & cold tile!

Monkeys be jumpin' to the back beat and askin' to couple with the others who bite the hands
I fed them until they bit my fingers off, rest, it wasn't any type of a complicated equation pill
You don't chew it, just swallow it as if it's what you must to survive in the concrete jungle kill
Now then, here & there in Time and Space, awareness dawns on knots of rubber rock bands.

You can't see what a blinded human sees since you're not too human yourself, it's a lost mind
In the middle of the center of the last microdot of german shepherds, passin' jack this way too
Didn't really have to do anything except just be alive & ready to roll at the drop of an ice cube
Always or at least sometimes, ready & willing to hit the spot, that one way down below boob.

Gods made this happen man!  If you don't have the blind faith, it don't matter anyways, so true
Walk or fly, ride or slide on the rocky roads' twists and turns until you run out of fuel, no @Tesla
In or out of the matrix, you will never know what it really means to go down to the honky tonk
It's on the streets of Bourbon and Smirknoff, right on the corner there's a big neon sign, Kronk!

Statues molded forms to keep rock hard stoners recollecting COVID bat-schit that happened here
I mean everything I say, I look & see the Truth without trying, obviously I need way kegs of beer
Move the bones & make 'em say it twice & deal with the #UpTheHill battlebots, so to be or not
Nothing else needed to float on the #Pink, I recommend this Jack n' Jill schit, all ya need to float.

On being all too human when you're just data bytes in a divine mind of One's cosmic black Pez
On roads or in currents of wind & sea, I'm here, now, I'll be gone in a snap, as a NYC minute flies
Not here to rush to the exit for the finale may never be for me to see before my astigmatic eyes
Seed in you and buried underground grows and dies and withers, it's a cycle of our free choices.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XIIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 333 AMPST Lundi's world in the toilet!
{ Jammin' to @ChrisJanson #FixADrink link @ https://youtu.be/-_Op0bQfMoo & @BrooksAndDunn #WayGone link @ https://youtu.be/EBzBoy9oa54 }

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