
Saturday, December 25, 2021

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THOSE WHO KNOW before #BloodySunday #PeaceBaby #MicroAggression #NiceAndNaughtyToBoot

Babies born to women from all seven continents, they live and die without knowing why they die
Can't even figure out the reason why they're alive in the first place, someone dropped a dime too
On all of us and then left us out to hang & drip dry, it's the thing itself that's the nature of air raids
Monkeys to viruses as men are to bacteria, all species must own their nature, eat apes, get AIDS.

Fanatics moving first and then slowing down to return to a resting state, unmoved mover on high
Mining the gold and silver, turning it to lead and lickity-split quick, too close to the sun, gonna fry
Hot or cold, in the end, there's nothing to see without eyes, to smell without a nose, to be, to see
Amorphous and invisible to the naked eyes, a glob of everything's essence is the nature of the free.

Apples in a garden, water inside a cactus in a desert, everything else is ahistorical, I made it all up
From the innocent boy-mind, a rascal & an idiot mated with the queen bees of the hive, full stop
Apes stinkin' up the joint, cleanin' the oven's grease and grounded grime, clear & present danger
Perfection predicted by the blown horns and beaten sheepskin, rocked & rolled out the manger.

Morality is only active while activated mortality moves the blood and bones around in a circle
Power within and without the matrix, pushing and pulling the atomic stuff like a tiddly winkle
Focus in and branch out of the place where you're at, where you've been and where you all fell
Working and playing until you can contemplate a universal supernaturality, wearing hell's bell.

That would be the day I die in the middle of stating a sentence, the premise for a logical conclusion
Supported by the sensations that only a blind and deaf Man could feel, he's not happy being a half
Part man, part woman, like his father and mother before him, ad infinitum in retrograde, my Suns
Those are ALL stars between the empty space between your ears & in the matrix Void's godsons.

You think you are alive, therefore you're alive?  Come on man, you're livin' in a dream world, as a cow
That was my father on Earth telling me about a mythical father in Heaven, which is not here or now
Final feed from the monkey shines called historical record, it's illiterate and illogical, so irrational
Apes know it all, men know that Nothing is as important as a heartbeat before the last gasp, eh pal?

Begin with a virgin birth that is physically impossible, except for a saga regarding fictional gods
Angels & Devils, Slegna & Slived in an imperfect world caused by a big bang & expansion pods
Forward from point A to point B or backward in reverse of the First Cause, yields 4 P2 O5 too
A miracle of the mixture, the menudo is a staple for the origin's First Move, One's inorganic spew.

Misery's merely the lack of Happiness, pleasure & pain drive the thing itself to live & die in Santa Fe
Or Chicago, Detroit, New York, Miami, New Orleans, Houston we have a problem up here y'all
It's nothing you can see or hear or taste, smell or touch but it's right there, right now, always to be
Man, woman, child, dog, cat, snake, insect, bacteria or virus, anything grounded into a dust ball.

Mammoth rocks rolling around a burning ball of hydrogen and helium, in perpetual motion's lock
To go around in an elliptcal circle, two things in one, so to speak, as above, so below, it is to mock
Your mortal mind, mortal body, mortal soul are all you have here man!  Awareness of your Selves
Many muskateers ready for the battle at hand, they came for Jesus, it's done, Merry Xmas, the elves!

M C T A = #MerryChristmasToAll

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XXVth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:66 AMpst

{ Drafted listenin' to @U2 #BloodySunday link @ https://youtu.be/LQZLPV6xcHI wondering if Jesus, Mary & Joseph were myths of the #ThreeWiseMen... #SeeFearSayNoEvil #LIVEitsSaturdayNight! }

#TookResponsiblityForCreationOfInferiorBonesOnEarth #BornToRunWild #AnInfiniteShuffleOfEasyStreet #MortalSinsSavedMankindKilledGodsSon


Friday, December 24, 2021

#MarryYourChrist #MerryChristmas #JustSayin' #WrapItUp #ReadMyLips #SilentKnight

Alligators swarmin' near the swamp's new splash of fresh meat droppin' to the bends' depth
No way to feel inside when this heart feels the underwater pressure attempting the red crush
It attracts the hungry sharks who await the fortune of the mighty, wonderful down below us
Davey Jones may not have been a pirate or any swashbuckler's moll but a Grinch made a fuss.

