
Friday, December 24, 2021

#MarryYourChrist #MerryChristmas #JustSayin' #WrapItUp #ReadMyLips #SilentKnight

Alligators swarmin' near the swamp's new splash of fresh meat droppin' to the bends' depth
No way to feel inside when this heart feels the underwater pressure attempting the red crush
It attracts the hungry sharks who await the fortune of the mighty, wonderful down below us
Davey Jones may not have been a pirate or any swashbuckler's moll but a Grinch made a fuss.

Got all mean with the creation due to breaking mortal kill rules, a law, One DNA programing
Stink and stank in the middle of the stunk, not a skunk but whatever... the RNA's mutating
A ham sandwich which is all that Justice is, according to the Aristotelan scholars of A-Holes
Inside or outside of the C minus ends, the brains & minds display quicksilver & gold souls.

Punks movin' right along as they've learned to do from despicable orphans of one's gene pool
It's not their faults that their ability to mestasticize is above & beyond a knotted miracle fool
Glory is nothing to do with being a dead hero or villain or even an innocent zygotic, toy sphinx
Feel no abortion remorse for Past or Future, all too humane species' program's to be extinct.

Where's your mama, your papa, any kin uplinked or downloaded?  All are One, same as Us all
Rode in open sleighs & in firebird sleds that crashed through the snow, with or without balls
Snow or ornaments as round as the sun and moon and stars above, where ghosts give it up
St. Nick, Santa, Kris Kringle in ashes & dust of the cosmos, uplifting a Savior to save us, RIP!

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer just came & went as he pleased until Santa needed a hot ride
To town on the freeway or the backroads, we got there before and we will again, run, run, run
Let's go baby, wait here, I'll be back in a few, here's some oats and a hobo to watch o'er you
Dream will end, we're assuming it's inevitable for body & soul, enjoy the ride out of the Blue!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XXIVth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:66 AMCST Vendredi with a #FireInTheInfiniteLoopHole link @ https://youtu.be/siZ-oI95rlM }

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