Got all mean with the creation due to breaking mortal kill rules, a law, One DNA programing
Stink and stank in the middle of the stunk, not a skunk but whatever... the RNA's mutating
A ham sandwich which is all that Justice is, according to the Aristotelan scholars of A-Holes
Inside or outside of the C minus ends, the brains & minds display quicksilver & gold souls.

Punks movin' right along as they've learned to do from despicable orphans of one's gene pool
It's not their faults that their ability to mestasticize is above & beyond a knotted miracle fool
Glory is nothing to do with being a dead hero or villain or even an innocent zygotic, toy sphinx
Feel no abortion remorse for Past or Future, all too humane species' program's to be extinct.

Where's your mama, your papa, any kin uplinked or downloaded?  All are One, same as Us all
Rode in open sleighs & in firebird sleds that crashed through the snow, with or without balls
Snow or ornaments as round as the sun and moon and stars above, where ghosts give it up
St. Nick, Santa, Kris Kringle in ashes & dust of the cosmos, uplifting a Savior to save us, RIP!

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer just came & went as he pleased until Santa needed a hot ride
To town on the freeway or the backroads, we got there before and we will again, run, run, run
Let's go baby, wait here, I'll be back in a few, here's some oats and a hobo to watch o'er you
Dream will end, we're assuming it's inevitable for body & soul, enjoy the ride out of the Blue!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XXIVth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:66 AMCST Vendredi with a #FireInTheInfiniteLoopHole link @ https://youtu.be/siZ-oI95rlM }

Thursday, December 23, 2021

#FieldArtillery #CassonsGoRollinAlong #LetsRoll #HEROES @JonnyLang @WhitneyHouston @DavidBowie

Mitigate your mothers during your fathers' intercourse and flesh beats, to be a denominator
Underneath the soil and burned out solar TNT, we're still here or at least we're at the door
Ready to open or to keep it sealed up closed until the ends come without warning, The End
Not a baby's game or a child's playtime but a death of your life I'm nitpicking, return & send.

Grandmama always told me the same thing, "Monkeys see, monkeys do!"  well I just knew it all
Nothing is what it turned out to be, I knew Nothing at all about the causes and effects of the fall
Fumbling footballs, dropping flies and touchdown passes, missing the goal, the net, the hoopla
Downed and off-line, the spirit's drunk on the pollution standard of DNA, humanity's Delta-9 ska.

Bunch of the scat that comes right back to you as you turn around to walk away, it's deep in blue
Turnin' purple and black as all the things themselves do when runnin' out of the psycho-verve hue
A thing itself, a conglomeration of glue-ons form a union of 208 bones, a myriad of configurations
Ten commands to follow to be One with this universe, don't do this don't do that, all One, Man.

Panties were in a bunch, I can't lie about that, can't keep 'em out of my baby's groove, all is done
Gifts for the days of birth, yours and God's were unexpected pregnancies of the matrix, I am 71
Decades of decadence and defiling the innocent and wild-eyed who shuffle on boardwalks' bones
My field artillery is armed and ready for action, gunpowder is the chemical of the Big Bang's fun.

None of us were at the origin's explosion, probably none will be at the finale of the apocolypsing
Right where you were before your folks conceived your being in the womb of darkness, holy God
All you need to know is you're here and you're gonna die, no reason other than luck of a drawing
Cherry wine for all, on the farm it's all apples & cherries for the pies high in the sky, off Cape Cod.

Apemen and their progeny given to the daughters of EVE's ADAM, shinin' light on the monkeys
Darlings of the hairless, exposed skin color to separate the chaff from the champion wheaties
Blank minds in the darkness' nighttime, everybody's identical until the morning's dawn of light
New York to Peking to Moscow to Paris and London, common ground is all in heaven, God might.

Invisible like your spirit-soul, atone alone, creative creator of Space's dimensional Time's inlines
It has no movement, it's unmoved & in a stasis of function, unliving, undying, blue jazz & whines
Don't die before you discover why you're here and now, it's the tricky things that count, my son
Infinity & War battles to destroy funky pride, blurred lines erase east Indian ink, so, "It Is Done!"
r j j stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XXIIIrd, MMXXI Anno Domini, Jeudi @ 4:59 AMPST
{ Concocted out of Oneness, translated from Japanese while listenin' to @JonnyLang HITS LINK @ https://youtu.be/LNdF9BQacqE }